27. Soft

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What is up? is this an... update. HUH, mack updated? what is this? a miracle.

recap: tylers at joshs house enjoying his time in little space.

Jim ended up being an angel, to Josh's utter most surprise, somehow he seemed to adapt to how overwhelmed Tyler was and calmed down, a lot more than usual. Naturally when they first brought him inside, he was excited though, circling around Tyler and demanding to be pet.

Tyler had easily adapted too, immediately falling to the floor so he could pet Jim as he called him a "Good puppy," as well as Jimmy, because he thought it was fitting. Jim was all over him and ended up rolled onto his back, stomach stretched out so Tyler would scratch his belly.

Before touching Jim, Tyler had looked at Josh for permission though, which Josh had found somewhat amusing but Tyler just felt like he needed to ask Josh before he did stuff, just to make sure it was safe.

"Go for it, Ty." Josh had said, hiding a smile behind his hand. Tyler had grinned at Josh's approval, and Tyler gave Jim all his love and attention and he was really happy that Josh's dog liked him so much. He'd always wanted a dog.

Since they were in the kitchen anyways, Josh slipped behind the counter."I'm gonna make some coffee-"

"Yuck," Tyler said quietly as he laid down on the floor beside Jim and continued petting him. Josh snorted.

"S' dirt." Tyler shrugged innocently, making a sour face. Coffee was yucky, even his daddy couldn't convince him otherwise.

"Well it's my dirt and it's good, silly." Josh walked around to his coffee machine and reached up to grab a mug and a cup from the cabinets above. "Do you want juice?"

"Apple?" Tyler asked, tilting his head back so he could see Josh.

Josh stood above him. "Yeah." He poked Tyler's knee with his socked toe. "I can do that."

"Ow." Tyler pouted dramatically just as Jim wiggled over beside him and rested his head on his stomach. Tyler gaped, immediately forgetting about Josh touching him with his gross feet. "Joshie look!" He pointed.

Josh had already been looking, but just to indulge Tyler, he looked at both him and Jim anew and made a surprised face. "I think he may love you little bee."

"He love me?" Tyler asked, dialect kind of off, Josh found it endearing if anything. He seemed to care less about making sense and more about wording things in the easiest way his brain could handle.

"He definitely loves you." Josh told him. "Do you want to give him a treat?" He asked as he moved to the fridge, pulling out a carton of apple juice.

Tyler was at his side a moment later, Jim wagging his tail excitedly beside him. "Please." Tyler said. "Jim is good."

Josh shook his head, amused. "Jim is very good," He addressed his dog. "Want Tyler to give you a treat?"

Jim tilted his head and made a little barking noise, Tyler gasped and looked at Josh with wide disbelieving eyes. "He talks?"

"Mhm," Josh hummed, sliding open one of the drawers in search for Jim's treats. He handed Tyler the bag once he found it but before he let Tyler run away he told him; "Only two, or else he'll get a belly ache okay?"

Tyler nodded. "Uh-huh."


Tyler skipped over to the living room, taunting Jim with the treat as he followed along.


The rest of the afternoon passed by slowly, so slowly and Tyler loved it. It was relaxing and allowed him to stay deep into his headspace, every little problem in his life was consequently pushed down, hidden, as he stayed lax and tired in little space. This was why he needed to regress, so he could feel good, so he could feel like more than just an embodiment of his stress.

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