House of the Devil

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"My dad's getting out of jail." Jughead broke the news to Betty, Veronica, Archie and I while we sat in the student lounge room. He seemed happy, and obviously this was made to be good news so I smiled, congratulating him- even if FP was a Serpent.

Jughead laughed in disbelief, feeling surreal I'm sure, "The Serpents are throwing him a welcome back party down at the Whyte Wyrm tomorrow night, I'd appreciate if you guys would show up." He grinned, his eyes scanning over the three of us waiting for an answer

"Of course, Jughead." Veronica gave him a half smile while she rubbed his arm reassuringly. 

Betty and Archie agreed almost immediately without a doubt meanwhile I took a deep breath, tilting my head, "I don't know, Jug.." I trailed off hesitantly. "Being in a room surrounded by snakes- doesn't sound too appealing."

His shoulders slumped before he walked towards me pleadingly, "Bird, I know you're not too fond of the Serpents but I wouldn't ask if it weren't important." He said with a frown and placing his hands on my shoulders, "Please."

I shrugged his hands off, raising mine slightly as I gave in to his appeal. "Okay, okay." I rolled my eyes playfully but couldn't help breaking into a smile.


"So what's up with you and that tall, brooding, hunk of a man they call Sweet Pea?" Kevin asked me, almost as if he were mesmerized himself while talking about him, making me scoff at his ridiculousness while we sat at lunch. "I mean the sexual tension between you guys is insane."

This comment made me choke on my water, coughing while I received odd glances from the people around me. "Wha- there is no sexual tension!" I denied immediately not even knowing where he got the idea from. I've only spoken with the Serpent four times and almost each time being an argument.

"Oh, please!" Kevin rolled his eyes and glared at me, his look saying 'don't treat me like I'm stupid'. "Did you not see what happened with me and Joaquin?" He rose his eyebrows. I knew this tone all too well and he was about to jump into a lecture before I stopped him abruptly.

"Kevin- you're crazy." I said bluntly and he only shook his head with a smirk.

"Denial. Typical."

"We hate each other." I told him, staring at him like he had two heads for thinking anything could arise from our distaste in each other. This was a known fact that everybody knew, thanks to Alice Cooper. 

"Which makes it even better!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands up. I pulled his arms down quickly when we received yet another odd glance from our neighbors. "Come on, at that race he was staring at you like you were a piece of meat!"

I opened my mouth to speak but had run out of excuses except one, "He hates the Northside." I told him with a shrug, "We couldn't be friends if we tried." I put an emphasis on the ending of my sentence that was, if we tried to be friends. Which I honestly didn't know could be possible considering the circumstances of our rivalry.

"But you think he's cute." Kevin suggested out of the blue making me throw a grape at his face.

"I never said that!"

"Well?" He questioned as he practically stared into my soul making me anxious.

"I don't know I mean- maybe the Serpents aren't so bad." I mumbled quietly knowing he would freak out since I had been taught to hate the Serpents my entire life.

Kevin gasped loud and dramatically making me throw another grape at him as I shushed him. "Beatrice Martin!" I winced when he decided to use my entire first name meanwhile he was still in a sarcastic state of shock, "Could you possibly feel... sympathy for the Serpents?"

[In The Way Of] Life and Death • Sweet Pea [1]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat