Part three

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Hatties pov
'You don't know what a peng ting means' I said to vic. He shook his head laughing. 'Hot person' I laughed . 'Your quite the flirter' reggie said from the front. I nodded and started to laugh. 'Budge up' pat said getting in the car. 'Hey plonker' I laughed . 'Hey bitch' pat joked. 'What you thinking brother' I said leaning forwards. 'School if you stay with us' 'stop protecting me I fecking slapped pat yesterday I will be able to handle it and if I'm getting troubled I'll send them your way' I said leaning back into vic. 'Just for today Hattie plus dad said you had to' Henry said 'fine but only since pa said' I said as we pulled into school. 'Go in between me and vic' Henry said passing me my school bag. 'You look good today' vic whispered  in my ear. 'You too' I said as we walked into the door  .

'Hey check it a new girl' some lad said . I went to wave but Henry brought my hand back down . 'Don't talk just walk' pat said from behind us. 'Oh bitch time' I said throwing on a bitch face and acting like I did in England. 'Henry got in there quick' another kid said . 'Bowers finally got a girlfriend' some lad with glasses said . 'Richie What the fuck' a smaller lad said . Henry turned to we were facing them . 'for your information I'm sure Henry can get a lot more girls than your little gang combined so leave my brother alone okay thanks hun' I said before I carried on walking .  Soon enough the boys were next to me again . 'She's bowers sister' the same lad said . 'Yep' I shouted before turning the corner. 'Wow' vic said quietly. 'Is this the main office . I feel really mean' I laughed . 'Yeah it's the main office and you shouldn't he deserved it' Henry said walking into the office with me. 'Harriet bowers are you' the man behind the desk said. I nodded and smiled.

I walked into home room or form what ever it's called. To see the same boy from earlier so I sat next to him . 'Is it Richie' I said to him . 'Yeah I'm Richie' Richie said. 'I didn't mean to say that too you I'm not like Henry okay . It's just I'm new and Henry's my brother and something just snapped inside of me and I'm sorry. I'm sure your friend get lots of girls to' I said. 'It's fine Henry's said worse' Richie said. 'Oh right Okay well hello I'm Hattie or Harriet what ever you want to call me' I laughed 'Can I call you tonight' Richie said. 'Smooth boy' I said passing him my phone. 'Erm why did you give me your phone' Richie asked . 'Put your number in' I said to Richie. 'Oh' richie laughed putting his number into my phone. I winked at him then turned around as registration started .

'Sup babes' I said getting in the car after school.  'Your happy' vic said 'I am Thanks are you' I said getting in the back. ' I'm happy' vic laughed . 'Hey Hattie' Richie text me. 'Hey at night' I laughed texting Richie back. 'If Henry sees that he's gonna murder you' vic said once the boys went into the shop. 'Whoops' I laughed . 'I'm not interested in him' I said resting my forehead against vics. 'Did you just apologise' vic said . I nodded and yawned . 'Siri what time is it in the uk' vic said into his phone. '23:00' Siri said . I whined and closed my eyes. 'If you don't want Hattie to fall asleep in the car hurry up' vic text the boys.

The boys were another fifteen minutes. I was on vics lap almost asleep. 'Oh you finally come back brother' I said trying to stay awake. 'Sorry Hattie we were getting chips and pizza' Henry said . 'Can I have some chips or do we have to wait till there cooked' I said sliding of vics lap. 'No you don't have to cook chips' Henry said passing me back some lays. 'These aren't chips these are crisps and they are walkers not lays' I said . 'Chips' Henry said . 'Crisps' I said opening the packet and eating them. We arrived home and I ran straight into the bedroom.

I ran and jumped on the bed and got under the covers straight away. 'Hattie you need to change' Henry said . 'I'm too tired too' I said undoing my hair . 'Fine' Henry said picking me up. 'Noo' I whined as Henry took me into the bathroom. Henry started to undress me but left my bra and underwear on . He slipped one of his tops over my head and picked me back up putting me over his shoulder . I looked at vic who was bright red. Pat and belch was also red . 'Henry everyone can see my underwear pat has a fecking boner' I said trying to pull the shirt down a bit.  Henry laughed and put me on the bed. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke up to loud laughing and shouting. 'Wow you couldn't of been any louder' I laughed sitting up. 'Hey' Henry said 'move I need a piss' I laughed running to the toilet forgetting how short the shirt was. When I was done I washed my hands and walked back into the room . I yawned walking in 'Hattie' Henry said quickly getting up standing in front of me. 'What' I laughed then realised I only had underwear on underneath. 'Why didn't you put shorts on me' I laughed picking up the shorts I was wearing earlier. 'Cause I thought the top was longer' Henry laughed . I sat down next to vic and put my head on his shoulder. 'Did you save me any tea Henry' I said . 'We didn't have tea' pat said . 'Dinner I meant did you save me any dinner and where's pa' I said.

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