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"Savannah, come down and help clean the dishes!" The sister of the orphanage called out. (Caregiver). 

"COMING" I ran down the stairs from my bedroom and into the kitchen. There it was, a huge pile of plates that I see every day. Honestly, I'm used to it. 

I walked to the stack of plates filled with left-overs of spaghetti and began cleaning. 

After I was finished I put it on the rack, then the other, other...The othe-


"SAVANNAH!" The Reverend mother said. 

I looked behind and saw the person who was responsible for the incident. 

"I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there!" She said innocently. And of course, she was the favorite out of all of us.   

"You're forgiven, Anastasia". She smiled happily at her and then death glared at me.

She curtseyed with her clean pink long dress and walked out holding her head high. 

"Clean this up, your punishment is not having desert tonight!!" She ordered and threw the rubbish bag at me with it landing on my head.

I sighed and took it off and bent down taking the tiny pieces of glass, slightly cutting my fingers.

After I was finished with cleaning up the mess that Anastasia was responsible for, I walked over to the bin that reeked of rotten food and dropped the bag of glass into it. 

I then tip-toed to my bedroom, so they wouldn't ask me to do any chores and when I was finally in my bedroom I closed the door carefully.

"Finally!" I whispered and flopped onto my bed and fell into darkness. 

2: 22 am...

My stomach was growling from the cause of me not having that much food to eat. I sighed and looked out the window and opened it.
I stared into the distance and looked at the wall continuesly going up to the sky. Tree's were coving the bottom half, but you could spot the barbed wire and the graffiti.

I sighed and plopped back onto my bed, the wind howling through my open window. Closing my eyes waiting for the darkness to overtake me.


What the?!


I sat up and looked out my window.
Two figures lying on the ground, the other..


I rubbed my eyes and squinted, trying to see if my eyes were tricking me.
The figure was all crawled up with blood gushing out of its mouth, while the other was lying on the ground lifeless.

It killed it.

I screamed, but shut my mouth quickly so the creature didn't notice me.

It did.

The creature look straight at me, its eyes all red and their face pale. It's vain were very visible.

I shut the window quickly, locking it. Breathing heavily.
It leaped and ran in a very odd position. I screamed again, backing up and picking up my baseball bat.


It banged the window with it's head. The blood now on the window.
I got my baseball bat ready to hit it.
It growled and scratched, at the door.


The glass fell onto the floor, I gasped and it jumped into the room.
I screamed once again as it leaped onto me.

"HELP!" It scratched me and was breathing heavily.


It fell onto the floor, dead and I sighed in relief.
I looked at the person who saved me.

"Are you, okay?" He said huffing, puffing and holding tightly onto their gun.

"I-I..." I stuttered.

He had Brunette hair, tanned skin, and gold brown eyes, you could never miss.

I was about to say something until my arm started to sting. There layed a deep cut, blood dripping onto my now bruised arm.

"You're hurt..." He said.
"YEAH, NO SHIT SHERLOCK" I screamed trying to contain my pain by holding it and shutting my eyes tightly.

He searched my room, and picked up my first aid kit.
I sat on my bed, trying to not cry from the pain.
He put the first aid kit and knelt down, grabbing my arm.

"OW!" I yelped.
"Sorry!" He winced as if he could feel my pain.
He grabbed some alchohol wipes and ripped the packet open.
"This may sting a lot..." He said getting ready to wipe it over the cut.
I bit my lip, as it touched my skin and a single tear fell down my cheek as it was done.
I held his hand for support which caught him off guard. He smiled and let me hold his hand. I sniffed.

"It looks like you don't have any bandages, so.." He pulled off his scarf with his free hand and wrapped it around my arm.

"Thank you.." I whispered.
"No problem." He said and let go of my hand, got up stepping over the glass and out the window.
"Where are you going??" I asked holding his scarf that was now on my arm.
"I have to go..." He said.
"Can I go with you" I asked standing up from the bed and walking over to him, but he held his hand in a stop gesture.

"NO, it's too dangerous!" He yelled.
I looked at the ground.
"But..." I said.
I then looked back up, but he was gone.
I brushed the glass away with my broom with my uninjured arm and looked out to the dead figure.

I stepped out the window and walked towards it. The figure had a pink flowy long dress and golden hair.

"Wait..." I was now closer then I could get and their neck was all bloody with bite marks all over it.



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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 01, 2019 ⏰

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