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I ran out screaming. I never wanted to see Luka again. I know now why they call him hearless and cruel. All I could feel was fear, sadness, and regret. Fear of Luka. Sadness for what happened to the woman. Regret that I ever came here. I sprinted from the cells and shifted, ignoring Luka's desperate cries. I ran. Faster and farther then ever before. I couldn't see or hear. All I could remember were the blurry figures trying to take me, to take me back to Luka. I fought and won, my fear giving me strength. I ran all day. All night. And finally in the early moring I cried myself to sleep.

The midmorning sun shone bright in my eyes as I opened them. My mind was clear. My heart no longer racing, I was not afraid anymore. I knew what I had to do.

I, Jess Winters reject Luka Paravalio.


Hello. Sorry I dont do these very much, but I had to say that I changed the man to a woman in the previous chapter so I would recommend re-reading it. Also, i will tell you what happened to the woman soon. Also, so sorry for the short chapter, it was just a filler.

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