Chapter 12 ~ The Drama

Start from the beginning

I had to take a step back to even begin to comprehend what he just said. He'd talked to Anne? How much had she told him? Was it enough to make something like this stupid test up? "What are you talking about?" I frowned.

He put his hands up in surrender. "I'll admit it, the test was stupid. I understand why you left class twice," he chuckled.

I nodded slowly, still finding what he was saying hard to believe.

"I did it because I wanted to see the two of you's reactions. It actually surprised me that it was you who left class and not Mr. Styles. That was what I had expected. But it actually seemed like he took the test seriously..." He trailed off thoughtfully. "You were the only pair that got the last question too. It was to see Mr. Styles' reaction to it. This was all his mother asked for. To see if there was anything left of the old him in there. This was his answer." He handed me the test. "You don't have to read it if you don't want to."

With that said, he walked away, leaving me standing there with the test in my hand. I swallowed hard, looking down at it. Did I want to see it? I knew it would most likely break me, but was it worth it? I was still curious...

With a sigh, I folded it together and put it in my back pocket. I decided I would think about it until school ended for the day.


Last class of the day was Physiology, and I had it together with Niall. The test had bugged me the last two lessons, so when I spotted Niall sitting with his phone in his seat when I entered the classroom, I couldn't help but tell him about it. I wanted to hear his opinion about it even if I probably already knew what his answer would be. However, I just wanted someone to share it with.

Once I had informed him everything of the test and what Mr. Waltz had told me during lunch, his eyes were the size of two golf balls. "You have got to be kidding me? His mom called him just to get him to find out... wow."

"I know. But, to be honest, I'm not that surprised by what Anne did. She is quite desperate to get him back. She was on the verge of tears last time I talked to her, and I felt bad for letting her down. I swear she would do anything for Harry, that's how much she loves him."

Niall nodded his head thoughtfully. "Yeah, but it's weird how Mr. Waltz just went along with it. I mean, do you even have any kind of relationship with him?"

I shook my head. "No, but maybe he just found the situation interesting? He said he had a good memory and could recall how close we'd been. Maybe he was just curious to see if he could do anything to change things? I don't know... I'll admit, I think it's a little weird as well."

He hummed in agreement, his eyebrows pulled together. "Are you going to look at it, though?"

I shrugged, biting my bottom lip. "I still haven't made my mind up about that. A part of me is curious to see what it says while the other just wants to toss the paper in the trash. I don't know, Niall."

He understood my dilemma. "Well, whatever you decide to do and what his answer was, I hope you still won't change your mind about him. Keep in mind what he did to you. You're better than him, alright?"

I nodded. "I know, Niall. I'm not an idiot. He's treated me like shit, and I'm never going to forget that, no matter what. Haven't I already made that pretty clear?" I asked, referring to when I had acted like Harry was nothing when he talked to me about the test after school.

"Well, yes, but I still know how you react every time you see him, hear his name or even think about him. It's like you're in your own bubble. Take lunch today for example. You have to admit that you were thinking of him when I snapped you out of your thoughts." He raised his eyebrows, giving me a knowing look.

I let out a sigh, avoiding eye-contact. "Maybe... but it doesn't matter! It's because he's acting weird and I'm trying to understand why. And the reason why he has that kind of effect on me isn't weird either. He is my ex after all!" I almost shouted.

Looking around to make sure no one was watching me, I looked back at Niall. He looked a bit thoughtful. "I guess you're right... I'm just trying to look out for you, mate. You know I am."

Letting out a sigh, I nodded my head. "I know, and I'm thankful for that. I'm sorry I almost yelled at you."

A small smile spread on his lips. "Don't worry about that. I understand why you did. Zayn and I can be a little overprotective... and a bit too often too."

"You don't say?" I chuckled, making him laugh as well.

"We just want what's best for you, though."

I nodded. "I know."

When the last bell of the day rang about an hour later, I found myself walking back to my locker. Once standing in front of it, I unlocked it and put my books in before getting out my backpack. I was just about to close the locker again when I could suddenly feel a warmth behind me.

I froze in place, feeling how the person behind me was so close that I could feel their hair tickling the side of my neck. I didn't know how to react or what to do, so I stayed still to see what the person would do.

"I would at least have expected a thank you."

My heart practically burst in my chest at the voice. It was him. I turned around abruptly, almost getting whiplash by the fast pace. "Wh-what do you mean?" Fuck, I stuttered.

I could see that he noticed this considering the wide smile that formed on his lips. God, I hated him. "Well, let's just say your books are in your locker now, aren't they?" Harry winked at me before walking off towards the exits.

All I could do was stare at his disappearing figure, trying to comprehend what he just said. My books? Wait... He was the one who had placed my books on my locker this morning after English class, wasn't he? Oh fuck.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my heartbeat for probably the seventh time that day. When I said I was scared to know what this day would bring me earlier, I wasn't lying. It had been a real nightmare, and I was sure at least my heart wouldn't be able to take another thing happening.

That was when I remembered the test in my back pocket. Well, I had already had a dramatic day. Could it even get any worse? Pulling it out, I looked over the front page, seeing the answers we had filled in together. Was I really going to expose myself to this? Didn't I just say that my heart wouldn't be able to take anything more today?

Eh, whatever. Could one more thing actually be that bad?

Turning the paper over, I realized that, in fact, it could be because what it showed was not what I expected. At all.

It was clear as day that the there was a circle around the letter 'D'.


Do you guys remember what 'D' stood for? Well, either you'll have to wait to find out or you'll have to go back to check ;) I hope you enjoyed this chapter, see you soon.

Pauline .xx

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