I'm Pregnant

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~Chapter Seventeen~                        

<Thora Violet> "I'm not pregnant!" I screamed at Cheryl and Nathaniel. I can't be. Not this time. I hate one man and the other hates me. I don't even know who this baby belongs to.

"You are Thora. The test shows you are and all the symptoms in your body shows you are pregnant. Stop ignoring it and start talking to them." Cheryl advised and I shook my head.

"Not now Cheryl. I've to go back and Chris hates me now and I'm still mad at Asher."

"It won't hurt to let them know..."

"No! I'll be fine on my own. I don't want to get anyone involved in my life anymore. I'm done with them all."

"Little sister, listen to Cheryl. You can't keep this to yourself. You look like you died. Your face is all pale and your lips are falling apart. Can you start taking care of yourself now and stop crying in that room?" Nat said worriedly and I shook my head a hundred times in the couch.

"Let's try to remember what really happened. We'll get to know who's the father." Cheryl convinced. "You and Asher have been sexing since you came, you took a pill the first time it happened. Then it happened again and again and again..." I looked at her and she stopped saying the 'again'. "Did you take any pills afterwards?"

"I don't remember. I was caged in his room." Cheryl chuckled and Nathaniel stomped on her feet. "I don't remember us using any condoms..." she chuckled again and I eyed her.

"Stop doing that." Nathaniel smacked her head and she groaned.

Think Thora. Remember what happened. It's really important here. Let's try to remember, alright. I really hate to remember all what Asher and I have been doing in his house. We fucked around like maniacs. He chose not to go to his cafe till I decide to really go back. We had people taking care of our business so we could fuck around. He'll be like, 'Do you want lunch?' and wink at me.

I was a food to him. I started having some ridiculous feelings for him. Like I was in love with him. I mean, who wouldn't? My fiancé was having a baby with a different woman and Asher is a mixture of all good things. He's now a mixture of bad vibes.

I don't even remember the number of times we slept together. In his head, I was his girlfriend and I liked that. He treated me as one. He made me feel special. I knew he fell for me the first time he saw me at his coffee shop and he still feels that same way. I wouldn't have met him again if Chris and his Lana were not having a baby.

I remember him pulling out a few times and cussing after that. That was hot! We did the dominant sex and shit that still gives me goosebumps. He never pulls out when we do that. So what happened next? We went for grocery shopping and I bought a pill. I met Randy and he heard Randy and I talk about Chris. He didn't talk about it but he was angry.

I assured him Chris and I are really over but it didn't look like we were when I went to see him. All the old sparks of flame were sparking when Chris kissed me. It made my belly churn. His love making always makes me loose my breath and being with him that night, I knew how much I still love him and how much I wanted us to be together.

But he left the morning we had sex without a word to me. Like I was some hookup girl he found for the night. I didn't take a foot out of my room for days. Cheryl served me food like a prisoner. I didn't want to hear their critics about why I had to let him sleep with me again.

I was shattered and heartbroken inside. He made me feel I wasn't needed anymore like he's always needed me. I felt I should let Asher know what happened and I regretted telling him about it. He stopped speaking to me and he yelled at me when he came over to see me.

He called the next day telling me he has a surprise planned for me and I thought he really let it all go. I didn't know he was planning some stupid dominant-sex-whiles-your-fiancé-watch torture.

We... had his dominant sex and no, we didn't use any protection again! I didn't use any protection either when I slept with Chris again. I don't want any of them to be the 'father'. I was positive it was Chris'. Cheryl tipped Asher I was having signs of pregnancy before he came over to pick me up to his house.

"So it Chris'?" Nathaniel asked.

"It has to be. Why didn't I even think of that?" Cheryl groaned. "I really wish it was Asher's. Hey, it can still be Asher's. You don't get pregnant all the time when you don't use a protection. You must've been in a free pregnancy mode when you and Chris sexed till dawn again." she laughed and I glared at her again. "Sorry." she mouthed.

We've been waiting for Natalie, my aunt to come home. She promised she'll be home today and we're still waiting for her. The front door opened and Nathaniel stood up from the couch. "Mom!" he exclaimed and Cheryl sighed. He was acting like a child. "Oh, I missed you so much mom." he talked like a baby too. Cheryl looked at me and smiled.

"Hey, everyone. Who missed me?" Natalie asked and it brought a smile to my face.

"Thora is pregnant!" Nathaniel announced and I threw a slipper at him. "She is having Chris' baby."

"It's Asher's baby." Cheryl corrected.

"No it's not." Nathaniel argued.

"Yes it is!"

"It's not!"

"It is."

Natalie held my hand and walked with me to my bedroom and we left those two to argue all they want. She was looking at my face and I hugged her. Seeing her makes me wish my mom would've been with me right now. I sniffed on her and she rubbed her hands at my back. A tear dropped out of my eyes and I sighed to hold the rest back.

"I'm right here Violet. It's okay to cry." she mumbled.

"I've done enough of that. My eyes hurt." I laughed and she smiled. "I missed you."

"I did too. I'm relocating."

"Where and why?"

"To your house... with Newton." she grinned and I laughed. "It's more like a getaway. For a couple of months. I wish I could stay with you but..."

"I'm okay. No but's." I smiled at her. I guess I'll be here then. She needs some privacy.

"Are you really pregnant? I can't believe this. I'll be a grandma to another baby." she laughed.

"I don't want to keep it."

"You're out of your mind. You're keeping this and I'll make sure of it. I'll supervise the Violet's Inn so don't even think of coming back till you give birth. Do you hear me?"

"Yes ma'am." She hugged me and my door opened.

"Awww isn't it sweet?" Nathaniel squealed and I threw another slipper at him.

"Your son is crazy Nat." I said and she laughed.

     Days Later, I was stuck in my bed looking at the wall. I had a look at myself earlier in the mirror and I looked like shit. My face had turned white, my lips were cracking and my eyes had dark circles around them. My phone rung and brought my senses back to the room.

I picked up the phone and answered the call without checking who was calling. My eyes were still on the wall. "Yeah?" I asked.

"Are you okay?" Chris? "Violet," he called and I tear struck my eyes rolling down my cheeks. "Do you want me to come over?" I shook my head and wiped the tears.

"No, I'm okay. Thanks for calling." I tried to sound cheerful and it failed seeing the amount of tears that ran down my cheeks.

"I'm already here..."

"I said no Chris! I don't want to see you and please don't call again."

"Thora..." I hung up and covered my whole body with cloths.

I can take care of myself. I don't need anyone!

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