Chapter 1

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Catherine'S POV:

Dear Ms Catherine Emilia Potter, 12

We would like to inform you that we have received intelligence that your brother, Harry James Potter, current resident of No. 4, Privet drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, has performed an Inflating charm on a Muggle relative by the name of Mrs Marge Dursley. Seeing that this is only by accidental use of magic, Harry is given a 2nd degree warning.

Hoping that you are well,

Mafalda Hopkirk of the Improper use of Magic & Cornelius Fudge; Minister of Magic

Catherine's arms hung down limply by her sides, the letter still in her hand, "For goodness sake..." She said pulling out her trunk from under her bed.
She was infuriated, no doubt at the Ministry's letter, she was going to hunt Harry down where ever he is. Catherine was alone at the time, McGonagall left early for Hogwarts, and she trusted Catherine not to do anything drastic, probably the wrong thing to do. 3

"Athena, you know where to go." she said unlocking her window, The Tawny owl looked at her affectionately and flew away to the night sky. Catherine finished packing her trunk and school things, she knew this wasn't going to be easy, it never was. She stepped outside her home and stuck out her wand, a blinding light emerged from the dark,
"Welcome to the Knight bus." 1


Where will I go now? My sister's house? Yeah right, like I know where the bloody hell she lives. Hogwarts? They'll chuck me in Azkaban before I can even step foot in there. I could strap my trunk on my broom, cover it with the cloak and put a charm on it to stay; I mean I already used magic not 20 minutes ago. Not much use now if I use it again.

I sit on the pavement and stare hopelessly at the inky blue night sky. All of I seemed like a rush, the breaking of the wine glass in Aunt Marge's hand, her body starting to inflate with air, and then finally circling London like a bloated balloon. 3

I look up from where I'm sitting and began to see lights flickering in such odd manner, almost as if by a magical force, I must be going mad. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck rise, I turned around and saw this massive dog, its fangs bared at me and its breathe hot and smelled of pork chops. 4

The dog looked at me like meal. It had his paws in front of him, as if ready to pounce on me and get it done with. I slowly reached for my wand on my trunk, then I heard a loud, blaring horn and the dog was no more.
I didn't question myself on where the dog went; it's the bus I'm worried about right now.


Catherine helped up her brother on his feet, socking him in the stomach when she did, "Not one letter! Harry, what the bloody hell has gone to your head?!" her sister said like a scolding mother. They went in the bus, the conductor behind them dragging about Harry's trunk, "I can't believe you blew up Uncle Vernon's sister! And I had to hear it from the Minister!" Catherine said forcibly giving the letter to Harry.

