Chapter 8 // Purple, Huh?

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May 6 : 190 days till due


Charlie doesn't seem nervous. She seems preoccupied, which worries me.

She should feel nervous.

Maybe it's because she doesn't know my family yet.

Out in suburban Sydney my Mum has a house, and inside that house currently, is my family. Right now they're probably barbecuing lamb, sitting on lawn chairs, and talking trash about Julia Gillard.

"I um, I hope you don't get too freaked out" I mutter, scratching the back of my neck.

"My mom jumped across a table and tried to strangle you. My brother chased you down a street. I'm surprised you're even here right now" Charlie brushes off, but it doesn't make me feel any better.

Jetlag, again, has started to kick in for both of us. I feel groggy and irritable, and Charlie's yawned six times since I started keeping count five minutes ago.

"Look, we'll just run in and run out" I say, knocking on the door so hard it hurts.

I grew up here, yet it feels like I've never been to this place before. My palms are sweaty and I think Charlie can hear my heavy breathing.

Mum was confused that I brought Charlie. She obviously thought I was going to bring someone else.

Guilt is eating away at the inside of my stomach, making me almost nauseous each time I look at Charlie. It's bad enough I got her pregnant and stopped her from living her life, but I'm also lying to her on top of all that.

Maybe I should tell her about E-


I look up, catching my breath.

"Nana!" I exclaim with false enthusiasm, walking inside and hugging my Grandma and smelling the familiar and comforting old person smell she has mixed with frangipani perfume.

"Nana this is Charlie" I say, turning on my side and gesturing to Charlie, who waves awkwardly.

Nana squints her eyes at Charlie for a few seconds before putting her hand over her heart.

"I'm so sorry, forgive me for a second I thought you were a woman, Charlie dear" she trills and Charlie's face pales.

"She is a woman, Nana" I explain, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"What? But his name is Charlie" she says, her mouth tilted down at the corners.

"Her Nana. Her. Charlie is a unisex name. She's obviously a girl. You're obviously a girl" I assure Charlie, putting my hand on her arm.

"Oh! Well, forgive me. It's lovely to see you again, dear. It's been too long, you know?" Nana turns to Charlie and points a finger at her: "It's been far too long."

I laugh a fake laugh and say goodbye to my Nana and continue down the hallway, walking past photos of me as a kid and not giving Charlie a chance to stop and look at them.

Out in the backyard my family are all gathered, sitting in deck chairs and barbecuing, just like I knew they would be. It's refreshing, almost, being back in such familiar territory.

I run my hand across the familiar brick walls and know I'm home.

"Ashton," Charlie asks, tugging on my sleeve.

"Yeah?" I ask, my voice surprisingly breathy.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm completely perfect"

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