Chapter 10

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"I still don't get why you two need to be going." Eleanor said tiringly.

Edgar, Eleanor, Catherine and Draco were at the King's cross. "I told you guys not to come." Catherine said.

"And what? Leave you here with this walking disaster? And I thought you're the smart one." Edgar said looking at Draco who looked like he was sleep walking. 1

"Yeah, you two could walk on the train tracks without even noticing." Eleanor joked giving Catherine a hug before their Departure. "I appreciate the thought. We can manage from here, honestly. Go get some sleep." Catherine said pushing them to the gates.

"Owl us when you get back!" Edgar said looking at them sternly.

"Yes, mother dear." Catherine said rolling her eyes. 2

They went aboard the scarlet train and sat in an empty compartment in the back. Draco went back to recover his lost sleep while Catherine was unwrapping the gifts she had received. Professor McGonagall gave her a bit out of the ordinary gift; she had given her a small crystal vial that had contained a peculiar slivery blue liquid that seemed to roam like air in the container. 4

From Harry, Ron and Hermione was a box of sweets, a pack of Blood flavoured lollipops and from Hermione was an elegant set of quills and different pots of ink. 5

From Ginny and the Twins, a navy blue coat and an assortment of Zonko's and as well as their own products,

From Luna and Neville, a stone that looked very like a Topaz strung by a silver wire and from Neville was a note attached to a small box which contained a charm in the form of a plant for her bracelet.

Catherine kept the note in her pocket and fell asleep.



No response. Catherine pointed her wand at her throat, "HARRY!" She said, her voice magically amplified. Harry jumped out of bed; his body smacked the hard wood floor.

"Good morning to you too, Em," He said getting himself up. "Good morning, I'm here what do you want to tell me?"

Harry pouted, "Don't I at least get a hug from my sister?"

Catherine laughed, "Don't be such a drama queen, Harry." She says hugging him. "Right, about Sirius."


"He's our Godfather."

Catherine sat down on his bed, clutching her knees. "Do you think he's....good?"

Harry almost choked on his chocolate frog, "What?! He killed 13 Muggles, sold our parents to Voldemort and killed his own friend! Tell me how he's become good?"

"I have this theory."

"Amuse me!"

"Why are you acting so constipated?! Merlin, Harry! Anyway, think about it. He's been feeling bad about what he had done 12 years ago and remorse has taken him over." 4

Harry looked at her with pure confusion, "Of all the people, I thought you'd understand! Catherine, what in the name of Merlin is happening to you?! This man is the reason why mum and dad are dead! He's the reason why we got no parents!"

Catherine tried to keep cool but this was too much for her, "What do you want me to do, Harry? Find him and kill? I know what he's done because every time I see the damn scar I remember. Do you ever think that he's changed? Do you ever think that someone deserves a second chance?"

Harry just laughed, "Everyone deserves a second chance but at least know what they did to the first. I thought you'd be infuriated by this, Em. Are you hiding something?"

"I'm tired, Harry. I'm tired of the screaming, of being angry all the time but most of all; of being your sister. People expect me to do things, they doubt me. It's you they need, not me. Never me,"


"Merry Christmas, Harry,"

Thankfully the Gryffindor common room had been empty then Seamus and Neville came in, "You alright, mate?"

Catherine forced a smile, "I'm fine. How did your holidays go?"

Seamus boyishly scratched the back of his head, "Oh, you know. The usual,"

"Have you got my present?" Neville asked. "Yeah, why'd you ask?"

Neville looked at Seamus with a smile and he looked at Catherine, "Can we go somewhere? To talk, I mean."

Catherine looked back at the boy's dormitory door and sighted, "Sure, if it's fine with you, Seamus."

"Of course! Take your time." He says with a wink as he goes in the dorms. Neville and Catherine walked to the Viaduct, the snow icing all of Hogwarts. "So, what is it you want to talk about?"

"The letter; did you read it?"

Catherine felt for her pockets and took it out, "I haven't read it." Neville nodded and gave her time.

The letter felt heavy in her hands after she read it, it didn't take a whole minute to read because it only contained one sentence: I love you. 34

"Oh, Neville," 5

Neville's face went beet red, "I really do, Em. I love you."

Catherine hid the note back again to its place, "No you don't Neville, you can't love me."

"Why not?"

