Creepyman but Cool Bottles:/

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~Nialls POV~

I turned my head and saw LiLi running after me. I squealed and picked up my speed but normally he caught up to me. He scooped me up and through me over his shoulder "you never learn..." he turned his head around to look at me

"you can never outrun Daddy" he said scolding me.

'Daddy' is what I refer to him as when I talk about him. It's the same for him except he calls me mummy. We started this when we were playing around one day and it kinda just stuck. He carried me all the way to the stand and dropped me down right next to him and smirked. I rolled my eyes and turned to the old Chinese man who had a Cheshire smile.

"Um" I said awkwardly looking around when I spotted the sigh above the stand, not knowing what the markings were. "um...what are you selling?" He didn't answer. I saw some small bottles. Each one was full of powder but each had its own colour. I raised my eyebrows "what is all this?" I picked up the yellow one and checked it out, after about two minutes of thinking about how cool they were I said "we'll take all five!".

"What!?!" Liam exclaimed shocked "but you don't even know what they are Nialler" he whined. "So what?, I could figure it out!" I said defensive but playful.

He rolled his eyes then we payed in return the man gave back the bottles and an old piece of paper to me. We went back to the car. I shoved the small glass bottles and folded paper into my pocket before getting in and heading to Haz and Lou's flat.


Hehe this chappie was short for a reason!😅


Ok I'll update the next chappie tomorrow!:D

But remember...

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