Sleepyheads & Animal body parts

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~Louis' POV~

I woke up to Liam talking to Niall and Zayn. "They'll wake up soon, we all just had a minor reaction making us faint for...3 hours". He said most likely checking his phone for the time. I took in a deep breath and sighed as the smell reminded me of Harry.

I then realized whatever I was laying on was moving up and down like it was breathing, I furrowed my brows and slowly opened my eyes. I blinked a couple times adjusting to the light, sat up, and looked down. It was Harry! I smiled and leant over looking at him.

"Wake up sleepy head" I said and blew on his face. When his eyes and nose twitched, I stopped and he opened his eyes. Looking me in the eyes he asked "Am I in heaven?" I laughed "I'm glad you think I'd be in your heaven Harry" he rolled his eyes at me and looked down to see me sitting on his stomach. He blushed "Lou?" He started but I interrupted

"Oh sorry, I kinda passed out on you I guess" I got up and held out a hand for him. He took it and we both headed off to the living room.

Harry's POV:

"Ah, look who's awake" Liam said smuggly. I gave a small smile and tryed to leave Louis' side to go into the kitchen and get some tea and aspirin because my head was killing me. But he grabbed my hand "hey, where are you going?"

"Just to go get some tea, you want some?"

" thanks i'll have some later" he said still holding on to my hand. I slowly looked down at our hands, He coughed and let go.

"So!" he said quickly changing the subject.

But I couldn't quite keep up with what he was saying because I was hearing a loud drilling sound.

I held my head with my right hand and scrunched up my face since it was giving me a painful headache.

I looked over to see Niall using the stirring machine for the pancake mix but nobody else was affected but me.

I let out a small whimper and Louis immediately turned around.

"Harry? Are you ok?" He asked but as soon as he laid a hand on my shoulder my gums started to feel like thumbtacks were being pressed in them.

I yelled and ran to the bathroom.

Foot steps sounded behind me, indicating I was being followed.

I slammed the door locking it and went straight for the mirror not wanting to have anyone see me, I opened my mouth.

My top and bottom canine teeth were much more pointier, and my pupils were thinning.

"Harry let me in!" Louis banged on the door.

"Yeah come on out!, what's wrong?" Liam added.

"No!" I said sternly.

"Harry can you at least tell us if your ok?!" Louis whined worriedly.

"M'fine" I answered.

"Well if your 'fine' let us in!" Zayn shouted.

"Like hell!! I look horrible!" I said stubbornly.

"I'm making pancakes!" Niall stated trying to persuade me.

"Niall..that only works on you!" I reminded him.

We went on arguing for another good ten minutes in till a piercing scream filled my ears.


I swung the door open as quickly as I could to find him covering his ears in fetal position.

I dropped to my knees.

I heard lots of gasps at my new cat look but I was to worried about Louis.

"Lou! you ok?!" I questioned.

But then I noticed he was now sobbing up a storm.

He clung to my shirt in need.

"Harry my ears burn!" He cried.

I took a look at his ears to see them stretching and getting a bit fuzzy. My eyes widened.

"The hell? What's happening to us?" I asked completely confused at this point, with a sobful Louis in my arms.

Everyone looked around speechless.


Teehee! I'll put up the next tomorrow!:P

Hope you liked it lots!XD

I promise it'll get better, the meantime...

Comment💬, vote🌟, fan👍. Yeah?


~Lovely CurlyCarrots💋

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