She Will Be Loved By: Maroon 5

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Hello my beautiful babie!! Here's a brand new chapter! Hope You all like it. ;)


Chapter 5:

Connor's PoV:

Her black flowed in the breeze. Chocolate brown eyes glistened with mystery. A smile made the sun look dim. This was Eli. Beautiful Eli. Lovely Eli. Violent Eli. All these things are what I think of as I watch her talk to Clarisse. I've only know her for five hours, and I already have developed a crush on her.

Chris walks up next to me and nudges me. I looked up at him. He smirks at me and chuckles.

"You're drooling." He comments for only us to hear.

My hand flew to my mouth. Dang, I really was. Wiping it up, I frown when I hear/see the girls giggle and look at us. Were they talking about us? Was Clarisse telling her good things? Or was she telling Eli how terrible of a guy I am? I hadn't even noticed Chris trying to get my attention until he smacks me up side the head.

"Ow!" I exclaim holding the back of my head.

"Man, you've known her for what? Four hours? And you're totally falling for her." He jokes.

"Well, you try talking to her for five hours and not fall for her. She's violent, hot, nice, rude, and has the best personality." I point out.

"No thanks. I'm good with Clarisse." He licks his lips.

"What about me?" Clarisse and Eli walk up.

"I was just telling Connor about how awesome you are." Chris slid his arm aorund her waist.

"Aww." The girls chimed. It was wierd seeing Clarisse all girly and stuff.

"Hey, Eli, want to get back to the tour?" I asked.

"Sure. See ya later, Clariy Fairy." She called as we started walking.

"Later, Elise the Conquerer." Clarisse said.

"What up with the nicknames?" I asked, a bit jealous.

"We went to the same kindergarten in Arizona. Well, until I moved to New Mexico." Eli smiled.

"So, what have we not seen?" I asked.

"I don't know, you're the tour guide." She shrugged. It was so cute. Her eyes looked sat me.

Eli's PoV:

I studied his face. Wow, was he cute. Studying him more, I saw the way his eyelashes softly hit the tops of his cheeks. Each time as they closed, they'd reopen, to show bright beautiful eyes. I felt myself blush, so I looked down at the ground. He smiled at me.

"So, do have any siblings that you're mom had?" I asked.

"Yeah, I have an older brother." He said.

"That's cool." An unrooly amount of awkwardness filled our conversation.

Seeing Sam gave me an excuse to break it. Right before I jogged over to her, I looked down to see that Connor and I almost were holding hands. Woah... that wasn't planed. He saw it and both of us blushed.

"Eli!" Sam called and walked over to us. She didn't have that one girl with her. Actually, she was alone.

"Hey." I breathed.

"Er- I need to talk to you. Connor, can you give us a second?" She gave him her irrsistable puppy dog eyes.

"Sure. You guys look for me at dinner. Come sit by me." She shyly smiled before leaving.

The minute he was out of ear range, Sam let it out. "Okay, so there's this guy. He's super cute and he gave me a tour and stuff. He took me to this amazing place and was super sweet. He's everything I'm looking for in a guy, but I don't know. What do you think? We nearly kissed before some thing flashed over my head. A wine glass. Apparently that was getting claimed. Anyway, I'm really lost and I think that you should help me. Please."

It was a sentence per second. Being who I am, I understood all of it. Sighing, I motioned her to come with me to the dock. We took off our shoes and dipped our feet in the water. It was cold.

"So, there's a guy..." I trailed. She nodded. "And he's sweet." Another nod. "Okay, well, er, maybe there is hope in the world for us."

"Yeah." She giggled. That had been a joke between us since we met. Us being forever alone and growing up to be turtle farmers. That's been our plan since I can remember. But that's now changed.

"Hey, listen just listen to your heart. That's what my dad tells me." I nudge her. She chimes in on the last part. "And that if he really loves you, when he hurts you, it'll hurt him."

We giggled. That's what we've always done. Every time we said or heard it. Somethings you just can't change.

"You're right." She smiled. "That's why you have to forgive me for this."

"Wha-" I was cut off since she pushed me into the lake. Water seeped through my clothes. As I resurfaced, quickly grabbed her ankle and pulled her down. She screamed, but it was muffled by the water. I gave her a devious smile.

We stayed like that a minute longer before going up. Sam hoisted herself up. Only when I tried to go up, I apparently went down. I wanted to breathe again. My lungs felt like they were about to burst. The thing is, I don't have strong lungs. When I yell, it hurts. It's been that way since I was a baby.

Creatures moved around me. I heard a splash from somewhere. I tried to move towards it, but my limbs felt like they were about to fall off. Ehh, why don't I just give up? That sounded like a good idea. Right before I gave out my breath, I saw a boy with curly hair. Light brown. Did I forget to mention the boy was shirtless?

He looked breathless. The boy was built. Definately. I tried to grasp for more air, but my mouth filled with water. Nothing happened. The guy grabbed my body and pulled me up. My eyes began to close. Suddenly everything was pitch black. Someone pushed on my stomache. I coughed up something wet. I really wanted to open my eyes, but I couldn't.

Something pressed against my lips. Air was put back in my lungs. This went over and over until I caught my breath. Finally, I could open my eyes. Connor's face hovered over mine. Both of us were soaking wet.

"What the hell?" I coughed.


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We have ship names for them if you were wondering:




Lulah and Hannah.

That's What You Get...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora