Judgement Night

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"Help us! We need a doctor!" FP shouted through the hallways of the nearest hospital we had rushed to. He and Jughead were carrying Fangs who was in a comatose state. 

I ran over to the front desk frantically, "My friend needs help! Now!" I shouted at the lady who was preoccupied, jotting down on the clipboard in front of her.

"Wait your turn please." She spoke as if she were bored. I furrowed my eyebrows, "He was shot!" I exclaimed, frustrated at the lady who didn't even look up once from whatever it was she was writing down. "He's dying!" I screamed once she still hadn't reacted.

"What's going on here?" A man questioned rigorously, walking up to me and the lady who seemed offended by my raise of voice.

"My friend, h-he was shot. Right through the stomach." I explained to him quickly leading him over to Fangs.

He nodded once, glancing over to the nurses who were watching intently. It was no doubt that they had judged us from the get-go with Jughead, FP, and Fangs all wearing their Serpent jackets. "Get me a gurney." The man ordered.

I watched anxiously as the man, Jughead, and FP had carefully guided Fangs, setting him on top of the wheel stretcher with precaution. Fangs groaned in agony as soon as his body met with the material.

"Hang in there, Fangs. You're gonna be okay. I'm not leaving, okay?" I attempted to comfort the scared boy but probably hadn't done a very good job as my voice was weak and shaky. It felt as if I was trying to convince myself everything was gonna be okay more than anyone else. Especially with more riots forming outside after the gunshot had gone off. I had no idea where Sweet Pea was since I had immediately rushed to the hospital with FP and Jughead. I was concerned for my boyfriend, of course, but there was no way I could abandon Fangs in his current state.

Fangs let out a weak moan, grazing my hand with his bloodied one as he was wheeled away by the doctors. "I'm not going anywhere.." I whispered one last time watching him turn the corner.

Jughead turned around quickly, wasting no time to head for the exit making me chase after him, "Where the hell are you going?" I asked him angrily, struggling to keep up with his long strides and fast pace.

"To find the guy who shot Fangs!" Jughead grumbled back, determined and keeping his pace leading me to step in front of him, stopping both of our tracks.

I placed a hand on his chest as he looked down at me moodily, "Jughead, there are insane riots out there right now. Look, you're angry, you want justice. So do I. Look at your dad!" I spun him around, pointing to the man who was sitting in the waiting room, hunched over and tugging at his hair while his knee bounced anxiously.

"We're all scared." I spoke lowly, "But Fangs' family is gonna be rushing through that door any minute and we need to be here. You can't go out there. Not now." 

Jughead's eyes were still set on his father. His features softened and he nodded slowly, "Yeah. Yeah, you're right." 

I caught sight of the new sheriff speaking to a nurse casually. My ears perked once I heard the faint mention of Fangs, walking over quickly and stepping in front of him, "Shouldn't you be on the street looking for who shot Fangs?" I interrogated him.

"Bird.." Jughead warned, pulling my arm but I tugged it away, my eyes fixed on the man before me who seemed unimpressed which only upset me more.

"There's already a manhunt underway.. Bird." My eyes squinted once he mocked my name. "You and your little Serpent pals aren't making things easy, though. Rioting, carousing, terrorizing the neighborhood. Already arrested a few." He spoke in a warning manor, as if he were to say we would be the next to be put behind bars.

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