When a Stranger Calls

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"Beatrice Anise Martin!" I flinched when my dad scolded me, using my full name. "Why am I hearing that you're out here.. threatening Serpents! Supporting this-this red circle!" He yelled, standing in front of me while I was sat on the couch guiltily. "Making t-shirts?" He scoffed and crossed his arms with a raised brow, "Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

I sighed deeply before finally making eye contact with him, "I'm sorry you're upset, dad. But I'm not sorry that I'm doing what's right and ensuring people their safety. Not that it matters anyway, Archie wrote an apology letter- the red circle is over."

"That's not the point, Bird! The point is you're trying to protect everyone else but who's going to protect you?" He spoke sadly and sighed, tugging at his light brown hair stressfully. "Listen, Bird, I admire that you and your friends are passionate about your ideas but having a face-off with a criminal?" 

"Dad, what are you even talking about?"

"I'm talking about this!" He slammed down a folded newspaper against our glass coffee table. I moved myself forward to the edge of the couch peeking over the newspaper. Front page of Alice Cooper's The Register was a photo of me and that Serpent from the night at Pop's standing just inches apart from each other, both of our faces irritated with the other. "'Northside vs. Southside: The Rivalry Continues.'" I read aloud, groaning when I had finished reading, and falling back onto the couch.

"Just promise me that you'll stay out of this insanity, Bird." My dad sat down next to me with a frown as he placed his hand on my shoulder, "I've worked so hard to keep you safe from those delinquents. The last thing I need is you knocking on their door."

I wanted to tell him that I couldn't promise him that, but when I looked into his sorrow-filled eyes I knew I couldn't. "Okay, fine." I swallowed, feeling at fault knowing I was lying straight to his face.


"This," I pointed to the same newspaper my dad had shown me this morning to Jughead, "is absurd." I crossed my arms as I pouted, probably looking like a four year old who didn't get her way. Jughead was making cereal as I ranted while pacing his trailer. I had asked if I could come over before school since he was now attending Southside high and I hardly saw him during the day.

"Why? Alice attacked the Southside calling them corruptive and threatening. The whole town is keeping an eye on them now, isn't this what you wanted?" He asked sarcastically, turning around to face me as he shoved a spoon full of cheerios into his mouth.

"I didn't want my face on the front page! My dad was so pissed when he saw me face-to-face with a Serpent! I could hardly explain myself, I don't even know his name."

"Who? Sweet Pea?" Jughead mumbled with his mouth full of cereal making me raise my eyebrows, not sure if I was hearing him correctly.

I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing but couldn't help but let out a stifled laugh, "Sweet Pea?" I repeated bursting out laughing, not even trying to keep it in. "Mr. Big and Bad?" I mocked the way the Serpent walked.

"Don't let the name fool you." Jughead warned with a shrug while he continued eating.

"Please!" I rolled my eyes with a smirk, waving my hand, "He's a piece of cake."

Jughead laughed shortly as he consumed is last spoonful of cereal. "Whatever you say, Bird." He placed his now empty bowl in the sink, grabbing his jacket and slinging it on. "I've got to get to school. Need a ride?" He smirked, pointing to his motorcycle parked outside making me scoff with a roll of my eyes.

"Absolutely not." I answered immediately before grabbing my backpack, "I'll catch you later, Forsythe." I teased the boy one last time before leaving the trailer.

[In The Way Of] Life and Death • Sweet Pea [1]Where stories live. Discover now