Part 1

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@hi, my name is Courtney rose I'm 5yrs old and my story is about to tell you is really sad but interesting ...... 

Picture of me^^^up the lil girl

I once had lovely parents they took good care of me but one day my parents told me were going hiking in the woods today i smiled because it was my first time going hiking in the woods my parents helped me pack stuff in my backpack and we left at once everyone was ready we were driving forever and it was pitch black the stars were shining and it was a full moon I was so excited when my dad parked the car we got out and started walking into the woods I looked toward my parents and they looked frightened and scared I walk up front while they are in the back when I turn my parents were gone they were nowhere  to be found I was scared and sad my parents were nowhere to be found I started to walk the different direction when I heard rustling in a bush I stopped and out popped a wolf i screamed the wolf came after me and I started running I was little and the wolf was big  the wolf jumped on me and bit my arm then it looked into my eyes and left I got up and started walking in a different direction I felt dizzy and I started to yell "help me someone pls " I fell to the ground still dizzy then I saw feet I look up my sight was blurry I reply "help me pls" then everything went black I felt hands wrapped around me and pick me up....

the lonely wolf Where stories live. Discover now