The Wild #4

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Twenty miles down the highway, Ty raised his arm and shook his thumb towards the back of the RV. 'It's time girls,' he announced, which Holly guessed was the signal for one of them to drag the unresponsive Lee's body out of the bunk at the back of the vehicle.

During their stay in the diner, they'd cast breadstick lots to decide who drove and what times. 'This is Democracy at its best,' Amy had announced solemnly, the sticks gripped in her fist.

Holly glanced back to where an immobile heap under a gray tartan blanket rumbled like a giant subterranean generator. The recliners on the ferry hadn't afforded much opportunity to sleep, so they'd agreed to only take short stints at driving throughout the day. Ty, Lee, Amy then Holly. Changing over at stops where they could make coffees, snacks, maybe take photos.

The haze that had covered the sun had lifted to leave a fierce blue sky, the temperatures rising into the middle twenties.

Now this, Holly considered as her eyes surveyed the far peaks, rivers and lakes, is a place that restores the soul. She could almost feel the pain of her inner bruises fading from memory. Almost. A world away from betrayals, responsibility and depression. She closed her eyelids, allowing the warmth from the window to stroke her skin.

Meanwhile, Amy shrugged and made her way towards the sleeping area, feeling her way along the walls of the RV.

'I'll do my best, you know how he is once he's asleep,' she called over, a doubtful expression crinkling her elfin features.

Only Amy's mid-Western drawl could put so much warmth and wry humour into a single sentence.

Holly recalled hearing her friend's voice for the first time some years back, over her shoulder in the canteen at the University of British Columbia. She'd met Amy in her student days during an exchange arranged by the science faculty at Worcester, and they'd kept in touch. She'd agreed to go on this 'wilderness trip' after Amy had suggested it during a phone call following her breakup with Dale.

'You need the break Honey,' Amy had cajoled, 'a complete change of scene. A little risk, maybe a little danger, you know. Come over here, get back to Nature, you won't have time to think about that creep, tackling the challenges of the wild, maybe some Canadian Mountie whisking you away on his trusty steed... '

'You can stop right now trying to palm me off on some passing guy Amy,' she'd protested, 'I can be by myself, it's what I want, to get away from the rat race.'

'You know sugar, 'palm me off' sounds so rude, these sayings you Brits have.' Holly had laughed at Amy's suggestive tones. Amy could always make her laugh.

In the end, a carefully aimed smack with a fly swatter brought Lee back to wakefulness.

Her errand completed, Amy swayed back up the trailer and took her seat next to Holly again. She flung an arm around Holly's shoulders and squeezed, leaning her head against hers.

'You two are soo making out tonight,' Lee taunted, as he slouched over to take his seat by Ty. Holly aimed a mock kick at his shins as he passed by.

Wanna watch? Amy mouthed, a wicked glint in her eyes.

Holly saw Ty flick his head round, and wondered what his interpretation had been, with a slight sinking feeling. She'd noticed the looks he'd given her since they'd first met at Hennessey's Coffee Lounge where Amy had arranged the discussion about the trip.

'Hey Guys, anyone for coffee?' Amy leaned back, grabbed the coffee jar out of the holdall behind the seats and shook it provocatively, accompanied by a mischievous wiggle.

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