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Taylor emerged from her hut, holding the computer under her arm. She turned to look around the silent clearing when she noticed movement under the trees on the far side. A group of Illiya had emerged from the forest, Daax and Freya in the lead.

Taylor quickly put down the computer and opened the door of the hut. "Char! They're back!"

Char stepped out of the hut, blinking as his eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight. He smiled broadly as he saw more Illiya came out of the forest. "See, they come."

Taylor looked at the group as the last few trickled out of the forest, then frowned. "There are so few of them."

Char took her hand and led her towards the centre of the clearing. "Do not worry. These are only the first."

Taylor quickened her pace, pulling Char along behind her. "Daax! Freya!"

Taylor came to a stop in front of Daax and Freya, then looked at them uncertainly.

Char let go of her hand and stepped up to Daax, and took his right hand in a firm grip as the group of Illiya formed a loose circle around Char and Taylor. "You have returned."

Daax nodded, then leaned forward, briefly pressing his forehead to Char's. They were almost nose to nose. "Are we the first?"

Char nodded. "You are the first, other than Taylor and myself. Thraak died trying to warn us. How many others died?"

Daax shook his head. "We do not know. Five or six we saw fall to the Aarden as we ran. We will have to wait and see who returns."

Char nodded slowly. "How long?"

Daax sighed. "As long as it takes. They may return soon, or they may have run further than we did and take longer to come home."

Char closed his eyes. "I hate the Aarden."

Daax looked at Char closely. "Do not be quick to hate. Fear them, yes, but that is all. If you run fast, you will survive. It is the way of things."

Taylor put her hand on Char's arm and he opened his eyes. "Char's a great runner. He outran the Aarden, even while carrying me."

Daax raised an eyebrow. "Kral chose your protector well. How many Aarden chased you?"

Taylor's forehead creased in thought. "Maybe three or four?"

Char shook his head. "I heard five."

Daax raised the other eyebrow.

Taylor shrugged. "Anyway, he saved us both. We got lost for a while, but we found our way back."

Daax looked down at Taylor, then smiled at Char. "You must tell us of your travels."

Char nodded as Daax took his arm. "Of course. And when the Elders return, I must speak with them-"

Taylor gave Char a sharp look and he fell silent, but it was followed by a clear, rolling sound like wind chimes.

Freya stepped forward, her mouth forming a warm smile as she touched Taylor's arm.

Taylor frowned. "Why were you laughing?"

Freya took Taylor's hand as Char and Daax wandered off, deep in conversation. "You have changed."

Taylor looked Freya in the eye. "We've been through a lot recently. Not much of it was funny. We nearly died, several times."

Freya nodded, still smiling. "You seem very much alive, as are we, and it is something to celebrate. That is why I smile, but not why I laughed. You are... changed."

Illiya - Taylor Neeran Chronicles #1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें