Chapter 1: Prologue

Start from the beginning

"That's right!" She said while jumping on top of her desk in a very graceful way. "I obtained a perfect score in the mock test! I will be the only one who's going to UA!"

"Now that I remember, Aizawa also wanted to go to UA." The teacher said with curiosity, making the entire class freeze...

...for just a moment later laughing their asses off.

"R-Really Aizawa!?"

"The only thing you know how to do is study, you can't enter in the hero course like that!

"W-wait a moment..." Izuku said, nervousness in his voice.

"You bastard!" Only to be cut off by Bakugou, who slammed her hand into Izuku's desk and created an explosion, sending the poor boy against the wall. "You don't even have a quirk, and yet you want to stand in the same arena as me?!" Izuku flinched at that, even though he is a very skilled and muscular teen it is very well hidden in his baggy clothes and timid nature, he is still scared of Bakugou.

"What's more..." She said. "You aren't a girl, so why the fuck do you think you'll ever get a quirk HUH?!"

'She's right.' Izuku said in his mind. 'As much as I hate to admit it, having a quirk takes a great role in being a hero. But even so...!'

"W-wait Kacchan..." He said. "I don't want to compete against you or anything, it's just..."

"Being a hero is something I always wanted to be since I was a kid, a-and you wouldn't know if I fail unless I try..." Izuku finished, with a little bit of pride swelling in his chest.

"Uh? What the hell does that even mean?" She said with annoyance. "What are you even capable of?"

All of his classmates (which are all female) looked at him with disdain.

(In another place of the city)

"KYAAAH!" A woman's voice was heard in the city "Please stop her!"

Coming from the direction of the scream was what appeared to be a sludge monster running with a lot of money attached to her, she was a thief.

"Try n' catch me, if you can!" She yelled with arrogance.

Just behind the multitude was a skinny figure with some bags in her hands. Just after hearing the commotion, it was replaced with that of a very muscular woman with blonde hair.

"Everything is fine now... Why?" She said flashing a big smile as the people turned to her. "...Because I am here!"

Back To Izuku At School:

After the little scene from before, the school's bell rang, signaling the end of classes for today. Izuku was packing his things with a downed expression, and just as he was about to take his hero analysis notes, another hand beat him to it. It was Bakugou's

"I have something to settle with you, Deku" She said with a scowl while holding his notes.

"P-please, give it back!" Izuku said with nervousness. Bakugou ignored him and proceeded to slap her hands together with the notes between them, making them explode.

Izuku had a hurt expression, and to add salt to the wound she threw the notes out if the window, not caring about him being there.

"C'mon, you really think that those silly notes are going to help you in your little dream of being a hero?" She said with a friendly smile that held malice in it. She rested her hand on his shoulder thinking that the heat from the explosion would hurt him slightly. It didn't since he was too used to pain when he did his gut wrenching training, but he had to pretend.

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