Chapter 14

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POV: Chat

" Chat..I-"
    She was cut off by her Miraculous going off.
"Never mind.. I have to go.." She sighed and turned around.
'I wonder what she had to say..'
Her feet didn't move, like something had tied her to the ground. I suddenly saw a dark figure come into view. He looked at us and grinned.

"Hello Ladybug, or should I say 'miss Dupain-Cheng'."

"H-Hawkmoth?!" Ladybug turned around in fear.

He chuckled. "I see that you have gotten better. To bad it's just going to happen again."
"....Chat, let's go!" She tried to grab my hand to run, but I stayed still.
"..m-Marinette?" I asked, my voice shaky.

She stopped moving, not letting go of my hand.
"Let's go, I said." She pulled harder.
' is Ladybug?! I thought that Ladybug went on break! And, was Hawkmoth trying to threaten her? he the one who hurt her?.....'
I balled my fists and and looked off angrily
"Is he the one who hurt you?.." I asked in a low voice.
"Chat, there's no time! I'm about to de transform, and I won't be able to help you very much!" She tried to pull on me again, but I pulled her back.

"Is he the one who hurt you, yes or no?!" I asked.
She slowly nodded, and I pried her hand from mine.
"I'm gonna kill him.." I stomped off, but she stopped me.
"Chat, no! I can't have you get hurt!" She said, tears going down her face.

"Ah, what a touching scene. Unfortunately, it's going to have to end. I'll be taking those Miraculous's." Hawkmoth walked forward.
"And unfortunately for you, Hawkmoth, those two have an accomplice." I turned around to see Reina Rouge, "and like Chat, I have a deep hatred for you hurting my friend."

    She went and jumped at Hawkmoth, trying to land a hit on him, but instead was hit by Hawkmoth's cane.
"Mari-..Ladybug, get out of here. I can't risk you de transforming and getting hurt again.." I say, going at Hawkmoth with my baton in hand. Reina distracted him while I landed a hit on his arm.
"Gah, you'll pay you little.."
"What? Cat got your tongue? How about I get it for you?!" I hit him under the chin with my baton. Hawkmoth hit the ground, but immediately got up.

"Tch, I wouldn't have come out here if I didn't have a plan, you medaling kids." Hawkmoth chuckled and pointed up to another figure. As they were about to hop down, carapace came into view and hit her. She lost her balance and fell off the building.
"Oh yeah, I also brought my boyf- m-my friend!! I also brought my friend!.." Reina chuckled nervously, but then regained her seriousness.
"Annddd, you might wanna turn around Hawkmoth." Reina innocently smiled and pointed behind Hawkmoth. He turned and got stung with venom, falling to the ground in pain.

"Ha, and the Queen strikes again." Queen bee moved her ponytail back and stuck out her tongue, "see, I told you that I'd be helpful." She chuckled.

Hawkmoth got up, but the venom was effecting his motor skills.
"No..I'm not going to loose to a bunch of stupid kids!" He said angrily.
"If you're loosing to us, then how are we stupid?" Reina chuckled.
I moved forward and grabbed his shoulders, kneeing him in the gut and letting him drop to the ground.

"That's what you get for hurting Ladybug.." I growled. I was about to take his broach, but someone called out by my side.
"You touch him, and your little 'friend' here gets it."

I turn and see Hawkmoth's accomplice. She wore the peacock Miraculous. Carapace was unconscious by her side, but in her hands were..
"Marinette.. I told you to leave here!" I bit my lip
"Oh, she did. She went about a mile from here and de transformed. I just captured her is all. I am the peacock Miraculous holder, Mayura." The girl chuckled and held a sharp feather-looking knife at Marinette throat. She already had bruises and cuts, her hair was undone and messy, and her clothes were tattered in areas.
"I'd step away from him. Or, I could just give this girl another inkless tattoo." She ran the blade softly against the side of Marinettes throat.

I glared at her, but stepped back from Hawkmoth.

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