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"Yes i'm bringing home your favorite." The nurse said on the phone. She leaned back in her swirly chair and put her legs on top of the desk.

She was using an old fashioned telephone with wires on the bottom of the phone. She picked the wire up and twirled it in her fingers. "Are you sure you don't just want that?" She asked. She sighed a few seconds later. "Okay fine. Anything for you. I love you bye." she hung up the phone and sighed once more.

Little did she know there were two people that managed to sneak in to the building, watching her every move. Listening to everything she said or someone said to her.

"Jin." Lisa whispered. Jin looked over at Lisa and squinted.

She was motioning for him to follow her. As soon as he figured out what she meant he followed her to the other side of the door. It wasn't much moving, but they did get a better look into the nurses office.

"Now let's see if we can see better." Lisa said. She gripped onto Jins shoulders tighter and leaned closer to the door frame, making sure she didnt lean to far or she would fall over and the nurse would figure out they were here.

They watched as the nurse got up from her chair and walked out of their eye sight to return back a few minutes later with someone with her.

"Make sure to remind me to bring this." She held up a bag of goods.

"Why?" The person in the room asked.

"Because I'm giving it to someone."

"Is it someone special?"

"Maybe." The nurse smiled and continued writing something down.

"We aren't getting anywhere." Jin finally said. He sighed and looked away from the room.

"We can't give up just yet. Wait a few m-

"Okay I think it's time for me to get home." The nurse said, interrupting a conversation she had now idea was going on outside of her door.

Lisa and Jin started to panick but eventually found a hiding spot so the nurse wouldn't notice them.

The nurse walked out of her room with the bag of goods and headed for the exit door.

Lisa and Jin had no choice but to follow behind occasionally stopping and hiding thenselves everytime the nurse stopped or turned around to talk to someone.

Lisa and Jin have no idea how they made it out of that hospital that night following the nurse still. They had no idea how they still haven't got caught.

The nurse got into her car and started it up as Lisa and Jin got into Lisa's car. Lisa started it up and turned her head lights off so the nurse wouldn't find anything suspicious.

And they were off.

Lisa and Jin were now following the nurse to wherever she was going. Of course they stayed a safe enough distance behind so the nurse wouldn't feel threatened or felt like she was being followed.

"Where is she leading us too?" Jin asked.

Lisa shrugged her shoulders. "I dont know, but."

"But what?"

"Isn't it weird that you know, your mind hasn't went back yet?" Lisa asked the obvious.

Jin thought for a minute and realized she was right. His mind didn't go back yet. It's been a minute since it did.

Before Jin could get any words out, Lisa stopped the car. Jin looked out the window and saw a normal looking house.

It was actually cute.

The nurse slammed her car door shut and locked her car. She made her way to her front porch and used her key to unlock the house door where she closed it and turned on some lights that was shown through the curtains.

"Let's go." Lisa said. She took off her seatbelt and opened her car door, shutting it quietly. Jin did the same thing and they both met at the front of her car.

"What do we do now?" Jin asked. He looked at the nurses house then back at Lisa.

"Let's peek through a window." She suggested.

They both waddled on the ground to a nearest window that didn't have a curtain open.

Lisa decided she would look, so she stuck her head up and saw the nurse drop the bag in front of someone.

Lisa looked down. "She dropped the bag in front of someone but I don't know who that is."

"Let me see." Jin said. Lisa and Jin switched places and Jin peeked his head to look through the window. He gasped and quickly ducked down.

"What is it?" Lisa asked.

"That person that's in there." He said. His voice was being to sound a little shaken.

"What about them?"

"I know who it is."

"Is it your missing member?"


Before Jin could say anything else the nurse came outside, causing Jin and Lisa to duck down even more. They ducked down so much that they were now laying flat on the ground.

Luckily the nurse didn't see them, instead she made her way back to her car, got in and drove out of her driveway and down the road.

Lisa sighed and got up as Jin did the same. "Now what?" Lisa asked.

Jin looked from the window then back at Lisa. He put his hands on the window and lifted it up. Luckily it was unlocked.

"You're not serious?" Lisa whispered.

Jin looked at her as he started climbing in the window. "Dead."

As soon as he was in the nurses house, he helped Lisa get inside. As Lisa was fully inside the light turned on and their stood Jin's missing member.

"Who are you two?" He asked. He threw his bags of goodies down and examined the two intruders in his home.

Yes, his home.

"I-It's me Jin. Seokjin. Kim Seokjin." Jin said. He walked closer to his missing, well now found member.

"Jin? Seokjin? Kim Seokjin? I don't know who that is." He said. He shrugged his shoulders and placed his hands on his hips. "I want you guys to leave before I call the police."

Lisa was about to say something when a voice rang through the house.

"Hoseok i'm home."


( A/N )

You're welcome.


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