Harry looked at her confusing and began to scan the letter, "The Minister sent you this?" He asked, re-sealing the letter and handing it back to her. Catherine nodded and sat down on the bed in front of him, "The bloody hell they did! You're bloody lucky they didn't expel you!" she scolded. Her expression softened for a moment when she met Harry's eyes, she opened her trunk and handed him a medium sized box wrapped in red and gold."Happy birthday, big brother." she said messing his already messed up hair.
"Thanks. I'm sorry I didn't get you anything." he says.
Catherine nodded and smiled, nudging for him to open the present but then the conductor spoke to them,
"What did you say your names were?" the conductor, Stan, asked looking at the twins. Catherine and Harry exchanged looks, "I'm....Luna." she said with a straight face. "And, I'm...Neville." Harry said. 5
Stan looked at him with doubt, "But you called him 'Harry' not a minute ago." he said now looking at Catherine. She bit the wall of her cheek and shrugged, "That's how we greet each other in our country." she said with a bad poker face. 1
"Who's that man?" Harry asked pointing at the Evening Prophet clasped in Stan's hand. He looked at them, shocked to the bone that they had no clue who he was, "That is Sirius Black, that is." Stan said. He looked at the picture ruefully, "Murdered a load of Muggles, and the parents of the Potter boy." Stan put down the paper and shrugged, "He even took the life of the little Potter girl, poor soul." 7
Harry glanced at Catherine, who had a bit of a smirk that almost looked like it been saying, oh Stan, if you only knew. The bus abruptly stopped, Harry's body lurching forward and crashing to another bed. Catherine stifled a laugh and helped him up, "It seems like you've gotten graceful, Harry. Has our dear cousin Dudley taught you that?"
He shot her a look and proceeded to walk down the steps of the Knight bus, "Shut up, Catherine." He said. Stan helped the two of their luggage and dropped them off in front of the Leaky Cauldron, "Right, been a pleasure travelling' with you lad," He tipped his hat to Catherine and grinned, "And Lady."
"Ah! Mr & Ms Potter, I was wondering when you two are coming along." Tom, the barman said picking up their trunks and bringing them inside the Leaky Cauldron. Stan looked at the Potters with a confused expression and then called out to the bus driver, "Oi! Ernie! It's the Potter twins! Luna, Neville, why didn't you tell us?"
Catherine casted him one of her charming smiles and waved goodbye before going in the Inn; Harry waved as well. Stan grinned, "Bye Luna! Neville!" he said closing the bus door. And in a flash, the Knight bus was gone.
"I'd have to ask though, Em," Harry said in a whisper, "Oh, how forgetful of me, you're Luna right?" Catherine punched his shoulder and laughed, "Shut up, Neville." He stopped laughing and just smiled, Catherine's expression turned to its normal serious state as they entered a room; the Minister of Magic was waiting for them.
"Good evening, Minister." The twins chorused.
The Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge sat behind a desk with a big fluffy white quill in his hand, "Ah, Catherine, Harry. Sit down." he said looking at them like a favourite niece/nephew.
"A bit reckless of you two to run from your homes, nevertheless, Harry, your Aunt has been recovered, memories had been modified, everything has been taken care of." The Minister said, giving his owl a letter to be sent. "As for you, Catherine, I have sent an owl to your guardian. No harm done, whatsoever." he said with a smile.
Harry shifted uncomfortably in his seat, "I don't understand, why is it I'm not arrested I mean, I broke the law." The Minister waved his nonchalantly, "Harry, my boy, we don't send people to Azkaban for blowing up their aunts!" 55
He stood up from his chair and walked around the room, but Catherine and Harry could feel him behind them, his eyes boring holes at the back of their heads, "The deed is done. Nothing to worry about, the important thing is you got here safe and-" the Minister stopped.
Catherine rose up from her chair, turning her head to the Minister, "What do you mean by "safe" Minister? Is there something to be worried about?" She asked looking at Fudge in a suspicious manner. Then Harry remembered the man on the Evening Prophet, the man Stan said supposedly murdered Muggles, their parents, and Catherine, "Sirius Black," Harry muttered. 1
"What do you know about Black?" The Minister asked.

"Nothing just that he was sent in Azkaban for murder," Harry said simply, "Is there anything else we ought to know?" The Minister shook his head and turned to Catherine, "Anything to add, my dear?" he asked. "Nothing at all, Minister." she said. 1

"Good. Tom will escort you to your room, you will find your books there." he said returning back to his desk, "And, Harry, Catherine, it is best if you don't...wander." he says with a mysterious glint in his eyes.

The twins nodded and went to their room where Tom had instructed, locking the door after they got in. "Well, Harry, mind you telling me about what happened earlier?" His sister asked leaning against the door.

"Believe me; if you were there you'd do the same thing. She insulted mum and dad! Even you! Honestly, you can never find anyone with a mouth big as hers." he says. "Understandable but- wait. How does she know about me?" she asked.
"Dunno. Aunt Petunia must've told her." he said. "Well, all right then. We'll talk about this in the morning." she said closing the curtains. Athena flew in with a single letter in her beak; Catherine quickly approached her and fed her a dead mouse from her pocket. 6

"Who's it from?" Harry asked slightly curious.

