14. Sad Salty Pool of Tears

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*Ring Ring*


*Ring Ring..*


*Ring Ringgg*

My alarm is currently throwing the biggest tantrum it has ever thrown, and I can not be bothered to stop it. I remain wrapped up in my hot pink covers, staring in numbness at nothing in particular.


"I swear Tiffany, if you do not make that thing stop, I will burn your house down." I hear Luke's voice coming through the window. 
Remind me to start shutting that dang thing. 

My alarm continues to blare as Luke's threats have no effect on me. Not a single thing could make me leave this bed after the horror show that was yesterday's ball. Not even the fact that this is the first time Luke has spoken to me ever since the trip. 
I lay in my bed, motionless, as my alarm continues its show. 

"Alright, that's it." I hear Luke declare as he begins to climb his windowsill. I stare blankly at him as he pries my window open and hops into my room. He grumpily walks over to my alarm before yanking it out of the wall. 
"Oh thank God." Luke breathes dramatically as he runs his hands across his head. After his short euphoric moment, he fixes his eyes on me with a puzzled expression.

"Well good morning to you, sunshine." Luke says sarcastically. I remain silent and motionless.
"Yoo-hoo." Luke sings as he waves his hand in front of my face. I don't so much as blink. 
"Jesus did somebody die?" Luke says.
If only someone did die, and if only that someone was me. 

Luke tries and fails with many attempts to get me to speak or leave my bed. He knocks over things on my desk, he offers to cook me breakfast, and he even promises to get me Oreos. I have to admit, he almost had me there. 
Luke lets out a huff and looks at me helplessly. 
My phone begins to buzz as I am receiving a call and I give it no attention. 

Luke grabs my phone and smirks when he sees who is calling. 
"You've reached the Parker residence." He says as he answers the phone.
"Luke?" I hear Taylor and Talia question in unison. 
"Look I don't know why you're answering Tiff's phone right now, but put her on, it's urgent."
Luke looks over at my still motionless body before saying,
"Yeah, honey bun over here isn't exactly in a chatty mood this morning."
"Yeah well she will be, once she hears that her percentage is dropping in the homecoming court polls!" I hear Taylor shout. 

"WHAT?!" I scream as I leap out of bed. 
I look over at Luke and notice his face has gone pale as he looks at my body. He clears his throat and scratches his neck. I look down and realize that I never changed when I got home yesterday. Here I am, casually wearing an expensive red dress and jewelry as pajamas. Jesus, what has become of me. 
"Tiff, are you still in your dress?" Taylor asks in horror. 
"Forget about that. What did I just hear you say about the polls?" I ask with urgency.

"Oh my gosh Tiff, it's horrible." Talia starts.
"If you look at Jasmine Bee's homecoming court predictions, your name has gone down on the poll. You're now only one percent over... Rachel." Talia says carefully. I cringe at her words. 
"How on earth is this even possible?!" I ask in disbelief. 
"Stupid Jasmine made some case against you, saying you were in an abusive relationship with Brad. Apparently, his toe is broken or something and he's blaming it on you and says you've always been violent towards him and that it's the reason you broke up."
Even though this situation is horrible, I can't help but smile to myself knowing that I broke Brad's toe. 

"Rachel was all too happy to jump at this opportunity too. She started making all these cheesy awareness posts about domestic violence, and about how guys' experiences get overlooked. It's a load of crap and people are eating it right up." Talia says.
"Gosh, that Jasmine. She has a lot of nerve when she's hidden behind that computer of hers. And that freaking Brad; I'm going to kill him." I say as I ball my fists. 
"Actually Tiff, that's probably the last thing you need to be doing right now. I suggest you start doing damage control and do everything you can to get your name up in the polls. That means being nice to everyone...including Brad." Taylor finishes as I grit my teeth. 
"It's a good thing break is over tomorrow and we're back in school. Perfect time for you to make amends." Talia says.
"Yeah, for now, I suggest you start getting posts up on your socials and find out how you're gonna top Rachel. And work on some more flyers while you're at it." Taylor commands.

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