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( A/N )

Weak • Jimin • is out now!


"One, two, three jump!" All of the Bangtan boys except Yoongi jumped into the pool.

They all came back from under the water with their hair dripping wet and eyes closed. Jin started rubbing his eyes so he could see better. Once his eyes were somewhat water free, he looked at his surroundings and noticed they were at the pool.

Everyone had on their swimming trunks, but Yoongi was the only one that didn't get into the pool.

"Jin wanna jump again?" Namjoon asked. Jin was starting to get out of the pool until Jhope grabbed his arm, stopping him.

"Wait hyung. Stay in you'll get cold."

Jin stopped trying to climb out of the water and stayed inside where it was atleast a little warmer.

"Yah Kim Seokjin don't listen to Jhope. He's younger than you." Yoongi said from the chair that was high up.

"Yah Min Yoongi come down from there and get in the water!" Jin yelled to him.

Jhope laughed. "He's older. Listen to him." Jhope said. Using Yoongi's own words against him.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and stepped down from the chair. "I won't get in that filthy water." Yoongi circled his eyes around the pool. "Especially since Jungkooks in there."

Jungkook threw his arms in the air and let them splash the water. "What did I do?"

Jungkook raised his arms a little too high and splashed water onto Jimin. "Hey watch it." Jimin splashed Jungkook back.

Jungkook pushed his arms back and made huge waves in the water. Unfortunately Jimin dodged it and Jungkook ended up splashing Taehyung.

"Really?" Taehyung asked and Jungkook shrugged his shoulders. Taehyung started splashing water at Jungkook until eventually the whole maknae line was splashing each other.

"Aish these kids." Namjoon whispered. He got out of the pool and grabbed his towel to dry himself with.

Namjoon looked over and noticed Yoongi was laughing hard at something one of the maknae's did. He snuck up behind Yoongi and then next thing you hear is Yoongi yelling for dear life.

Everyone shot their heads towards Yoongi's direction and watched him fall into the deep end of the pool. Namjoon stood at the side snickering at the scene he caused.

Yoongi lifted his head above the water and glared at Namjoon. "Don't. Go. To. Sleep. Tonight." He threatened.

Namjoon gulped and nervously laughed at Yoongi's words.

Jin was already out of the pool and dried off so he could grab his polaroid. Once he grabbed it, he scooted far back so he could get a picture of all of the members.

"One, two, three." The bright light went off of the camera and he bit his lip smiling to himself, waiting for the picture to fully develop.

Once it did he scrunched his face. "Why is this a picture of my nurse?" He looked up from the picture and realized he was now looking at his nurse instead of the pool where the rest of his members were.

Jin sighed and waited for his nurse to speak to him.

"Jin my intern wants to speak with you, is that okay?" She asked him. He looked behind her and noticed the intern standing outside the door, waiting to come in.

He looked back at his nurse and nodded his head. "Okay, but if she starts to ask you anything uncomfortable yell for me. This is for her college class okay?" Again Jin nodded his head and the nurse let her in.

The intern walked towards Jin and sat down in a folded chair that she brung along with her from the activity area.

"I'll be outside the door okay. Yell if you need me." The nurse said. She walked out of the door and closed it behind her. She stood by the door and looked into the window, making sure everything goes accordingly.

The intern adjusted herself in the chair and Jin eyed her every move.

The two were silent until the intern broke it. "So Kim Seokjin."

Jin raised an eyebrow and eyed her. "How does she know my name?" He thought to himself. "That damn nurse always telling people my real name." He thought again.


"What happened to you?" She asked him and again he raised his eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" He asked her. She gave him a confused look.

"I mean why are you here? What happened to BTS?" She asked.

Once she said that, his eyes widened and his mind went back.


"Jin what are you thinking about?" Jhope asked. Jin looked around and realized he was back at the pool, relaxing along side while some of the members were still in the pool.

Jin looked at Jhope and gave him a weak smile. "Nothing. Just got alot on my mind."

"You always seem to be out of it nowadays. Are you sure you're okay?" Jhope asked again, trying to make sure that his closest friend was okay.

"Im sure Hope." Jin reassured him. Jhope eyed him weirdly and continued on trying to sun bathe.

"Seriously Hope, you keep trying to tan, but you're as pale as ever." Yoongi laughed. Jhope jumped at him and threw his towel at his face.


"Hello?" The intern snapped her fingers in Jin's face and he shook his head.

"W-what?" He asked her.

"I asked what happened to Bangtan."

"I-I don't know." He answered. In all honesty he didn't know what even happened to them. He doesn't know what happened to him and how he got here. All he knows is he keeps having dreams, day dreams and visions of them 24/7. He doesnt know how to stop it, but they just come and go and he doesn't know when they'll come.

"You guys stopped doing stuff in 2016. Its now 2018 so it's been two years. You don't remember what happened?" She asked again. She needed to know this information so she could help him. She actually wanted to help him.

"I-I don't know." He said again. He looked to the side so he wouldnt make eye contact with her.

But he did know what happened. He knows exactly why they stopped being Bangtan in 2016, but he just doesnt know what happened to them.

But he does know that they're alive and well, atleast what he always thinks.

The intern sighed to herself and looked down at her clipboard.

"Well there goes my chances of helping you get out of here." She stood up from her seat and started walking out until Jin stopped her.

"Y-you're gonna help me get out?" He whispered to her.

She nodded her head and he let go of her wrist. "In all honesty I don't remember much of anything." He said to her.

She looked at him for a few extra seconds and then walked closer to the door. Before she opened it to leave, she looked halfway back at Jin who was staring at her.

"I'll find out soon."

Then she walked away and left Jin's room with another idea up her sleeve.

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