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after that day mark didn't see jinyoung for five days straight and he just went back to the life he was leading before.
he slept all the day, he skipped lunches and he just got up when it was necessary.
he lied in bed and all he did was cry and now it wasn't only because of the pain of the breakup with jaebeom but also because of what happened with jinyoung.
he tried to contact him, to text him, to call him but there was no response.
jinyoung just ignored him and that hurt him so much, he didn't know what to do and so he just cried.
he still has his voice in his head, that cold tone saying "leave", he can't forget it easily, he can't even if he wants to.
he would love to erase everything, to erase all the memories of him and so all the pain, he just wanted to forget but his smile always appeared in his dreams, his voice echoed in his ears and he could feel his gentle touch on his skin.
he wanted to explain everything to him, he wanted to clear things up, he hated this situation and he hated staying away from him.
"why life is this difficult..."
mark tried to call jinyoung but again there was no answer apart from the voice mail.
'please leave a message after the tone.'
"jinyoung...please call me, please answer, let me explain everything, i just want to explain and then, if after that you wouldn't want to see me again, it would be completely alright for me but p-please give me the chance to explain just once..."
he said, tears making his face wet, waiting for a call, for a sign from the other boy endlessly as he fell asleep again with the phone between his hands.
he woke up by the sound of his phone ringing and as he looked at it he hoped to see jinyoung's name on the screen but his wish didn't come true.
"hey mark, i just wanted to hear your voice..."
"i was worried, i know your way of coping with pain and it's not one of the best. even if we've broken up it doesn't mean that i don't care about you anymore."
"i just need time beom, sooner or later i'll be better."
"you know, i clearly saw it that day."
"the way jinyoung looked at you, mark."
"...what do you mean?
"he looked at you like a man in love."
"w-why are you telling me this?"
"because it was impossible not to notice how you looked at him too, and i'm sure that now the person you're suffering for it's not me anymore, am i right?"
"you are...i'm sorry for falling in love with him, i swear i just wanted to see the person you left me for and i don't even know how but i fell too."
"it's okay, after all i was the first to fall for him and so i know well what you're feeling right now, that boy is really magnetic."
"yes...but now he hates me, i guess we both have to give him up."
"what are you saying? he's in love with you mark."
"no, he isn't for sure, that day when you left the store he understood that the reason why i went there was because of you and now he doesn't want to see me anymore..."
"mark listen, he may be angry now but i'm sure that he will understand that he's not doing the right thing, he will understand that you went to the flower shop because of me but you stayed because of him."
"i-i really hope so beom, thank you for calling me, it made me feel a bit better."
"it's okay, i really hope that you will be happy with him."
"i'm sure that you will also find the right person for you, bye beom."
"bye bye mark."
the blonde-haired just sighed and put his head on the pillow, looking at the clock.
everything was silent, so silent that mark could hear the sound of his own breath.
"if i don't want to spend my life like this until the end of my days i have to do something, at least i should try..."
the boy just started thinking again, did he really want to stay with jinyoung? he already knew that the answer was yes and he couldn't let him go like that.
he got up from the bed quickly and left his house, he didn't care if his hair was messy, he didn't care if the clothes he was wearing weren't the best he had, he just wanted to see him.
mark started running, in the streets people turned around to look at him, but he didn't care, he didn't care about a thing because jinyoung was his only worry.
he ran so fast that when he reached the flower shop he was out of breath.
he entered it and as he looked at the counter he found the person he had wanted to see for all this time.
he didn't even raise his head to look at him, he didn't even notice him entering the shop, it was like he was somewhere else with his mind, the raven-haired's expression wasn't the same he saw the first time he went there.
he slowly approached the younger as he gently put his hand on the other's and just then the worker noticed him and widened his eyes.
the raven-haired withdrew his hand as he looked at the older, he couldn't help but notice his puffy red eyes, the dark circles, his messy hair and his too slim stature.
"what do you want?"
"i want to explain."
"you don't have to explain anything."
the blonde-haired just bit his lip, he couldn't stand it, he couldn't stand it at all.
"do you even know how much i'm suffering right now? why you don't even want me to explain? do you hate me this much? i-i don't want to end everything like this..."
his face became wet as tears started to fall from his watery eyes and jinyoung looked at him as he felt guilty for making the boy cry.
"i don't want to hear because i haven't got anything to do with your relationship with jaebeom and what you said it's not true, i do not hate you."
mark just didn't stop crying, he didn't know how to stop and he didn't even know why he was crying.
"do you really think that i'm still in love with jaebeom? then why i'd be here? why i'm not knocking on jaebeom's door and i'm here instead? don't you think that it's obvious?"
"so you're telling me that day you didn't come here because of him? you knew that i was the reason why you two broke up."
"that's true, the first time that i came here was because of jaebeom but if i kept on coming here everyday was because of you, because i wanted to see you, not him, and if i'm here now is also because of you."
the raven-haired stared at mark as he got near him and touched his face, wiping away his tears.
"don't cry, i don't want this, it's just that i felt like you were using me to fix your relationship with jaebeom, i thought that you didn't care about me, i even thought that you hated me."
the blonde-haired touched the other's hand that was still pressed softly on his cheek and looked at him.
"i called you so many times, i sent you so many messages, why you didn't answer? you can't even imagine what i went through because of you."
"i haven't switched on the phone since that day, i needed to be alone for a bit and so i decided to stay away from my phone."
"so this must be why you didn't read even one of my messages, i missed you so much during these days."
the raven-haired then gently hugged the older as one of his hands caressed his head.
"i'm sorry, it's my fault if your eyes are red and puffy, it's my fault if you have dark circles and it's my fault if you're so skinny now, i'm sorry if i made you cry, i don't want to see you suffer and especially because of me."
mark's cheeks became red, jinyoung's strong arms were holding him in a tight hug as the younger's fingers were tangled inside his blonde hair, the older had never felt so happy before.
"thank you jinyoung."
the raven-haired was confused and looked at the other.
"why are you thanking me?"
the blonde-haired smiled softly and rested his head on the younger's chest.
"because you make me happy."

flower shop || markjinWhere stories live. Discover now