Chapter-7: Friend or rival? pt.1

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It's still hasn't turned 12:00 am here so I guess it's a double update today!!

Im joking it's 1 am now TuT



"Wonwoo?" Someone behind them said.

Both of them looked back to see a tall man standing behind them looking at Wonwoo.

"Jun....?" Wonwoo's sobbed.


[Half an hour ago]

Mingyu's POV

I let Wonwoo hyung sit at the table while I go an take the coffee order. The girl taking the orders is awfully talkative, asking me my name and number.

I know that my looks attract people a lot but its very annoying at times, specially with females.
They are so persistent, always sticking to me. It's annoying at times. No wonder I can't stay in a relationship for long. The last girl I went out with kept nagging that I'm cheating with her, like do I look that shady to cheat?!

So I broke up with her after being falsely accused of cheating multiple times.

That incident was 2 years ago, after that I didn't go out with anyone. Sure I hooked up with many but it was simple one night stands for me mostly.

Maybe that's why I'm not that disappointed to have a male mate. I hope their caring, nice and understanding, plus forgiving also. I hope they forgive me for my stupid bluntness at our first meeting or will I even have a second meeting with them now......?

"Could you please hurry up. My friend is waitng for me for a while now." I said annoyed at the girl running her mouth so much in usless talk.

"oh uh...yes. Its almost done. Here is you mocha with extra whipped cream and a cappuccino for your friend."

The girl handed me the cups and I gave my card for the payment. She brought it back after and smiled at me asking, "Ummmm your number...can I have it? I...ummm kinda like you and your style."

"Sorry, I don't give strangers my number. Its bothersome to me. Thank you for the coffees." I took my card from her and walked to where Wonwoo hyung was sitting.

I see him sitting there unmoving. Seems like his maybe talking to his wolf. I call him but he doesn't notice. I can't see his face properly but I notice the tense atmosphere around him. So this time I ask louder sitting infront of him, "Hyung? Are you ok?!"

He heard me and jolted but he still didn't look up to my eyes. He then suddenly pulled his hoodie over his head, hiding his face even more and stood up abruptedly.

He spoke up, "Im not feeling well so I have to go now. Thanks for the offer but I have to go."
Huh, did something happen? He wasn't looking at me at all. This whole time he was looking down, he somehow looked vulnerable to me and I dont know why Ao woke up. He became very worried.

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