"Well for once, I'm with Draco." Catherine said her face burning up even though it was snowing like mad.

"And... Even if I'm not with him, I'm not good enough for you. You deserve someone far off better than I am."

Neville kept quiet then finally he spoke, "C-Can we still be friends?"

Catherine giggled lightly, "Of course." She hugged him.

"I appreciate your honesty, Neville. What you feel now is not love, just a small infatuation. You'll find the right girl, she'll be lucky to have you." 3


Catherine brushed the snow off his face, "You need to get rid of that plant, Neville. It's maddening."

(In case you lot forgot, Neville and Catherine found a plant near by the banks of the Black Lake. Named the Children of Aphrodite and for its beauty and magical properties,) 3

Neville nodded, "I'll get to it as soon as possible."

"Good," Catherine kissed him on his cheek, "Now go inside! You're freezing; I'll be at my dorm if you need me."

~ 1

The Slytherin common room was empty except for Blaise who had fallen asleep near the Fireplace, his feet propped up on a stool. Catherine sneaked in the boy's dormitories and saw Draco asleep.

Catherine sat on his bed, "Draco?"

Draco lifted his eyes, a dopey smile forming on his face. A smile from him was rare but this...he would smile like this even subconsciously. "Hey love,"

Catherine scooted closer to him, playing with his hand, "Have a good sleep, I see."

He sat up and faced her, "I dreamt of the first time we danced." This made Catherine laugh, "What? How can you be happy 'bout that? I sprained your ankle!"

"I never said it was a good memory but the look on your face was priceless." He said with a laugh.

""Make fun of me if you want. It sort of turns me on." Catherine said her face only inches away from his, Draco leaned further but Catherine pulled away. 2

"You got to catch me first." She said sticking out her tongue at him as she ran outside the dorm. Draco smirked and ran after her in the common room.

The two were like Tom and Jerry, both were chasing after each other from the couch, cautious of Blaise still asleep. Draco finally caught her and locked her in his arms, "What shall I do with you?" He asks. "Love me." Catherine says with a playful smile. Draco kissed her passionately, "I already do." 5

"Ugh. Please, not in front of me." Blaise said disgusted by the scene of affection. The couple laughed and sat next to the newly awaken Blaise, "Whatever you say dear." 1

Catherine swung her legs on Draco's lap, "Blaise, someday we'll be the ones to tease you when you found your girl, and when you do; we will tease the mickey out of you." 4

Blaise just smirked, "I seriously doubt that."

"What do you mean, mate?" Draco asked.

"I mean, that I have no intention of having an intimate relationship of the opposite sex."

"Same sex then?" 1

"What? No! I meant that I don't want to have a girl friend and I don't intend to have any sodding emotion like love."

Catherine giggled, "Merlin, Blaise! I was only kidding."

"Is this about that French girl?" Draco asked.

"What French girl? Who is she?"

Blaise threw a pillow at him, "Nobody!"

"Just out of curiosity, why so interested in my love life?" Blaise asked looking at Catherine and Draco suspiciously. "No reason, just...curious." Catherine said twirling her wand in her hand.

Blaise lifted an eyebrow, "Alright then, if you don't mind I'll be at the Great hall before I freeze to death."


Catherine was looking at me, her large, emerald green eyes meet mine, and I find myself wishing that she'll never look away. "Come here."

She was on my chest, her hair giving off its timeless scent which always smelt like green apples. "I love you for some insane reason, tell me why that is?" I ask pushing away a stray lock of her hair. She smiled in return and played with my hand, "You and me, we are never going to be normal, you know that right?" 8

"We're living in different worlds," she whispered.

I lifted her chin, "Why not create our own world?"

I looked at her and took in her beauty. Every time I look at her, I swear she just gets more and more beautiful. "I love you."

I could sense she had read my mind, I was fine with that. "I love you too."

Our lips met, the kiss was alluring more than usual. Her hands were laced with mine, at this moment it seemed to last for infinity. I never wanted it to end. Sounds mad I know but she makes me feel free, she makes me feel happy.

The kiss ended and we both fall asleep on the couch, she cuddled closer to me, her head just below my chin. I have never felt so... like this. I doze off as well, our hands still entwined with each other. 11

Catherine Potter~Book 3~Prisoner of AzkabanWhere stories live. Discover now