"OW! What was that for?!"

"Don't ruin the moment!" I yelled. Then I kissed his cheek. "Sorry though."


"Just making sure this isn't a dream." I laughed nervously.

"EXPLAIN! NOW!" Matt screamed and everyone turned towards him.

"Well Pidge and I-." I slapped him again, but this time it was much lighter.

"Don't tell him!" I whispered in Lance's ear. "Once Matt found his soulmate I told mom and she basically showered him with gifts and old Italian traditions."


"So if you tell him, he's going to tell my mom. Who's going annoy me for two weeks."

"Oh." He looked back at Matt then back to me. A smirk was growing on his face. Oh no. "PIDGE AND I ARE SOULMATES!"

"LANCE I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" I got off him and started chasing him around.

"Your short legs will never reach me- oof!" I tackled him to the ground and was now staring down at him. "Wow Pidge, your going too fast for me in this relationship...... I LIKE IT!" I rolled my eyes and pressed my lips back on his.

I didn't even need to turn around to know the paladins were still in shock.

"YOUR WHAT?!" Keith blurted out causing me to break away from the kiss and sit on top of Lance.

"Oh yeahhhhh about that." I said while getting off of Lance. I helped him up after and we made our way to the rest of the group. I pointed towards my shoulder and Lance pointed at his chest. They saw that both of our lightbulb marks were glowing. To prove it more Lance explained how his soul mark came when he was 2 years old. We then continued to go and say we never noticed since where the soul mark was, was usually covered.

"My brother met his soulmate, and she's the smartest girl I know. Good job." Veronica playfully punched Lance's shoulder.

"You both are oblivious. You've known each other for 2 years in space and 2 on earth and you still never figured it out." Keith rolled his eyes. "But I'm glad your each other's soulmate, cause I would've suggested you both dating if not." He finished.

"I can't believe this! Shay can you believe it?!" Shay shook her head no. "I told you guys that you were destined for each other!" Hunk started crying out of nowhere.

"Congratulations you two." Shiro sniffed.

"Shiro are you crying?" Lance laughed.

"No!" He stiffened.

"Well I'm glad Pidge is dating her crush." Allura beamed.

"Yeah- Wait WHAT?! How'd you find out?!" I yelped.

"Mice don't keep secrets."


"Now Lance is my brother as well! Isn't that great Matt!" Romelle was jumping up and down while holding Matt's arm.

"Matt?" I questioned. Then out of nowhere Matt fainted. "Matt!" I ran towards him, but he popped back up as soon as I went to the floor.

"My little sister found her soulmate. And it's Lance." He repeated making sure he's correct.

"Yeah, don't be upset." I raised my hand defenselessly and made my way back to Lance.

"Upset? No I'm happy. I'm glad it's Lance and not some total stranger. You've already been with him for years and just like what Keith said, if you weren't soulmates I would've suggest that you guys date."


"Yeah! I see how happy you get whenever your with him."

"Same thing with my little brother. He always talks about you at our house." Veronica chuckled.

"I DO NOT!" Lance defended and I giggled.

"Well now that everyone knows. Can we at least have a week before you tell mom." I turned to Matt.

"Hm? Oh she's already on the phone." Matt was hunched over a bit dialing my mother's number.

"Matt I'm going to kill you!"

"Too late." My mom answered the phone. "Hey mom. Yup I'm fine...... Yeah Romelle is too.... oh you want to know about Katie? Well she found her soulmate." You could hear a high pitch scream from the phone. "And it's Lance." Then another scream and the phone clicked. "She says she's on her way." Matt smiled.

"Oh. Fuck."

"Language." Lance laughed.

"I hope you know she's coming after you as well."

"I didn't think about that." His face blanked.

"Yeah you didn't."

"Katie!" You could see my mom on the boardwalk running down the stairs.

"Run!" I jumped on Lance's back and he started sprinting.

"Well this is fun." He panted.

"Yeah I know, but you know what makes it better?"


"Being in this situation with you."

"Aww thanks Pidgey." I growled at the nickname.

"I hate you."

"Love you too."

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