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( A/N )

Last chapter guys. This book was so fun to make! I hope this gets even more popular.

I know it's not as good as it was in the beginning and I'm sorry. Eveything will be explained in here and some sad moments.


Lisa, Hoseok and Jin are still in the car. Lisa's been driving for who knows how long. They were all exhausted, hurting and hungry.

Jin and Hoseok have no idea where they're going, but Lisa does. She knows exactly where she's taking them.

"Jin." Hoseok said. He looked in the front seat and waited for Jin to turn around.


"What happened to you?" He asked. He was really curious. He probably doesn't remember what exactly happened to him, but he wanted to know what happened to his once eldest member.

Jin sighed. "I-I never told anyone this." Jin started.

"But here we go."

Lisa turned the radio down so she could hear Jin properly. She was curious also.

"A-after the accident I remember getting taken to the hospital. I remember looking around a little bit trying to figure out what was going on and where I was. Once I stopped moving I looked to my right and I-I seen Jungkook."

"I didn't know if he was dead or alive. I reached for his hand, well tried to, before I completely blacked out. Then I remember waking up in some room. This nurse, you know her as Jisoo, came in frequently giving me medicine."

"But the thing was. My mind always went back, but it hasn't in a while." Jin said. He was right. He didn't have any memories left.

Was his mind going back telling him something? Maybe his mind was trying to tell him to find Hoseok?

"That is weird." Lisa chimed in. "I honestly don't know."

"And Lisa." He turned to Hoseok. "She helped me. She never gave up on me. I'm so thankful for her." Jin then turned to Lisa. "I'm thankful for you."

Lisa smiled even though she couldn't do much since she was the driver. "Thank you. I just wanted to help. I'm glad I did."

Hoseok smiled. He was happy that Jin found someone that could help him in his situation. He had no idea Jin's been through all of that, and had these flashbacks.

"What about you?"


"What do you remember Hoseok?"

Hoseok hesitated before answering. He didn't remember much but he remembered some things. "I remember the a-accident, but that's it. I don't remember what happened to me or anyone else."

Jin's lips curved into a frown. He doesn't remember what happened to the others, so he doesn't know that they're dead.


"Hoseok? You don't remember? T-they died." Jin said quietly. He hated saying that or even thinking it, but he knows its the truth no matter if he said it out loud or not.

It was true.

"They did?" Hoseok asked. He didn't want to believe it. He was on the verge of tears.

Jin nodded his head then Hoseok let his tears fall. His other members besides Jin were dead and the worst part is he never got to say goodbye. He never even remembered it.

Jin started crying as well. Two emotional members in Lisa's car were just crying.

Lisa wanted to cry also, but she had to finish getting to her destination and she did.

She pulled to the side and stopped the car. She turned it off. "Jin." She said. Jin looked at her. "Hoseok." He looked at her. "It's time."

Lisa got out of the car followed by Jin and Hoseok. They both still didn't know where they were until they looked up.

"Spring Day cemetery?" Jin read to himself. He looked over at Hoseok and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Follow me." Lisa said. She walked through the gate and waited as Jin and Hoseok did the same.

Then they followed Lisa until she stopped. She moved away and there they were.

They were all lined up next to each other. Jin and Hoseok stared as they numbered off each tombstone.

"One." Jin said softly.

"Two." Hoseok said after him.



"And f-five." Jin's voice was shakey as he said the last number.

There they all were. Tombstones next to each other in the order of their births.

"Why are we here?" Hoseok said without looking at Lisa.

"I want you both to say something. This will give you clearity." She said and she was right.

This will help them not blame themselves for anything. This'll help them when they're depressed.

It'll just help them atleast a little bit.

"Hoseok? Do you want to go first?" Lisa asked and he nodded his head.

He cleared his throat. "I'm sorry this happened to us, to you. You guys didn't deserve to die. I miss you guys so much and if I could take everything back I would. All the bad memories, all the times we fought. I'd take it back. I just want you guys back with us. We're BTS. BTS forever and always." Hoseok said. He was crying as he was talking.

He bent down on the ground and stared at each of their tombstones. He dug in his pocket trying to search for something, anything that he could give to them so they could still have a part of him.

He ended up pulling out a lighter. He kissed the lighter and tossed it onto the ground.

He stood back up and waited for Jin to say something.

"Go ahead Jin." Lisa said.

Jin looked at her and then back at the tombstones. He took a deep breath. "I know everything happens for a reason, but why did this have to happen? You guys will be missed so much. Every memory we had together will remain a memory forever. I promise to never forget any of you."

"Kim Namjoon our leader."

"Min Yoongi our turtle."

"Park Jimin our mochi."

"Kim Taehyung our alien."

"Jeon Jungkook our golden maknae."

Jin took a deep breath again. Tears coming down his cheeks just like Hoseok. "And BTS forever."


( A/N )

I just want to say thank you to EVERYONE who comments/votes/reads this book. I enjoyed writing it for you guys and I hope you like this book!

This was one of my favorites and now I finally have a completed book!

Im sorry if this triggers anyone.

Don't forget to check my other books out! Just click on my profile! 💜

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