Chapter 25-Preparation For War

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These two weeks, full of preparation and urgency has led us to miss our sleep. We had to make sure everyone knew what to do in an emergency situation especially a war as time is crucial. Every life depends on the seconds that you get to escape or even fight back. That is why everyone is vigilant- to make sure no one here is a traitor or a possible threat.

"I have something to tell you." He takes my hand and walks toward our bed. We settle down and I begin explaining to him about what Ashburn said. "My friend actually came here from my old pack to warn us about her Alpha. She said that her Alpha made an order saying that everyone even the mothers and elders of the pack has to fight. The children with be left behind without anyone protecting them. I find that unfair. Could we send someone to protect them?" He raises his eyebrow and I can see he doesn't quite trust my words- especially when it came from our enemy. I believe in Ashburn and I know she cannot lie to me.

"I would definitely not let any of my warriors hurt the children but how can I trust your friend? It could be a trap to hold my warrior hostage." He's right. Why would a pack member go against her Alpha just to tell their enemy? At this moment, surely their security would have been doubled up making it impossible for anyone to leave. I rush to the guest bedroom and she faced me innocently. "How did you get here without anyone chasing after you?" Her face fell.

She tries to cover it up. "I ran as quickly as possible and plus during the announcement, every pack member was in attendance which makes it easier for me to escape." I look for traces that she is lying. "Don't lie to me." My voice so low and dark. "I know that your Alpha will always have people guarding the place." A look of realization makes its way to her face.

She stands up to try to escape but my mate blocks her way and she backs away from him. I walk towards her and corners her. "Now tell me. Did he order you to come here to give false information?" She looks away as my voice booms. "ANSWER ME!" She flinches at my authority tone. "I-I had no choice if not he would have killed my family." She stutters and I suddenly felt bad for her. Tears well up in her eyes and she quickly wipes them away, thinking that I hadn't seen it but I did. She was forced to come here by the one and only gruesome monster.

How dare he? My blood boils the more I thought about him."B-but I gave you the right information. The main purpose was that I was sent to find out about the pack house layout and to tell you that the war was in two days." I step back, in an attempt to take a breather. This monster has become too much. He will go as far as risking a teenage girl's life who happens to be apart of his pack. He is truly heartless and selfish. Everything and everyone who has to suffer because of me. "I need to leave by tomorrow afternoon." I look towards Aiden and decide to talk it out with him before making a decision.

"I will speak to you later."With that, I walk out. "What are we going to do about her? We need to send her back if not they will know something is wrong and accuse us of something we didn't do. " I rack through my brain about anything that we could give her that would make it believable and real. "How about I give her the blueprint of the pack house? I mean not the current one but the buildings have a similar structure which makes it more believable." That definitely helps a lot. That way they won't know where the actual safe house is.

I suddenly feel a flash of pain throughout my body. I scream in pain and before I know it, I am on my knees clutching on to my abdominal where it aches the most. "Faye, are you okay?" A faded voice reaches out to me. My vision switching between white and black. I slowed down my breathing to calm down. 'Faye, I am so sorry.' A voice in my head silently mutters. 'Fiestar, what's wrong?' I try to shake out the pain. I think I know why.

Its been too long since I let my wolf out. I had to push Fiestar back with all my strength to prevent me from shifting and unveiling the truth. My vision soon became clearer and clearer. "Faye, what's wrong?" I shake my head. "Nothing I am fine, it's just my wolf." He frowns and dismisses the scene that just took place. He can't know-not right now at least.

He holds me tightly and helps me get back to my feet."Are you sure you can walk?" I nod and continues holding on to me. "I can walk Aiden. Don't worry about me. I have other things to do. See you tonight." I blow a kiss to him and rush to our bedroom so I can go to the bathroom. The bathroom mirror reflecting a tint shade of red on ny cheeks. I am too embarrassed to face him. As quickly as I did to return to reality, I was taken away again. This time to the woods.

I hear tearing and large wolfs fighting one another. It was a vicious sight. Blood splattered everywhere. On the grounds and some on the trees. Motionless bodies lay on the ground. It was a living nightmare. I hear a strange noise coming from my shoe as I walked. I move my feet and there I saw an arrow. I picked it up to examine but quickly released it as I felt the sting. Sliver.

I gasped and before I know it, I am back at my bathroom. An arrow in the middle of the battlefield. That can only mean one thing-hunters. Using dirty tricks. Sounds like what he would do. I scoffed. I must tell Aiden about this later. After having that vision, I help prepare dinner with the ladies in the house. I feel someone wrap their arm around me. I smile and move away. "Oh god,you stink!" He shoots a playful glare at me. He motions upstairs and I shoo him away.

I set up the table as pack members begin entering. They all greet me as usual and I smile back. I quickly finish up before heading back to the kitchen. "It's okay Luna, we can handle from here." I smiled gracefully and scoot away. I enter the dining room and the only one that catches my attention is Aiden. I sit down beside him. He declares for us to begin eating. "Aiden, I have a bad feeling about the war. We must be extra cautious." He nods.

We continue eating in silence. I observe Aiden and see dark circles forming under his eyes. His hair in a mess but no matter what, he still looks cute. His striking blue eyes never fail to make me feel mesmerized. "I know you are staring at me, Faye." I slightly choke on my food. He rubs my back and sparks ignite from his touch. My heart beats quicker as each second pass.

Aiden passes me my drink and I drink it. Oh my god, that was so embarrassing. He chuckles as my face continues to heat up. I soon finish my food and stood up to escape from him. I use my hands to fan myself. Why is it so warm in here? I wash my plate and cup. I literally run out of the kitchen. What is up with me and embarrassing myself today?

I make my way upstairs to finish up some schoolwork. After hours and hours of endless writing and calculating, I was finally done. Putting away my books in a neat pile. I collapse on my bed, exhausted from torturing my body and mind. Words cannot describe how exhausted I am but my eyes just wouldn't close. I was afraid that if I go to sleep now, I will wake up to a nightmare. Nowadays, it has become more frequent since Aiden is rarely with me during nighttime.

I strengthen the barrier around the territory-adding to the headache I already had. I cover myself with the huge blanket as if to protect me from any dangers in the world. With that being my final thought of today, I shut my eyes.

Hey lovelies!!! It's been awhile since I wrote so my writing skills might be a little rusty. I hope you like the chapter nonetheless!

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