Happy Together By: Filter

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Hey guys! Lullah here! So, yeah, I know we basically updated at the beginning and end of the summer only. Yeah, we suck bad... Buut! We did update! And We're super sorry! Here's the new chatper! I thank all of you guys who have stuck with it since the beginning! The sequeal will happen. Without a doubt. Or else, the ending wouldn't make any sense. Well, it would, but it would be a bloody terrible ending. So, I think I'm finished now. Enjoy the chapter. This is my author's note, and Hannah will have one at the end! Love you guys! Stay Classy!

~-_Lots of love!_-~



Leo's PoV:

Sam and I sat in the strawberry fields. She was watching the strawberries. They'd start to grow and the burst. When you caught it in a cup, it was like a strawberry wine. I was pretty sure she was drunk by now. I was a bit tipsy. But her? She was giggling like mad and had this crazy look in her eye.

"Sammie...." I whispered. "Are you okay there?"

She turned on her back and started giggling. "Of course, Leo!"

I shook my head and helped her up. She could barely stand on her feet. I rolled my eyes and started giggling. She gave me a cute little giggly face. I sighed. The world seemed too bright and a headache was starting to form. I groaned and began my journey to the Hecate Cabin. Eli would know what to do with Sam.

"Leo... You're cute." She giggled. Yep, she was drunk. I smiled and kissed her temple. "Too cute to be with me."

Her nose scrunched up. I sighed. Could she truly not see how beautiful she was? I mean, yes, that's one of the reasons I loved her, but it was also frustrating. I mean, she was the one out of my league. She frowned. I kissed right between her scrunched eye brows, making them smooth.

"Leo, wanna know a secret?" She whispered. I nodded. "I am in love with this guy."

I froze. What? I almost immediately dropped her. Of course she found another guy. He was probably better than me. In everyway. He could probably be better to her. I sighed and felt my eyes brim with tears. The heaviness in my heart was unbearable.

"He's cut and funny." Way to make me feel better, Drunk Sam. I felt angry. "And he can always make me smile. Plus, he makes me feel like a fucking princess. His body is killer and eyes could capture a girl's heart! Wanna know who? You probably know him!"

"Sure...." I mumbled.

"It's Leo..... But don't tell him." She giggled.

I felt like the world was lifted off my shoulders. She was describing me. I suddenly felt flattered that she would think of me like that. Actually, I was thankful. Maybe I was her prince charming. She giggled and shushed sloppily. I knocked on Eli's door. From my last experience form not knocking, I was knocking at every door.

"Yes?" Connor poked his head out. "Oh, Leo and Sam!"

"Let them in, you big oaf." Eli giggled and playfully pushed him out of the way, opening the door wider. I thanked her before setting Sam on her bed. "oh.... What happened?"

"Let's just say, Little Miss Valdez over here figured out how to make wine out of strawberries. And also that she can't hold her wine very well." I chuckled sitting next Sam. She sat up and leaned on me. The smell of wine reeked off her breath.

"Oh... " Eli chuckled nervously. "Um, Leo, may I speak to you privately?"

"Sure..." I said, frowning a bit.

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