Chapter 23 // Loved Her Once

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Oh my god ok so I accidentally published this earlier today before it was finished I'm so sorry hahahahah


August 10 : 86 days till due

In truth, I've found myself in weirder places at 11 pm on a Monday night.

But that fact didn't stop this from feeling strange.

"Ok ma'am, no need for panic, I'm sure your child is just fine. Now, please, make an announcement and I'm sure they'll hear it"

I glance nervously at the nice lady who's looking a very balanced mix of kind and concerned, as she tilts the small bendy microphone in my direction.

"Go on" she prompts, nodding.

"Um, okay" I say, leaning forward. My eyes scan the aisles from above, looking for any evidence that I don't have to make the announcement.

"Would you like me to make it for you?" The woman asks.

"I mean, I guess" I say.

I step away and let her do it. She looks professional, like she's done it a thousand times.

"Attention. Attention all shoppers and staff there is a missing child on the premises, he answer to the name of..." the lady turns away from the mic and raises her eyebrow.

"Ashton" I supply.

"He answers to the name of Ashton and his mother is very worried. If you find him please escort him to the office area near Bath and Hygiene Products. Thankyou."

The lady pushes the microphone away with a small static buzz and turns to smile at me.

"Please, take a seat outside, I'm sure he'll turn up any minute now"

"This is gonna be bad when she sees he's not a kid" Melanie whispers in my ear, giggling.

"Shhhh" I say, taking a seat outside.

Melanie's stayed with us for two days now, and she's proven to be a little angel. She is polite, adorable, funny, intelligent. Really the only problem with her is that she constantly keeps spewing facts about Harry Potter at the most inappropriate times.

"You know JK Rowling was gonna kill Ron" Melanie says, looking very small beside me in her own chair.

"Oh?" I ask, feigning interest.

Really, I'm worried about Ashton. We were doing our normal weekly shop and suddenly we lost him in the Breads and Cereals aisle.

"Yeah. That's why Hermione and Harry have so much chemistry" she tells me.

"How do you know what chemistry is, you're five" I ask, bringing my phone to my ear to try Ashton's mobile again.

"I'm six" Melanie corrects.

The phone rings for awhile, and just as I'm about to hang up, someone talks on the other end.

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