Chapter 2

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(All images, products and if I make allusions to anime, series and games do not belong to me)

Lincoln is just arriving at the retirement home when he sees his grandfather at a table with some of his friends. "Pop Pop" greets Lincoln, Pop Pop looks at his nephew and says "Lincoln!" He goes to his nephew and gives him a hug as a welcome."Lincoln is nice to see you, are the others there too?" Lincoln scratches his head and looks for a matching answer, which he also found "No they are not there, we are currently in not good at talking to each other." Pop Pop raises an eyebrow and says, "Why is that what happened?" Lincoln does not want to answer but his grandfather throws him an intimidating look "Lincoln be honest with me" Lincoln is beaten and says, "It all started like that, Lynn wanted me to come to her baseball game, but I wanted me so threatened me and I went to her game after losing the game she called me bad luck the next day Leni wanted me to come along but then told lynn that i will ruin it because i am bad luck, i wanted some time for me so i agreed but then they started taking me to nothing at all and then they sealed my room and then they forced me to sleep outside, they even convinced everyone at the school that I was bad luck, my friends turned their backs on me and Ronnie Anne broke up with me, I know it was stupid to lie to me but I have already apologized, but they did not believe me." To say that Albert is angry is an understatement, but he keeps his cool and says "Lincoln ...." Lincoln answers fear in my voice "Y-Yes?" Albert asks, "how long has that been going on?" Lincoln thinks for a moment and answers "about a month" Now Albert was really angry, his head is blushing and Lincoln could swear the steam comes from his ears. Albert says with venom in his voice, "If I get my hands on it, I'll give them a stand-up paw they'll never forget." Lincoln says "But I'm still here Pop Pop because of something else" Albert looks up at one of his eyebrows and asks, "And why are you still here?" Lincoln replies "It's because of a dream I had" Albert says with confusion "A dream?" Lincoln nods and says, "Yes, in the dream, two children were maybe six and both had white hair, and there was another voice that sounded like you, the girl gave me, so I guess that was me, a necklace. We seemed to get along well and I have such a weird feeling when I saw the dream, do you know anything about it? " Albert sighs and nods "Lincoln ...... You know that we both are not like normal people or?" Lincoln nods and says, "Yes, you and I are worldwalkers, we can travel to other worlds, but I can not do it yet, because I have not got a goal yet, so you told me that." Albert nods, "Yes that's right, and your dream was a reminder when I went to another world with you one day, you two really liked each other and you made a promise, remember the name of the girl?" Lincoln shakes his head and answers "No I do not remember." Albert places a hand on Lincoln's shoulder and says, "That'll come back." Lincoln does not seem to be happy, Albert asks him "Lincoln whats wrong?" Lincoln answers "Pop Pop, I do not know what to do now, I do not have any friends anymore, I'm not strong, I can not even sleep in my house, I do not even remember a person that matters to me is Pop Pop what should I do? " Albert seems to be thinking until he smiles over his face. "Lincoln, I think I have an idea, I have a few friends who owe me anything, come with me." Albert goes to his room with Lincoln. Arrived in the room Albert whispers something until a portal appears in the room. Albert says "come the person who can help you is behind this portal." The two go through and Lincoln hears an unknown voice "Long time not seen Albert." Albert turns to a woman and Lincoln turns to her as well. Albert says "Yes, it's been some time, Moira"

 Albert says "Yes, it's been some time, Moira"

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To be continued.

(Yep Moira and maybe her friends, are the one who is going to help Lincoln, goodbey.)

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