09 - the battle

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Olivia, Everett, the kids, Nakia and T'Challa's family had to leave Wakanda. They had to go get help from another try and get help. Olivia, Everett, Dylan and Ellie had to cover themselves to they wouldn't be seen.

They got to M'Baku and his try for help. Lucky for them, M'Baku's tribe found T'Challa and informed them that he wasn't dead. The thing that's keeping him alive was the ice. Instead of risking his death, they gave T'Challa the power of the black panther back.

"Nakia, the herb," T'Challa and Shuri's mother requested from Nakia.

Nakia handed the herb to T'Challa's mother. She started to turn the herb into powder. Once it was turned into powder, T'Challa's mother began to speak, "I call upon the ancestors, I call upon Bast. I'm here with my son, T'Challa."

M'Baku turned around. Once Everett, Olivia and the two teenagers saw this, they followed suit.

T'Challa's mother feed her son the herb. As soon as they gave T'Challa the herb, they started to burry him under the ice. They waited, patiently. Olivia looked at T'Challa, waiting until he made any signs of movement. She hoped that he was alive.

She already worried about Everett a lot when he got shot. Now she's worried over a man who doesn't even know. Maybe it's because she doesn't want a man like Kilmonger to take over Wakanda. She has gotten T'Challa well enough to know that he's the type of person who should be the king of Wakanda.

To her, T'Challa is trying his best to make things right in Wakanda. He wants to fix whatever mistakes previous kings made in the past. She knew that T'Challa deserved to be the king. She knew that Wakanda deserved a king like him.

Nakia, the Queen and Nakia started repeating the same words.

Eventually, T'Challa woke up, gasping for air. Olivia sighed in relief at the sight of the king awake.


Nakia filled T'Challa in on what had happened after he had fallen into the water. T'Challa just sat there, with blankets covering him.

"He banned the garden of the heart shaped herb," Nakia concluded.

"Of course, he did," Olivia said. "He was trained to do that."

"His unit used to work with the CIA to destabilize foreign countries," Everett continued. "They would always strike the transitions of power at an election year or the death of a monarch. You get control of government, the military."

"Power is successful."

"A great amount of vibranium, all of my designs," Shuri said.

"Soon, our weapon all over the world," T'Challa said. "You must get them all out of Wakanda safely."

"What?" T'Challa's mother asked.

"What about you?" Shuri asked.

"The challenge will have to continue," he said.

"T'Challa," his mother said, "we will not leave Wakanda."

"It is my duty to keep you safe," T'Challa said.

"If he gets control of our technology, nowhere will be safe," Shuri said. Shuri revealed a necklace.

Olivia had a feeling that there's more to it then they can see.

Shuri walked over to her older brother. Dylan shifted his position. Olivia tightened her grip on his shoulder.

"The Black Panther lives and when he fights for the fate of Wakanda, I would be right there beside him," Shuri said.

"As well I," Nakia.

"Everett and I are in too," Olivia said.

Everyone looked at Olivia and Everett.

"What? You're gonna need all the help you could get," Olivia said.

"She's right," Everett said.

"What - what about Ellie and me?" Dylan said.

"You will stick with us," Olivia decided.

M'Baku began to yawn. "Are you done?" he asked. "Are you - are you done?"

"Could you give us a moment?" T'Challa requested.

They all left T'Challa and M'Baku to speak. As they left, Olivia felt someone hold her hand and tight their grip on her hand. Her eyes shifted to look down at the hand and her eyes moved up to see Everett. He was looking at her. He gave her a small smile.

A small smile slowly appeared and she tightened her grip on his hand.


The battle began against Kilmonger began.

When T'Challa gave them the signal, Shuri, Nakia, Everett, Olivia, Dylan and Ellie rushed to Shuri's lab. Everett looked back.

"C'mon, Ross," Shuri said.

Dylan and Ellie were able to join Shuri in fighting Kilmonger. They had to be very careful when it comes to revealing themselves. Thankfully, Shuri made suits for them to make sure that nothing happens to them.

That was something that Olivia and Everett were worried about. They didn't want them to go out there in fight just in case they reveal themselves.

While Dylan and Ellie fought along side Shuri and the King, Olivia stayed behind with Everett aiding him.

Unlike Everett, she was never a pilot, but since they're partners, they stuck by each others side.

"Why didn't you go out with the kids?" Everett said.

"I am not leaving your side," Olivia said. "And I'm sure the kids can take care of themselves."

"That we can," Dylan commented. No matter the distance, they all can hear each other.

Sure, it's helpful that they can talk to each other, but Olivia wished that they couldn't. She would've liked to talk to Everett, but she can't. At least she got to be alone with him.


The battle ended, which resulted in Kilmongers death. Olivia wasn't sure how to feel about the death. This man killed many people. She couldn't feel any sympathy or pain over his death.

It was time for Olivia, Everett, Dylan and Ellie to go home. A plane was prepared to take them back to New York.

"Are you okay?" she heard Everett ask her.

"I'm fine," Olivia assured her.

"I've been meaning to talk to you," Everett said. "It's important."

She had a feeling on what he wanted to talk to her about.

She opened her mouth to respond but Ellie entered.

"The plane is ready," Ellie informed them. "Let's go."

Everett and Olivia looked at each other.

"I interrupted something, didn't I?" she asked.

"It's too late for that now," Everett said.

"Let's - let's go home," Olivia said.


Hi everyone. I'm really sorry for not updating in like three months. I have no idea why I've been putting off writing the chapter. At least I managed to do that.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I will hopefully update again soon. This time, I'm gonna make sure that it won't take three months. I've been really busy with school and stuff. I've been having tests and college applications. At one point, I had around ten tests in one week.

Always, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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