"Well, if you must know, Nosy. It's from Professor." she says removing the wax seal. 5


Once term is over and you are home, you are grounded for a month, no Quidditch, no visits to anyone, and no potion making. I trusted you to stay put in the house and you deliberately disobeyed me. I want you to stay there with Harry; don't talk to anyone unless extremely important, the Weasleys will arrive there later this evening. Stay safe. 1

Minerva. 2

Even if it was Catherine's burden alone, Harry couldn't help but feel the guilt lie upon his shoulders. He watched her pocket the letter, begrudgingly opening her trunk on the carpet floor, "Catherine, this is my fault. I'll send an owl to Professor tomorrow, tell her about-"
Catherine stopped him in mid-sentence. "Harry, I love you and you're my brother but don't you anything about this. Don't even bother writing to McGonagall." she said seriously. "Fine. If you're sure about it," Harry said untying his shoes, "By the way, why did Stan say that Sirius murdered you along with our parents?"

She sat cross legged on the floor with her trunk wide open in front of her, "Legend has it that only one person survived that night, and it was you. What legend doesn't know that Aunt Minerva took me in into protection, since then I was proclaimed as dead. The Ministry said that I was turned to ash by Voldemort's doing." Catherine said with a sigh.

"But, that's rubbish. They assumed you were dead and cremated? That's-that's... mad."

"I know."

"And then after 11 years of being dead, you came to Hogwarts." 4

"And then the slat is clean. I'm alive." Catherine smiled and opened her trunk, popping out a slim hard covered book entitled; Gruesome & Dark branches of Magic. She glanced at Harry suspiciously, He laughed, "Happy birthday. You didn't think I had nothing to give you, did you?" he asked. 6

Catherine grinned ear to ear and began flipping through its pages, "Where did you find it?" she asked clearly amazed.

"Trust me, you don't want to know." Harry said, "Wait, so you were presumably dead for 11 years, then you came back, and then you died again in our first year and then you came back to life..." 31

"Shut up, Harry."

Just then an owl flew in and dropped a parcel on Catherine's lap, she opened the parcel and came out a bottle decorated with silver and green markings, looking like very ancient runes of some kind, Catherine deduced that it was foreign.

"Who's that from?" Harry asked raising his brow.

"It's from Draco and Eleanor, his cousin." she said reading the card attached to it, avoiding Harry's glance. "Harry, please don't freak out about this." she said calmly. "About what?" he asked. 10

"Draco and I are dating." 42
"For how long?" he asked not moving. "Since the end of term last year." she said truthfully.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? I thought we both agreed on having no secrets on us? Or are those just words to you?" he said harshly.
"I-I was scared, alright?"

"You? The girl who died twice and managed to live again is scared of me? Your brother?"

Catherine shrugged helplessly and got up, "It's just... It's difficult to confront you, Harry. Come on, we both know how you react to these things." Harry did know. But he was still shocked that her little sister was somehow frightened by him in some ways. 5
"Well, I'm going downstairs," Catherine said holding up the book Harry got for her, "I'll be back later." She kissed his cheek and went down to the bar and secluded herself in an empty booth,
· Blood bending 7-20 42

· Mind control 21-32

· Controlling the dead 33-42

· Dark magic 43-57

· Latin spells and enchantments 58-69

· Potions 70- 84

· Horcruxes 85-100 33

· Hallows 101-110 8

· Death omens 111-197 2

· Dark magical artefacts 197-300 3

Ancient spells 300-394 5

"Interesting," Catherine said reading the Blood bending chapter.

Blood bending was first mastered by a Wizard in Bulgaria whose name remains anonymous, it is a critical and gruesome indeed to learn about this magic but it is however useful. Mastering this will take half a decade, only the most concentrated and powerful Warlocks can achieve with great ambition to master Blood bending. 9

The first step on Blood bending is to concentrate, clear out every thought in your mind. Be peaceful in mind and body, only set your mind on your opponent. Imagine your opponent as a puppet, the stings invisibly strung on your fingers, with every movement of your hands your opponent's body parts will move just as same. Remember, reader, to have complete control and concentration on your opponent, if not the consequences will be severe. 5

Catherine looked around the pub and saw no one but Tom the barman who was reading the Evening Prophet behind the counter and a bloke who fell asleep on one of the booths. Catherine closed her eyes and everything went silent, she gracefully lifted her hands and twirled her fingers. 3

She opened her eyes, to her disappointment the man was still asleep, and she grabbed her book and turned on her heel. She let out a blood curdling scream as she saw Tom on his feet like a rag doll, a pained expression his face, Catherine was now a Blood bender. She lifted her right arm, Tom eerily floated to her right, and she went pale and was shaking with pure fright.

She heard a car door slam outside the pub and cursed, she consulted the book on how to undo Blood bending. 1

Blood must be shed on the palm for the opponent to erase the memory or the past minute and regain consciousness, 7 drops of blood to be precise. 19

Catherine grabbed an empty bottle of Fire whiskey on a nearby table and smashed it, quickly grabbing the largest shard of broken glass and cutting her forearm, leaving a thin line of scarlet. 7 scarlet drops were on his palm; the colour returned to his face and regained consciousness. 2

Catherine quickly levitated his limp body behind the counter, making him look like he was asleep, the pub door was flung wide open and a family of 7 went in, matching red hair and freckles; The Weasley's. 4

Catherine kicked away the fragments of broken glass and hid her book under cushions of her seat. "Catherine?" Percy said bewilderment as she saw her, looking quiet tired and weary. 16

"Hi Percy! How's Egypt?" she asked hugging him.

"Brilliant, very fascinating. How are you?" he asked with a big smile.

"I'm doing great actually, what are you lot doing here in the middle of the night?" she asked looking at them.

"Dad got a letter-" George said.

"Saying that you-"

"And Harry-"

"Ran away from your homes-"

"And used magic." Fred finished.

"Why'd you do it?" Percy asked.

"Do what, Perce?" Catherine asked.

"Used magic out of school, what else is there?" he said.

"Believe it or not, boys, it was Harry." she said. "Yeah, right. Still a great joker, you are Catherine!" George said laughing as he dragged his trunk upstairs.Percy and Catherine were left alone in the pub, Fred and George upstairs, Mr & Mrs Weasley too busy to even notice them rushed upstairs with a sleeping Ginny floating in mid-air.

"Congratulation on being Head boy, Percy," Catherine said eyeing the badge proudly pinned on his robes. "Thank you and good work on being Prefect." he said. 1

"Thanks." They stood awkwardly, not bothering to say another word. "Well, see you in the morning." Catherine replied. "Wait." Percy said grabbing her by her arm. Damn it.

"What's happened to you?" he said concerned, wiping the blood away with his handkerchief.

"Can you keep a secret?" 29



"Do you think he's asleep?" Harry asked looking at the Wizard in shabby robes. 7

"I think so, yeah." Catherine said.

"Why Harry?" Hermione asked.

"I have something to tell you." he said closing the compartment door.

Percy knocked on their compartment before Harry could close it, and asked for Catherine, "See you guys later." she said locking the compartment as she left with him. "Does Catherine know this? About Sirius Black," Hermione asked in hushed tones, "I wouldn't be surprised if she did."

"Yeah, she does. I think she knows a bit more about him, she's hiding something." Harry said.

"That's Catherine for you, come on Harry. You know her." Ron said taking a bite of a Cauldron cake. "Harry, she trusts you. If she didn't would she tell you about her and Malfoy?" she asked.

"She had to tell me, Hermione. She just told me last night." he said bitterly. "Harry, there's a reason why Catherine's like this." Hermione said. "What is it then? Only a hand full of people she trusts." he snapped.

