Part twelve

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Hatties point Of view
Three weeks later

Me and Henry were laying him our bed watching YouTube videos when his phone started ringing. 'Hello' Henry said into the phone putting it in speaker. 'Have you seen the posters' belch said. 'No what posters' Henry said. 'Hattie are you there' vic said. 'Yeah I'm here' I said. 'Move away from Henry' belch said. 'Pats missing' belch said as I moved away from Henry. 'Haha funny joke' Henry said. 'We know you love him but you gotta believe us' vic said. Henry hung up the phone. 'Hattie leave now' Henry said as furry grew in his eyes alongside sadness. 'I'll be back tonight' I said. 'Hattie leave' Henry screamed at me punching beside my head in the wall. I grabbed my bag and ran out of the house.

I ran up the road with no shoes on until I hit the main road. I brushed the bottom of my feet off before slipping my shoes on. I called vic. 'Hi' He said into the phone. 'Can you pick me up' I said trying not to cry. 'Yeah where are you baby' vic said. 'At the main road at the end of my road' I said sitting down. 'We will be there soon I love you' vic said before hanging up. I looked at a lamppost to see pats face on it with missing written on top of it. 'Oh pat' I cried. I waited on the path with my almost dead phone and bad stomach cramps until the boys picked me up. 'Hi' belch said pulling up in front of me. I saw still looking at the poster. 'Baby' vic said getting out and wrapping his arms around me. 'I feel so bad for Henry' I said once we got in the car . 'You know henry only fucked around with girls before getting with pat. Pats his first boyfriend and first partner' belch said. 'Why would you say that reginald' vic said pushing my head gently into his chest. 'Henry's gonna be blaming himself' I said. 'I know baby' vic said .

I sat up 'if I didn't move here Henry would of been with pat and pat would still be with Henry right now' I cried. Belch slammed the brakes on in the car and we went flying forwards. 'Harriet Elizabeth Bowers do not blame yourself Pat will be back I know it. vic knows it. Henry deep down knows it' belch said turning around in his chair. 'It's true Hattie he will be back' vic said kissing my temple. 'But we all need to be there for Henry even if he doesn't want us to be there we need to be' belch said. 'Where are we going' I said. 'Getting food for Henry and some of pats clothes that he left around mine' vic said. I nodded and looked out of the window. 'Jesus pat the plonker I need you Henry needs you' I whispered once the boys went in the shop.

I saw a group of boys walk up the road one of them being Richie. 'Hattie are you okay I saw Patrick's missing poster' Richie said as I got out to hug him. I broke down crying. Pat was my best friend as he understood me. 'Okay Hattie ' Richie said holding me tighter. 'Get of my girl four eyes' vic said from behind us. 'I was seeing if she was okay' Richie said raising his voice. 'Boy I will end you' belch said stepping up. 'P-piss of your nothing' a boy with a stutter say. 'Richie. I have to go to see if Henry's okay please don't go anywhere on your own I don't want you missing too' I said letting go of him . 'Hattie text me when ever you want I'm always gonna be there' Richie said. I smiled and sat in the back with Vic. Vic had a pissed of look on his face. 'I love you' I said kissing his cheek. He stayed silent but his grip on my hand tightened. 'Oh vickie I love you' I said before kissing his lips. 'And I love you too Hattie ' he laughed back.

We walked back into the house and heard sobbing. 'He thinks he won't see Patrick again after all nine if the missing fuckers ain't come back' pa said from the seat. 'Pa Really your drunk and you have work now' I said pulling him to his feet. 'If Henry's crying when I get back I'll show him something to cry about. Nothing but a little fear to make a paper man crumble' pa said. 'I'll be back later' pa said before walking out. 'Ta pa' I laughed. 'Wow' belch said as I walked upstairs. 'Hattie  I said leave' Henry said quickly wiping his tears. 'Boy at him' I said.

The boys walked over to him and jumped on him . 'Get of me before I stab you' Henry said holding back tears resisting against the boys. 'I'm actually gonna skit both of your throats when you let go of me' Henry said letting a tear fall down his face. 'Henry it doesn't make you weak to cry. Let go just cry' I said sitting in the bed beside them. Henry let go and cried. 'He's not gonna come back is He' Henry cried. 'He's gonna come back Henry He's Patrick Hockstetter' belch said sitting up so Henry could too. Henry wrapped his arms around belch and vic and pulled them into a bone crushing hug . 'Pat will be back we promise you' Vic said. 'I can't live with out him' Henry said. I rubbed his back and just let him cry. 'I know hun' I said wiping a tear that had fallen down my face. Henry stood up and pulled me into the bathroom. 'We can't stay here . Dad' Henry said. 'Baby can we stay at yours' I said sticking my head out of the door. 'Always' vic said. 'I love him so fucking much'

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