11 - an unexpected visitor

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As the four ate their lunch, Olivia's phone began to ring.

"It's work," Olivia said. She picked up her phone and answered it. "Hello?"

"Hart, I need you to come in, with your kid," Thadeus Ross said.

"What? Why?"

"You'll find out when you get in," he said. "But right now, I need you to come in with your kid."

"Um, alright," Olivia said. "We're on our way."

Olivia hung up.

"What was that?" Ella said.

"They want me to come into work and bring Dylan," Olivia said.

"I swear, I didn't do anything!" Dylan defended himself.

"I know you didn't," Olivia assured him. "Just come with me."

"We're coming," Everett said.

"You don't have -" Olivia started.

"We're coming," Everett said.

"Fine," Olivia gave in. "Let's just go."

The four got into Everett's car and drove to the base.

"Dylan never did anything," Olivia said. "I know him well enough to know he'd never do anything. And he was with me the entire weekend. He never left my side."

"I know, Hart," Ross said. "But this woman came in today, looking for Dylan."

Ross moved out of the way to reveal a young woman, probably in her late twenties, early thirties. She looked a bit like Dylan.

"Hi," she said. "Dylan... do you remember me?"

"Y - yeah," Dylan said. "I - I do."

"You recognize this woman, kid?" Ross asked.

"Yeah," Dylan said. "She's - she's my aunt, she's my mom's sister. She went to live in Europe for work."

Olivia stepped back.

Dylan turned his attention to his aunt.

"Why did you come now? Why didn't you come back sooner?" Dylan asked.

"Dylan, I'm sorry," she said. "I would've come back for you, but I couldn't. My work wouldn't allow me to do so until now."

"What work?" Dylan asked.

"I'll explain everything to you later, I promise," she said. "Right, I'm taking you home with me."

"Before I give in, I need you to promise something," he said.

"What is it?" she said.

"Never leave again," Dylan said. "And I can see Liv and all my friends," he turned halfway and pointed at Olivia.

"Fine, whatever you want," she said.

"Good," Dylan said.

"Will you come home with me now?"

"Yeah, I guess," Dylan said. "Just hold on a second."

He turned around and immediately went to Olivia. He pulled her into a hug.

Olivia made sure not to show how much she wished Dylan have to leave her. She didn't show how much she will miss Dylan being around.

"I'll miss you," Dylan whispered.

"I'll miss you too," she said.

Dylan let go of her. 


Dylan packed his things and went with his aunt. Once he was gone, Olivia walked into his old bedroom.

"You okay?" Everett asked.

"Y - yeah, I'm - I'm fine," she said.

Everett walked over to her.

"He'll visit," he assured her. "He promised."

"Yeah," she agreed, "but I'll miss having to take care of him and everything."

"I know," he said. He placed his hand on her shoulder. "Liv..."


"Do - do you want to go out for dinner after work tomorrow?" Everett asked. "As a date?"

Olivia looked at him.

"Um, I'm not sure right now," Olivia said. "I think maybe some other time."

"I understand," Everett said. "But I do have a chance with you, right?"

"Of course," she smiled. 

A smile appeared on Everett's face knowing that he'll have a chance with her. 


Sorry for not updating since last year. I hadn't realized how long it's been since I last updated until now. I would've updated a lot more during my winter break but I didn't come here that much, so I didn't update. I would've updated when I started school again, but I was busy with my midterm exams. I just finished them yesterday and I have today off. Since I'm not doing anything now, I thought I'd finish this chapter and update.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. 

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