Chapter 1 - Moving Away

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A/N: Hello to whoever decides to read this story! This is the 1st story I have ever written and English is not my main language so please excuse me if there are any grammatical mistakes! If you want, feel free to leave comments and vote and all that stuff! And yes, the photo above is how I imagine Kate! Please enjoy~
Fabs xx

Kate’s POV

-Friday, 15th July-

        I looked around my empty room. All the pictures that used to fill my walls up, my furniture, clothes, personal belongings, nothing was there anymore. Everything me and my parents owned was on its way to Seoul, South Korea. And soon I would be on my way there too.

        Just the thought of leaving this house, the house I grew up in, my school, the rest of my family and all of my friends made my chest tighten and tears fill my eyes.

        It had been only two days since my parents had come home and decided to ruin my life without even asking for my opinion nor caring about how their decision would make me feel.

-Flashback to Wednesday, 13th July-

        When I got home from school I found mum and dad already home. It was weird. Not for mum, since she worked from home, but dad would always get home 1 or 2 hours after me. But not just that. They are usually very talkative but I found them to be quieter than usual. Dad had been in the kitchen sipping on his coffee and when I entered the front door, he just quietly left to his office, taking his coffee mug with him. Mum just pretended to be too busy cooking dinner to talk to me. I thought they had been fighting so I just said hi, grabbed a glass of water and left for my room upstairs.

        Once mum finished cooking, she called me to the table, setting a plate of food in front of each one of us.

        “Kate, we need to talk to you.” Mum said and I sighed. That sentence was never good to hear. What have I done wrong this time? Did they think my grades had been that bad? Was the dress I was wearing too short for their liking? They had looked like they had been fighting earlier...Were they getting a divorce?

        “I had a meeting today at work, with my boss. I got promoted.” Dad said still not having touched the food in his plate.

        “You don’t seem too happy about it. Shall I congratulate you or tell you I’m sorry?” I asked not paying much attention, playing with the pasta in my plate.

        When none of them answered, I took a good look at both their faces. I put my cutlery down and finally said “What is it so bad about that promotion, for both of you to be so serious?”

        My parents exchanged a worried look and then mum looked back at me.

        “For your father to get this promotion we need to move places, Kate” mum saw a questioning look in my eyes and added, without giving me time to ask anything, “to Seoul, South Korea.”

        “What?” I asked not believing in what I was hearing. My mouth was left open and my eyes wide in shock. “Did you just say Seoul? Are you out of your mind?”

        “Look, we gave this a lot of thought and we decided it is the best for us to move there.” Mum said, her expression changing from worried to angry. “You may think we are just thinking of ourselves and try to ruin your perfect little life but-”

        “That’s exactly what you are doing!” I yelled, not being able to control myself.

        “-but you’re just a teenager and you’ll make new friends in no time!” mum continued angrily, pretending she hadn’t just been interrupted.

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