☆ Weekly Reading ☆

Start from the beginning

Libra: Libra, the most challenging aspect of this week will be how to balance out your head and heart. Libra, you need to breath. Take in deep breath and try to center yourself. Go outside if you can, surround yourself with nature. This week will also be very introspective,you are going to see where your choices have lead you so far, the good, the bad, and the unconventional. Your life is being shaken up right now, spirit and your team are looking to see how stable and organizedyour current "build" is, they want to see how much you can "handle" at this point an time in your life. What things are you ready for? and what things are you needing more mentoring and training in?Know that the worst has already passed, now is the time to soften your heart, to have compassion for every person involved in this situation. Your prayers have been heard and have been answered, Have faith Libra.

Scorpio: Scorpio, This week you will be piecing together more parts of the story, these insights will be coming from a multitude of place, from music, conversations, to even literal signs in the streets. Scorpio, they are going to help you "stop" something in its tracks, something that could have been troubling you for some time from making progression in your life. Know that at this time, all of your hard work and determination is being noted! they want you to continue with this growth! and they also want you to know, that all of this work, is not for "nothing". All of this work is also closely linked with your healing journey, both as an Adult and a child. You will get the missing pieces Scorpio,till then keep soldering on.

 Sagittarius: Sagittarius, this week will leave you feeling confused about where you are wanting to go,and just what steps you are going to be needing to take. This situation call for you to return back to your heart. While your mind cannot understand what is going on just yet, your heart could already know. You are already aware of an ending that must occur, and yet another part of you holds tightly onto the past for dear life. You are at a crossroads in your life right now Sagittarius, but this does not mean that you have to make a decision right away. Take some time to reflect on what you have learned so far. Spirit wants you to write down your thoughts if you are having a difficult time speaking your mind right now, this will help you to heal and release any of your worries and doubts of the future to your guardian Angels and guides. Remember that they are there to help! Spread your wings Sagittarius! its time for you to shoot for the stars!

 Capricorn: Capricorn, this week you are especially surrounded by the divine and its workers! this includes your spirit guides, the Angels, Archangels and even the goddesses of this planet. They see that you are experiencing difficultlytimes right now, and they are looking to support you at this time. First thing first, they want to let you know, that your loved ones are safe. They are being spiritually protected at this time. Archangel Micheal is protecting them both physically and energetically. This week, they are wanting you to reflect on your boundaries with others, what needs to be put up and what needs to be strengthened. They want to also let you know that everything is playing out as it should, that nothing is "out of order", even if it might seem like that at the moment. Karma is now being cleared and healed. The angels are working with you now, they are going to help you realign your energy! release any and all doubts to them, this also including "old items" that you no longer use .Be courage's Capricorn, now is not the time to back down.

 Aquarius: Aquarius, you are going to be seeking guidance this week, this could int he form of prayer with the universe, or from your family and friends. Many of you cold be seeking a "safe haven" a place where you can have your defenses downand where you can be open about your worries and situations. Aquarius, you are ready to just let the past go, you don't even want to give it a second thought. Although you are thankful for the lessons and experiences that you have had this year, you are also ready to start a new one! Aquarius, also know that at this time you are continuing to learning many new lessons, the events that have already occurred and are finished up where meant as a means to help you grow! when the time is right, you will have a chance to see just why it all "happened". Be aware of your surroundings Aquarius, if you are seeking messages and assistance, they can be found all around you. Trust in your gut, it wont lead you astray.

Pisces: Pisces, this week you will be doing your best to keep balanced when it comes to both your financial and romantic life. Spirit also wants to let you know that you are extremely close with the universe at this time, They are helping you plan for your future goals and dreams! If you find yourself coming across a dead end or block in the road, know that this is a good thing! it means you are making good progress! this will give you some time to reflect for a moment! this way you will know how to move forward!This will all lead up to the the moment of truth Pisces! are you ready to be The fool? When you release your hold on what could be stopping you from progressing, spirit will then take over! from this place all you have to do is sit back and wait until your reach your next destination. If you find yourself worrying about when and how all of this will happen, know that everything is happening in divine timing, your prayers have beenheard and answered. Spread your wingsPisces!

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