It's Time By: Imagine Dragons

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So, guys, we have a lot of reads, so THANK YOU! Keep it it up! Oh, and here's a new chappie! Hope you like it!


Chapter 4:

Sam's PoV:

"Here's the Hephestus cabin." Piper smiled.

"The god of blacksmiths. The one who got thrown off Mount Olympus for being ugly?" I raised an eyebrow.


We entered the cabin. There are two words to describe that place. Three if you count AND. Hot and smelly. Sweat started to form on my forehead. Strong looking kids wandered about it. Some talked, others made their beds, many worked on little toy looking things. Most did all three at the same time.

The minute the door slammed shut, they all looked at us. My eyes darted directly infont of me. They were met by kind, dark, brown ones. Piper slightly nudged me. I hadn't realized that I was biting my lip. Dang habit. Looking at the owner, I saw a built, tan, and hispanic boy. His hair was wet and a towel covered his lower half.

"Guys, this is Sam. Sam, met all these people." Piper had the same smile on. It was kind of getting annoying. "Um, the wierdo in the towel is the counslor, Leo."

"Er- Hi." I mumbled. My eyes went to Leo's outline of a six pack. Damn...

"Hey." His husky voice made me nearly melt. A smirk played on his lips.

"Put on a shirt, Repair Boy." Piper glared playfully.

"Hey, Beauty Queen, I don't complain when you're trying to impress Jason. Let me have my moment with this sweet thang." He shot her a glare before giving me kind eyes. "So, honey, who's your godly parent?"

"Um, I don't know." I blushed. Nobody had ever really flirted with me. Unless you count this kid name Brian from the sixth grade who flirted with literally everyone. Once, even a teacher.

"Do you have a mom or a dad?" He approached me.

Everyone else went back to what they were doing.

"Listen, Leo, I gotta go meet up with Jason. Can you show her around?"

"Of course." Leo wiggled his eye brows at me.

"Oh, and Sam, if Leo gets on your nerves, don't be afraid to hit him." She said before leaving.

"So, do you have a dad or a mom?" He walked over to a bed that was tricked out. Microwaves, radios, everything. Eli would've gone crazy when she saw this.

"Er- don't we have both? I mean, don't you need both a male and female things to get a new person?" I giggled.

"No, I mean, your mortal parent."

"Oh, I have a mom." I smiled. His faded.

It broke my heart. He was ultra cute and to see his mood changing. I gave the warmest smile I could.

Leo's PoV:

Sam gave me one of the brightest smiles I've ever seen. My heart did a flip inside. Wow, she was beautiful. No doubt about that. Hair that was dark chestnut that was a few cenitmeters off her shoulders. Pale skin that brought out her bright, green eyes. They had a twinkle madness that pulled me in.

"Sorry." She mumbled, looking guilty.

"No, don't be." I said softly. "Here, let me go get dressed, then we can go finish the tour, okay?"

She nodded and sat down on my bed. I went into the bathroom. Quickly, I got dressed. Her image bruned through her mind. Sam was small and frail, but had the glow to her. Before I went out, I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair.

Walking back out, I see two of my little sisters talking to Sam. She smiled and talked back so easily. Bella, a little tropical girl, turned around. Sam's slinder fingers dove into her thick hair and skillfully braided it. Cyana, an asian little girl who everyone loves, talked to her. Sam seemed to filled their needs of girliness.

"Remember, if a guy doesn't like you for you, don't let him break your heart. Plus, if he gets hurt when you hurt, that means that he truely does care." Sam finished her braid.

"Am I interupting anything?" I asked, leaning against the bunk.

"No." A deep crimson appeared on Sam's face.

"Don't hurt her, Valdez." Bell warned before skipping off with Cy.

We walked out. The first part of the tour was filled with showing her places, complimenting her, and her blushing. Then, I decided to show her the bunker. Leading her through the forest, I made sure I was very gentlemanly. Helping her over the creek. Making sure the bushes and trees didn't hurt or scratch her.

Finally, we got there. She stood infront of the entrance, giving me a confused look. That was adorable. Doing what I do, I opened the entrance. The minute the bunker came into view, her face lit up. She ran inside to investigate.

"Wow! Look at all this stuff."

"Yeah." Cooly, I walked into the bunker.

"Ahh!" Sam squealed. She fell over a random box.

"Oh, gods." I said, jogging over to her to help her up.

"Thanks." She said as she took my hand and got up. Brushing herself off, she noticed spot oil on her dark, navy blue sweater. "Dang... my sweater."

"Here." I carefully slipped off her jacket. Buford the table flew up to me and took the sweater. Since it was fall, I was wearing a jacket. Quickly, I slipped off my jacket and put it over her shoulders.

"Thank you, Leo. You're so sweet." A light shade of pink started to turn crimson on her cheeks. "Why would Piper say that you were annoying?"

"I don't know." I shrugged, even though I knew the answer. I purposely annoy them.

"Well, this place is amazing." She smiled.

"Thanks." My face felt hot.

"Is that a dragon head?" Her smile brightened.

Hurrying over to Festus's head, she wove through misplaced things on the ground. Her hands stroked down the nose. Even though he was activated, I could tel he liked it. Biting her lip, Sam inspected Festus. Gods, that made her look sexy. A yellow blouse tucked into some denum skinny jeans hugged her body, showing her curves. My jacket drapped over her petite body. Pure black Converse covered her feet.

"Yeah, that's Festus."

"Wow." She breathed. A strand of her bangs fell in front of her eyes. Touching the tip of a horn, she used the other hand to put it behind her ears.

That's the moment that I realized I was crushing on Sam. Majorly. Badly. But it was the best thing ever happened to me...


Hey Hey Hey Hey. How'd you like it? Read, Comment, and Vote. Critisism is accepted. Remember to stay classy...

Love ya'll.

-Hannah and Lulah <3

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