Chapter 15

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POV: no one

Carapace knocked out, Queen Bee and Reina Rouge standing in fear and shock, Ladybug in her civilian form with a knife to her throat, and Chat Noir trying to figure out what their next move was going to be. He stepped away from Hawkmoth and threw his baton to the concrete beneath him.
"Let her go..Please.." his voice shook unevenly. He was terrified. He didn't know who was more terrified, him or Marinette. The two people he cared about the most in the world, and they were in the hands of the enemy.

"P-please, just let her go..."Chat said again.

"Give me your Miraculous, and I'll give you the girl." She said.

Chat Reluctantly nodded and walked towards the girl, slowly removing the ring off his finger. As he got up to her, it slid off. He put it in her hands.
"Finally! Wait..why aren't you de transformed yet?" She looked at him with confusion.
Chat chuckled. "Maybe because I'm not Chat. And that's not the ring either."

   Reina Rouge had used her power to make an illusion of Chat Noir, when really, Chat had just gotten behind Mayura; his baton in hand. He hit her on the head, knocking her to the ground and making her let go of Marinette. Chat quickly swooped down and caught Marinette before she hit the ground. She had fainted, probably from her minor injuries. Even Hawkmoth had been knocked out.

Reina went over to Hawkmoth and took off his broach, Queen Bee doing the same to Mayura. Blue and purple light appeared, and then revealed...
"F-father?? Nathalie??"

POV: Chat

I looked between the two. The enemies. The people who we'd been facing. I gently laid Marinette on the ground, and used my baton to call the police. Reina walked up to me.
"A-Adrien?" She asked.

"..." I sighed, "y-yeah..."

   She gave me a sympathetic look, and wrapped her arms around me.
"I'm sorry..about your father.." 

"Wait, ADRIKINS?!" Queen Bee asked, running up to me and moving Reina out of the way, "oh my Adrikins! I'm so sorry that your father was the bad guy! Who woulda thought" she wrapped her arms around me and I quickly pried her off.
"Knock it off please.." I said softly.
I looked over my shoulder at Marinette.

"Reina..I want you to tell me what happened to Marinette..."

   She nodded, and told me about the day when we first taught Hawkmoth. By the time she was completed, the police were arriving. They took dad and Nathalie into custody, and brought Marinette to the hospital. By this point, we had all returned to our civilian forms. There was no use in hiding secret identities anymore, so I was very surprised to find that all of my closest friends had been fighting by my side. But...Marinette... I wish that I didn't have to find out that way..'I wonder if that's what she wanted to tell me..'

    I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair as I sat in the medical wing of the hospital. Marinette had been brought in a little bit ago, and the nurses said that I could go in to see her in a little bit. It was nothing too major. It was about the twentieth time that I looked up at the clock when the nurse came back.
"Alrighty sir, you can see your girlfriend now. She's in room 232." The nurse said.
     I shot up and ran passed her, heading down the hallway. As I got up to the room, I saw Marinette talking with the doctor. They stopped talking once I got in.

"How is she?" I asked the doctor.
"We cleaned up her scratches, and had to add two more stitches to the wound on her head. She'll be able to leave within two hours." The doctor nodded at me, and then left the room.
I walked over to Marinette.
"How you holding up?" I asked.
"I-I'm good.." she stuttered.
"I'm glad..I was worried there."

   She smiled at me.

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