Mind Over Matter By: Young the Giant

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Eli's PoV:

I ran and ran until I got into my cabin and when I did, I ran up into my room. Closing the door, I went face first into my bed and cried. I cried and cried and cried. My mom had hit home when she talked about my dad. He was the reason I am who I am.

"Eli?" Sam's voice asked. I knew she was sitting on the edge of my bed. When I didn't respond, she used my name. "Kit? Kitty Kat?"

"She visited me." I sobbed into my pillow.

"Who? Who visited you?"

I stayed silent and pulled the sheets over my head and body. My voice had seemed to have left me. What should I say? My birth mother? My mom? It didn't feel right to come off my tongue. It felt.... poisoness. Like I'd get smighted by Go- Zues. Because there are multiple gods. Not one. I shuddered. Everything my dad worked for, gone. He made sure i always went to church. I didn't go to Sunday School, but i did go to chruch. And all this.... Greek is getting me off.

"Kitrina Elisa Delarosa! You talk to me right now!" Sam pulled the sheets off my body and threw my mattress with all her might on he floor. "I'm tired of you being so secretive! Everything isn't always about you!" I winced. "I have some what of a life too! I don't need this shit of you not talking to me! So either speak up, or don't bring anything up!"

I didn't say anything and just looked at her. She had that crazy look in her eye that told me she wasn't kidding. Every once and a while, she'll have a little outburst like this. They weren't bad. But most the time, she sugar coated things for me. And these weren't sugar coated.

"S-S-Sorry." I whimper, trying to gulp down all these feelings.

She was right. I was spoiled. I wasn't thoughtful. I was a bad person. I took a deep breath, trying to stop myself from feeling bad for myself. There really isn't any point in feeling bad for yourself. It just means..... There's something that's wrong. And when something is wrong, you need to fix it. At all costs. I hate seeing people unhappy. It's a fatal flaw. I'd rather die  to keep people happy than see them unhappy.

That's it. I have to die. It's my destiny.... I gulped down that feeling. It was a bad feeling. Something that made me think about. Maybe there was another way. There always is, rigth? There has to be. Unless there's not. Unless there's no other way to save Izzy and I have to surrender myself to Hades. Lord Hades. It's Lord Hades. He is a god. Sure, he was an evil-ish person who had one of the worst jobs in the world, but he was still a god.

Izzy's PoV:

I sat on my bed, staring at the wall. I've grown to just stare at the wall out of bordom. It's been so boring. And confusing. Nico would come in the middle of my sleep and lay in bed with me, before leaving my after a couple of hours. This happened everytime I fell alseep, He never came when I was awake. Or so he thought. Sometimes, I'd pretend to sleep for hours just to feel myself in his arms.

But i had just woken up. He had left his jacket, so I slipped it on. The door suddenly opened to show a sheepish Nico. I looked down, my face blazing with a blush. His jacket was so comfortable and it it didn't fit me, but that was perfect. Perfectly imperfect.

"I think I left my- oh..." He saw me wearing the jacket. Before i could take it off, he stopped me. "Don't. It looks good on you. Cute even."

"Thanks." I mumble. Nico comes and sits next to me in my bed. There was about ten minutes of silence, I say something that's been meaning to be said. "When will I go home, Nico?"

After about another time of silence, he answered. "I don't know, Izzy. I really don't."

Then, he kissed me. I kissed him back. Slowly and carefully, he pressed my body against the bed. I smiled into the kiss. He pulled back and smiled at me. I giggled as he kissed my nose. It was a sweet guesture. Giggles escaped my mouth as he smiled and tickled me. After a few minutes, he stopped and kissed me again. I was practically dying. More giggles escaped as he tickled me more gently.

"I really like you, izzy. I've just been afriad. Mostly that you wouldn't like me. But also because you would get scared at what I could do. I talk to ghost and dead people, Izzy. I want to be honest with you. I know I've put some distance between us. i know. But I want to get to know you. Your hopes. Dreams. Everything." He kissed me on the nose when he finished. "All i need to know is... Will you let me?"

Eli's PoV:

I went and visited Connor. He smiled at me. After an apology, we went on a walk. We even held hands It was a nice, blissful silence. I loved it. i could hear nature working. I remembered walking with my dad and Mike in the forest in Washington. All this walk needed was rain. As if Zeus heard me, it started to sprinkle.

"You look beautiful." Connor mumbled.

"Thanks." I blush and look at the ground. He sqeezed my hand in a friendly manner and kissed my cheek. I was glad he was gonna protect me. I wanted him to protect me from what I had to do.

Twirling me around, he chuckled and watched me. We started dancing in the rain. It was nice, but also not since i couldn't dance. But he taught me. Sort of. We laughed as I kept stepping on his toes. Once again, I don't dance. We start slowly swaying back and forth together with my head resting on his chest. The rain continued to fall down as we danced. I look up into his eyes and he looks down into mine. 

"I love you" he whispered.

Wait what?

I gulped. This was.... Amazing? I wanted to tell him I loved back. But, was I ready for such a reltionship? All my life, I've only been dependent Mike, Sam, and my dad. I'm not sure if I want one more person to regret watching me closer. I don't need to hurt people, especially more people than needed.

"Please say something, please," tears brimmed his eyes. You couldn't necisarrly tell they were tears but his eyes were red and I just knew. It wasn't something you say and don't get at least a little emotional about it. 

I was tempted to run off but I'm stronger than that. I am Kitrina Elisa Delarosa and I have survived things a lot more challenging than this. Somehow though, this is more challenging. So why can't I say those three words? I can and I will, but how cruel and selfish would it be if I were to say that and then die. Honestly, I don't want to think about the future anymore, but now and just now. Now.

"I love you too"

'Ello people. It's summer now so Talullah and I will be able to write a lot more. Also dedication to @girrrrlirock10252 for liking all of our chapters! Thank you all for the support! OKay BYEEEE

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