Part One: Library

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Louis' POV

People always think I'm just the badass that drinks with his dickhead friends and throws parties, just so sleep around. Oh, and is a narsasistic prick.

And... Well, part of that is correct

But in all honesty it's not my fault, sure I choose to drink and choose to sleep around. But the reason isn't always clear.

You see I'm kinda infatuated with this tall, lanky, green eyed, slut for school.

I mean how can you not be, he used to wear glasses(mind you they were cute a fuck) but now wears contacts, he is a genius, has the fittest ass the planet earth has seen, beside mine but that's not the point. Okay, he is adorable, alright.

Oh, and his name is Harry. I'll occasionally see walk passed him in the halls and wink, like the "prick" I am, or shyly wave.

He'll blush his way passed me and murmur to himself, like I said, fucking aborable.

Too bad he won't be interested in the hardass that uses everyone for his own pleasure.

Harry's POV

I hear the screetch of tires and I inatantly shiver, Louis' here.

I've had the biggest crush on the senior sence we were in our first year of high school. It honestly sucks that he feels the need to make fun of my, apparently very obvious, crush I have.

Durring our little encounters in the halls he will wink or suductivly smirk.

Though, I do get confused as to why Ive seen him stand up for me. Countless of times the school bullies, Liam Payn, or Zayn Malik, will start to walk toward me, before Louis the short, hot lad, stands in front of them. It always goes the same, they tell him to "fuck off" then shout at me calling me a fag or a twink, though I'm too tall to classify as one. Then, Louis will look at me, smile, and tell me some shit like "no need to thank me, love. Stop gettin' into trouble, I ain't gonna save you next time", though we both know that isn't true.

I heard the late bell ring, harsh in my ear.

"well, shit. School.. Right" the scolding words rambled off of my tound as I opened my locker and got out my "algebra 3 honors" book out before slamming the metal door shut.

I stumbled out of the building, stalking toward room 209, on the other side of the campus.

"Hi, Hazza!" chirped my best friend and roommate, the schools second least favorite person, Niall Horan.

I met him two years ago, with us being lonly sophomores, we clicked well.

He was the first person I came out to as gay of course. He's the only one that new about my mom and step dad kicking me out of the house when I came out to them.

Said that they "didn't want to house a faggot, telling them they are accepted."

He and his mom let me live at theirs for a while, and Nialler and I saved io for a flat of our own.

"You, gonna be late again?" I smiled fondly as j spoke thinking of our past

"y'know, if I'm late so are you, we have the same first period dumbass." he fired back

We walked into the library and got a pass to skip and have a study hall, seeing as we already have missed 15 minutes of class.

I sat down and began to study for the mid terms coming up, while Niall just sat there looking for a snack.

I chuckled as I went back to my beloved formulas.

Okay this is just a start and I'm sorry if it sucks. But I do hope you enjoy the sprouts of my new story. Oh! And this is my first work so please don't be too harsh 😂😂.

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