Chapter 11 // Babies R Us

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May 11 : 185 days till due


I collapse onto my sofa, moaning into the cushions. The flight had been one of the worst of my life; constant turbulence, bad food, Ashton snored, the works. Whatever could go wrong went wrong.

The words of Ashton's Mom as we said goodbye at the airport haunt me a little, even now. She had grabbed my shoulders and looked me in the eyes and said 'you're going to hate him. Try to not let it affect you too much'.

I'd shuddered and then said goodbye and Ashton and I had boarded the plane, me confused and a little freaked out.

"I MISSED YOU, REFRIGERATOR" I yell, running over to my fridge and wrapping my arms around it.

I take my time while sipping on a glass of water to taking all of my pregnant-lady supplements, one after another. I'm pretty sure by the end of this I'll be able to dry swallow pills with no problem. My phone rings and I want to ignore it but it's Ashton, so I grudgingly answer it and put on speaker phone, setting the phone on my counter as I go to make myself a sandwich.

"Hey-ho" I say loudly, going over the introductions of sandwich-making.

Bread, butter, cheese, tomato, bread.

"Hey Charlie" says Ashton, his voice muffled and static.

"What's up?"

Bread, butter, cheese, tomato, bread.

"What're you up to today?"

"Nothing. Unpacking. Eating. Maybe watch a movie before work" I shrug, despite the fact Ashton can't see me.

Bread, butter, cheese, tomato, bread.

"Do you wanna buy some baby stuff?" He asks, and I drop the knife.

"D-don't you think it's a bit early for that?" I say, looking down at my stomach. It's starting to show, but not enough for people to know I'm pregnant, just enough to look like I've gained a couple pounds.

"Nah. I like to get stuff I need to do out of the way quickly otherwise I forget. I don't want you to be going into labour and I'm running around trying to find a double decker pram" Ashton says causally, and I can hear him opening drawers in the background, probably unpacking.

Bread, butter, cheese, tomato, bread.

"Oh" I say, lost for words. "So when do you wanna do that? How about tomorrow when we're settled in? I'm really tired, I think I'm just gonna go to sleep and then go to work" I say, finishing up the sandwich and taking a bite.

"Sounds good. Okay. Talk later. Love you, bye" he makes a kiss noise and hangs up and I look down at my stomach and shake my head.

"What have you two gotten me into?"


May 12 : 184 days till due

Department stores scare me.

The first bad experience I had was when it was just me and Michael, before Casper, Ethan and Lily were born, and Michael locked me in the janitors closet and then turned the light off and my mom didn't find me until 20 minutes later.

The second time I was 15 years old and slipped on wet floor and knocked myself out on a shelf and then woke up with my head cushioned by a bed, bath, and beyond towel while the store manager kneeled over me, flanked by the rest of the concerned staff.

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