|Dean X Reader|

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In just a few moments... Life would change forever. Showing how fast something can happen... Showing how fast fate can change.

Y/N strolled out of the bathroom a towel around her dripping wet, she signed with relief that shower had released all her stress. Finally, she wouldn't have to worry, her husband being home and in the other room of their apartment.

As she flicked in the light a gasp escaped her lips, in an attempt to dash over to the angel blade however he wouldn't let her. So Y/N gave up shivers racing up and down her spine, gripping the towel tight around her frame in an attempt of safety. 

"Hello Y/N," He smirked looking her up and down. "I see you weren't expecting me,"

"Michel?" She questioned recoiling back through panic. "Dean will never say yes to you!"

His smirk only widened as he stood up from the bed slowly. "Oh, I'm not here for Dean honey,"

A scream escaped Y/N's lips as he came closer, however as the door burst open the arch-angel disappeared with a flap. 

Then her husband appeared, gun in one hand baby in the other arm. "Y/N what's wrong?" He asked quickly green pupils scanning the room before him.

"Michael was here!" She cried out collapsing on the ground eyes glistening with tears. "H-He knows where we are!"

The older Winchester sighed laying their baby gently on the bed setting the gun on the small nearby table.

"Y/N," He murmured taking her into his arms. "It's going to be OK," Though even then the blonde man didn't believe his own words. 

"I–I think he's going to take Y/S/N," She mumbled placing her face in his shoulder trying to calm down.

His warm hands were placed on her colder shoulder his thumb slowly gliding across her skin. "Please don't cry," He hushed whipping her tears away using the pads of his thumbs. Apple green eyes stared into her tear-filled ones. "I won't let anything happen to you–"

"Are you suggesting going up against an archangel... On you're own?" She questions through sigh her eyes widening however not with shock but fear. "Because I sure as hell aren't going to let you!"

He looked down at his calloused fingers with a sigh. "I'll do whatever I have to do to keep you safe,"

"Dean I think we should move– What if he comes back?" She asked shaking with fear. 

"I'll have to look at how much money we have saved up," He explains as slowly their lips collided together as if each were trying to soothe the other. 

As it began to get heated though of course, the baby had to cry. Dean groaned standing up with a small smile. Y/N got dressed sluggishly right as she happened to be pulling on her shirt warm arms snaked around her waist.

"God I love you Y/N," He whispered kissing her cheek from behind. "And I'm so sorry for bringing you into this mess-"

Y/N turned around in his arms, their chests now touching. "No Dean I choose this and there is nothing that can be done," He exhaled averting his eyes. "I love you so much,"

"Can we go to bed now?" He asked with a yawn patting the soft bed beside him.

It had been a long day and thankfully Dean had been able to get the baby to sleep, yet that night they did anything but sleep.


The still young adult woke up and expected to be in her husband's iron grip but all her hand came in contact with the cold bed sheet beside her.

"Dean?" She questioned sitting up in the bed and slipping on her robe, eyes still adjusting to the darkness.

Worry washed over her features the bathroom door cracked open and still her blonde man nowhere to be seen. Gradually she padded toward Y/S/R opening the door with a squeak scared at what she might see.

Dean still nowhere to be found, she clamored going over and glancing at her sleeping son with a smile forming across her lips.

Softly shutting the door she left minutes later only to scurry into none other than her husband. "Where were you?" She asked baffled staring him up and down. "It's the middle of the night!"

He happened to be only in his underwear the wife not able to help her stare, glad that he happened to be all hers.

"I'm sorry," He apologized placing a strand of hair behind her ear. "I got thirsty,"

She nodded placing her head on his warm chest through a yawn. "Please come back to bed," He nodded lifting her through his wives giggles, laying her on the bed he towered over her.

Gosh after they started kissing if Y/N knew that soon all of this would be gone... She would have made it last longer– She would have protected and cherished what she loved even more than she already had.

The birds chirped early the next morning the blonde man making them breakfast, his wife's cold arms were securely around his waist as she watched intently from over his shoulder. Him still shirtless yet his torso warming her hands instantly causing a smile to appear on both their faces. 

Their son sat in his high chair chewing on a piece of watermelon as best he could with the tiniest of teeth getting everything sticky and slimy.

It turned into a perfect moment in time... One that no one would ever want to end. Hell Dean Winchester finally had been living his apple pie life, yeah with a little hunting here and there but the life was his and he wouldn't change it for the world.

He wouldn't change it. But fate definitely would– But no one thought so soon. 

Y/N began helping her son eat, whipping the drool off his face as unexpectedly a phone began to ring.

"I'll get it!" The wife exclaimed running into their room.

Abruptly the ringing stopped as when she reached the phones neither of them said there had been a missed call. Right as she was about to leave the closet door burst open and there stood none other than Michael. 

It had been a trap.

"Call Dean in here," He smirked. "I'd love for him to see the show... It's not like you know how to kill me," He had wanted to give them a false hope of everything being ok and boy did he do a fine job at it.

"Dean!" She yelled backing away in fear or at least trying to make it look that way it was for the angel blade under her pillow. 

"Y/N–" The older Winchesters sentence came to a halt once he came in and saw what had been going on.

"Dean," Smiled the archangel. "We meet again,"

"You son of a bitch!" He yelled charging at him only to be flung against the wall causing many things to shatter against the hard floor below.

Y/N went to go help her husband but a knife being put to her throat stopped her in the tracks. Dean sat up with a growl turning to Michael.

"If you don't say yes I'll kill Y/N," Smirked the archangel.

"Fuck you!" The blonde yelled tears brimming his eyes.

Just then two men carried in their crying son, rage took over Dean.

"W-Why are you doing this?" Y/N asked through a sob trying to stay still so the knife wouldn't slice her skin.

"I need my vessel and I won't stop until I get him," He explained eyes filling with his blue angelic presence.

"I love you Y/N," The blonde man whispered looking at his wife one last time.

He turned toward Michael with a sigh, his thoughts consuming him. 


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