There Will Be Blood

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I applauded the pink-haired girl with a smile along with the rest of the cheerleading team after she had finished her performance. Toni stood in the middle of the gym, catching her breath with a grin, glancing over at me where I responded with a nod of approval.

Just five minutes before her performance she had been nervous about her routine she was required to enact. I had given her minor tips, though by her final recital she didn't need them.

Cheryl's claps were the loudest, the girl beaming in pride and switching from her position in line with the rest of the vixens to the middle of the gym as well. "Well, I doubt there's any way you amateurs are gonna top that so practice is over vixens."

I smirked when she said that, surprised at how far she'd come in her relationship with Toni considering past interactions. Then again, I guess I wasn't one to talk.

"Inner circle Vixens hang back. You know who you are." Cheryl shot me a wink before Betty, Veronica, Toni and I walked over to Cheryl, creating a circle, meanwhile the rest of the team began to evacuate the room.

Cheryl folded her hands with a grin, displaying her classic red lipstick that was applied without flaw, "In honor of Toni joining our squad, I think we should celebrate with a mandatory slumber party at Thistlehouse. Fancy dressing gowns are appreciated. You've all seen The Beguiled, right?"

"A slumber party?" I repeated her words hesitantly with a raised eyebrow, "I don't know Cheryl-"

"Did I mention that it's mandatory?" Cheryl tilted her head. 

I exchanged a glance with Betty who merely shrugged before Cheryl continued. "Dinner at 8:00. Parlor games to follow." She said finally, strutting away.


"Stupid Northsiders." Sweet Pea spat with a roll of his eyes after Jughead explained to us in the student lounge that Hermione Lodge would be running for mayor and soon tear down Southside High, reinventing it into a prison.

I cleared my throat looking down at him, since I was sat on his lap, with my arms crossed.

"You don't count." He elaborated causing me to break out into a small smile before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"There's no way we can sit back and let this happen." Jughead scoffed as his leg bounced up and down while he sat on the couch. "I mean, first the drive-in, then Sunnyside trailer park, The Register, Pop's and now this?" 

I nodded while Jughead spoke, not realizing how much has changed since Hiram returned. "It is kind of crazy. Hiram's like Dracula." I commented, agreeing with Jughead.

My analogy had gotten the reaction of confused stares causing me to shrug before explaining, "You know, snapping up properties from all over Riverdale to expand his empire and feed."

Jughead scoffed and I raised my hands in a confused manor. "What?" I heard Sweet Pea snort quietly in laughter, deriving my attention towards him. "What?" I asked again.

"Nothing, babe." He looked up with a smirk, patting my thigh lightly.

I crossed my arms with a frown as Jughead continued, "Nevertheless, fellow Serpents, conserving energy starts now." He spoke surely with confidence, "We are going on a hunger strike to protest Southside high closing and to get it reopened."

This wasn't the first time Jughead addressed me as a Serpent. We all knew I wasn't one, however since I was always with the crew it was easier to address the group as a whole.

"Yeah, right." Sweet Pea shook his head with a knowing smile. He ran the hand that wasn't rested on my thigh through his hair, slicking back the piece that always hung loose in front of his face.

[In The Way Of] Life and Death • Sweet Pea [1]Where stories live. Discover now