Chapter 10

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(All pictures, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

(Holy shit! Already over 1 k reads, thank you guys, hope you keep supporting me like that.)

Lincoln sits down again and eats, while the Louds look at him with irritating glances, Rita asks, "Lincoln do you have your sister ..." Lincoln with eyes closed, simply answers "Do not worry Mom, she's fine, I have just send them to your home." Lynn Sr. says, "But Lincoln, our home, is your home too." Lincon sighs and says, "Dad, I lead a happy life, I have a beautiful girlfriend." Lincoln hugs Saadia with one arm and says "A sweet little daughter." Charlotte goes to Lincoln and hugs him, saying, "I have a house, a job, my own comic, and I have Pandora." Lori asks with raised eyebrow "Who is Pandora?" Lincoln says "Oh yeah you do not know her yet." He whistles and shouts "Pandora come here!" Everyone in the dining room hears a run and Pandora comes in through the door. Lana's eyes widen his eyes with his eyes and says, "Lincoln what is that?" Lincoln replies, "This is Pandora, Lana." Pandora runs to Lincoln and sits next to him on the floor, Lincoln caresses Pandora's head and says, "She's a moon wolf." Lana asks, "Where did you get her?" Saadia puts her hand on her chin and says, "Now that she says it, you've never told us before." Lincoln raises an eyebrow and says, "Really?" Charlotte says "Can you tell us, please Daddy." she gives Lincoln the puppy's eyes, he sighs and says "Of course I can tell her, it was when I was fifteen ..."


Lincoln POV

I'm just running through a forest, in another world, I've got a week off free and wanted to look at a few other worlds. This world reminds me of a fantasy game, I walk for a while until I hear a whimper, I walk in the direction of whimpering. I come near the whimpering and see a kind of wolf and she is caught in a bear trap. I walk slowly towards her. When she notices me she starts to growl. I show her my hand and say, "Calm down, little one, I do not want you anything bad." she seems to calm down, but then I hear rustling, the wolf growls and I adjust to the environment, through my chameleon skin. Two guys come out of the bushes, one says "Hey a moon wolf, do you know how much the coat of this animal is worth on the black market?" the other says "yes over a million gold pieces." the first guy says, "Then let go and kill the thing and collect the money." the second nods and makes his way to the wolf, but I go behind him and break his neck, the second looks around in shock, but the look does not last long, since I stab him with my scorpion tail and inject poison into him. The man stops where I stung him and falls dead shortly thereafter. I go to the bear trap and open it, the wolf turns its head to me and licks my cheek, I laugh lightly and stroke the wolf's head. I bandage the leg of the wolf and want to go but something holds me to my leg, I look back and see the wolf who has my trouser leg in his mouth. I kneel in front of the wolf and say "Would you like to come with me?" the wolf nods and I say "Let's see what kind of a gender you are." I look and see that the wolf is a female, I say "How about the name Pandora?" Pandora nods and licks my face again, I laugh and get up, I go back in and Pandora follows me.

-------------(Flashback end)--------

Author POV

"You killed two people ..." Luna says with unbelievable voice in her voice, Lincoln says "Yes, I did, it had to be done." Lincoln turns to Charlotte and Saadia and asks, "You do not hate me for that, do you?" Saadia shakes her head and says, "I understand why you did that, it had to have done." Charlotte says, "I could never hate you Daddy, these evil men would have killed Pandora if you had not killed them." Luna still says in disbelief in her voice, "My little brother killed two people ..." Lincoln snaps his fingers and says, "Luna is coming out of your trance." Luna says with anger in her voice, "How can I calm down when I find out that my brother is a trained killer ?!" Lincoln says "I'm not a killer, I work for the government." Lola asks, "Okay, what are you doing in the government?" Lincoln answers "I belong to the Mon Squad, a group of monsters that are there to deal with other monsters." Luan says, "This is MONstrously interesting. Get it?" Everyone in the room groans because of this bad joke.

Lincoln asks, "When is the wedding Lori?" Lori says "She's in two months, I'm really excited." Saadia says, "Of course, the wedding is the best day of any woman." Rita nods and says, "Yes that's right, I still remember my wedding, so nice." Lori says, "Saadia, Charlotte, you're welcome to come when Lincoln comes." Saadia says "Yes that would be very nice." Lori says "Even if it could be a bit strange." Lincoln says, "Why that?" Lori says "Because Ronnie Anne is coming too." Saadia asks, "Who is Ronnie Anne?" Lincoln says, "I want to be honest and tell you she was my girlfriend, but she broke up with me because she also thought I was bad luck." Saadia says, "It's not a problem Lincoln, as long as you only love me." Lincoln gives Saadia a little kiss on the lips and says "Of course my beautiful snake."

It is finished eating and the Louds say goodbye, Albert goes back to their world with them, Lincoln, Saadia and Charlotte wash and go to bed shortly afterwards, Lincoln tells Charlotte a good night's story and goes to bed with Saadia.

To be continued.

Lincoln the worldwalkerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz