Chapter 6

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Catherine's point of view

"See you later, okay?" squeezing Draco's hand. "Of course." he said kissing my cheek. I smirked and kissed him back.

"Oi! Lover boy, snog later, we need to train." Flint said.2

I push Draco away and went to the Gryffindor Common room, "Where's Harry?"

Nobody, and I mean, nobody was in the room. Not a sign of anything at all, I went up the boy's dormitory and saw a faint light glow.


"Come in!" he said.

I stepped in the red and gold interiorized dorm, and sat on a vacant bed next to him. "I think an explanation is needed for what happened earlier." I say,

"I'm sorry for shouting at you, again. And I said those things because, it's the truth. Everyone is putting their trust in your hands, the boy who lived. Not the girl. They don't even acknowledge me, Harry. It has to be you and only you."

He didn't answer.

I got the message and started to walk to the door. "I can't do this alone, Catherine. You aren't the only one who's pressured right now. You were there last night mum and dad died, you were the first one who got this." He said pointing to his scar and mine's.

"We might not get along that well but things will get better, I promise. We can do it together, Catherine; get rid of Voldemort, live the lives we always wanted and have a proper family. I promise that this will all be over soon." He said looking at our identical green eyes.

I could feel tears stinging in my eyes, "Don't promise something you can't be sure about fulfilling. What if it all backfires?" I ask. "Then we try, again. Look, it doesn't matter if we fail, then we try again until we succeed." He said smiling at me. I smile back and hug him.

"Thanks Harry,"

"Anytime sis,"



"Why do you have the Marauder's map?" Catherine asked unfolding the piece of parchment. "I'm not even going to ask how you know about this." Harry said.

"Just... Be careful." Catherine said tucking it away in his pocket.

Harry laughed, "I wish I could say the same to you, Em."


"There you are, you're late," Flint snapped.

"Pardon?" Catherine said raising her brow.

Flint rolled his eyes, "Draco can't play yet, still a bit tricky with that arm. You'll substitute for him." He said handing her a broom.

"But...who'll be the Beater?" Catherine asked. "Never mind who'll be the beater! Now get your arse in the field!" he said pushing her outside. A spark ignited his robes causing him to shriek. "Never lay a hand on her." Draco said pointing his wand at him.3

Flint scowled and stormed outside.

"You all right?" Draco asked concern in his voice.

"I'm fine. I could've handled that you know." Catherine said crossing her arms. "To answer your question, Blaise will cover for your position." He said kissing her forehead.

"I don't know what's going on in Flint's mind at the moment; I'll talk to him later." He added.

"No. Don't. He's probably got a lot going on even without the match coming up." She said. Draco looked impressed, "Someone's in a good mood today. What happened to the old Catherine?" he asked.

"Let's just say she took a day off." Catherine joked.

"I have to go, see you later love." She said about to go out of the room into the field.

"I think you forgotten something." Draco said.

Catherine scrunched her nose and looked at the tables, and then she noticed that Draco's cheek was held high, she laughed. "You can be so soft sometimes." Catherine said kissing him.

Draco pulled her closer, with no space left to separate them. The kiss was more passionate than the usual kisses they did, it was more intense.2

"Catherine! We need to go now, Flint's freaking out and- Oh." Blaise stopped on his tracks when he saw the two snogging. "Save the fun for later, mates. We really need to practice or else we'll suck as bad as the Hufflepuffs." Blaise said.26

"See you later babe." Draco said smiling as she left. He sat on the benches, watching the Slytherin team train for next week's match against the Ravenclaws. "She's great." A voice said behind him. It was Harry. "Great is an understament for her, the way she plays." Draco commented. Harry nodded, watching Catherine catch the snitch.

"Thank you." Harry said. Draco looked at him confusingly.

"For what?" he asked.

"For stopping her almost torture Flint, yeah, I saw that." He said grinning. If he saw what happened with Flint, he's bound to know what happened earlier. Draco thought. "Malfoy, I may not like you but if you make her happy then that's fine with me." Harry said smiling at her sister who had just flown down to the field.

Harry disappeared before Draco was about to respond. Draco saw Catherine's dog, Callidus, a few meters away from the benches.

It struck Draco that he didn't even notice the dog.

Draco shook off the odd feeling and went down to the field.


"Evening, girls," Ginny said brightly.

"Someone's in a good mood." Hermione observed.

"Wonder why." Catherine said biting her apple. "Derek asked her out." Luna said taking a peep from her Quibbler, her silvery grey eyes sparkling with mystery.

A chorus of "Ohhh!" came from most of the Gryffindor girls. While the Gryffindor girls started asking about details of where and when it was taking place, Catherine saw a group of Gryffindors calling out to each other and going to the seventh floor, their Common room.

"Guys, what's going on over there?" Catherine asked. "Probably Neville forgot the password again." Ron said with a mouthful of food.

"Hey!" Neville said defensively.

They went up to their floor and found a mass of Gryffindors, blocking the portrait of the Fat Lady. "Percy! What's going on?" Ginny asked. "The Fat Lady's been attacked." He said. "Good. Bloody singer she was." Ron said.6

"By who, Percy?" Harry asked.

Percy had gotten pale, "Sirius Black."


"Do you really think he's in the castle?" Catherine whispered. "Probably,"

"What do you mean by that?"

Harry shrugged, "I don't know, he's been spotted by the Fat Lady. He's probably outside the castle right now."

"You didn't see him on the map?" Catherine asked keeping her voice low.

"No, I haven't checked it yet." He said pulling it out of his pocket. "No!" Catherine hissed pushing it back. "Dumbledore's coming; I'd hide it if I were you." Catherine said closing her eyes as the Headmaster went in their direction of sleeping bags.

Harry shoved it into his pocket and pretended to sleep. The headmaster was talking to Snape, about someone helping Black getting in the castle. "Severus, I doubt that any of the staff would help him get inside." Dumbledore said calmly.12

They continued to chatter about any of the staff members or students that would help. Eventually, the two professors left leaving the twins in bewilderment.

"Who in the right mind would help him?" Catherine asked.9

"I don't know."

Even in the dark, Harry could see Catherine's face creased with worry. Harry smiled which made her smirk. "What's so funny?"

"You, before you were this girl. Not a care in the world. Beating up anyone who pisses her off,"

"I am not like that. Am I?"

"Not anymore. You've changed and for the better too." Harry said squeezing her hand. Catherine smiled. "Do you think I should apologize to Greengrass?"

This simply amazed Harry.

"I don't see why not."

Catherine kissed his cheek, "Good night, Harry."

"Good night."

Catherine Potter~Book 3~Prisoner of AzkabanWhere stories live. Discover now