"What do you expect, Harry? She grew up in an Orphanage, not knowing what she can do, what she is, and who her parents are." Hermione snapped back.

"You think I don't know that, Hermione? You think I had a life of luxury being waited on hand and foot while she was living miserable in that Orphanage?" Harry said furiously. "Harry, that's not what I'm saying! She's been through worse than you have." Hermione said.

"Like what?" he asked.

"I think it's for the better if you ask her." she said calmly.

The train stopped abruptly on its tracks, the lights went off and the warm air went to ice.

Catherine'S POV:

"What is it Percy?" I ask. "Professor wants me to round up all the house Prefects, just wait here and we'll get to It." he said.

He opens the Prefects cabin and closes it as I got in, adrenaline rushed throughout my body when I realized I wasn't alone, "Hey love." Draco said smiling over me. 13

"Hey. How's your summer?" I ask smiling back at him. He puts an arm around me, "Pretty boring actually, how 'bout yours?" "Just the same," I reply squeezing his hand. I didn't plan telling him about what had happened over the past few days, to be honest I think he wouldn't really care so I just let the thought pass by.

"I missed you." he whispered making me smile, butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

I kissed him softly, he smiles and returned the kisses harder. I lock my arms around his neck, pressing our bodies closer, feeling his hot breath against my neck. The train stopped making us fall out of our seats, "You all right babe?" I nodded and looked for my wand, then I realised I left it. 32

In my rucksack, I left my rucksack with Harry. Shit. Chills ran up and down my back, I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck rise. I stood up and I was shaking madly, every memory from I had started rushing to my mind, tears welled up threatening to burst. 4

Draco saw this and held me close to him, just then the cabin door eerily went open but it wasn't Percy. A hooded figure with skeleton like hands went floated towards me. Stay away from my daughter you bastard! A man shouted and then I fell on my back hearing the screams of the unknown man. 34


"Harry! Harry!" Neville shouted, pushing the compartment door open forcibly, accidentally cracking it by the frame of the glass. "What is it Neville?" Hermione asked. 2

"It's Catherine, she's passed out! She's in the Prefects cabin." Neville informed.

Harry shoved the chocolate in his mouth and ran to the cabin, followed by Professor R.J Lupin. Catherine was still on the floor, twitching and screaming "get away!" Malfoy was outside the cabin looking petrified. "What happened, Malfoy?" Harry asked. 1

"She...she fainted....a Dementor." he was struggling to find the right words not bothering to insult Harry or how ridiculous his hair looked like. Professor gently rested her on the booths and muttered a spell, "The Dementors affected her badly. Harry, give her this when she wakes up." Professor said handing him a bar of chocolate. The boys sat awkwardly in the cabin, waiting or her to rise. "Thanks." Harry muttered.

"For what Potter?" Malfoy snapped.

"For looking after her." he replied. Malfoy smirked. 7


"Get away!" the words echoed in my mind, who was she talking to? What was that person trying to do? A thought rang in my mind that made me feel sick. No. It's inhuman. 3

She's just a child. What kind of a sick bastard would do that? A pair of green eyes caught my attention, I smiled and hugged her tightly fearing that I might let her go and never see her again.

"Hey sis," I say warmly.

"You okay?" She nods in reply and smiles faintly. I quickly hand her the chocolate, she gives me a confused look but eats it anyway. "How long was I out?" she asks.

"Longer than me, for about an hour I think." I say glancing at Malfoy, who was just silently watching. Catherine looked at us awkwardly and let out a smile, "It's legal that you two can talk you know? You won't die of it." she jokes.

"Right, well. I'd better be going, you okay being here? You can stay at our compartment if you want?" I ask.

"I'm fine here, thanks for asking." she says sitting upwards.

I nod and shot a glance at Malfoy and walked away to my compartment with guilt realising that Catherine did have a horrid childhood, even more terrible than mine. +

All that I could think was what kind of human being would do something so inhuman to child.

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