Chapter 4

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"Catherine Emilia Potter, you get your ass out here now!" Pansy shouted at the loo. 8

"Don't get your knickers in a twist! I'm coming!" Catherine shouted back.

Catherine looked at her reflection; she looked radiant. Her hair done in messy waves, her dress was complementing her figure in every way possible. She studied her hair which has showing strands of scarlet red and brown hues. 1

"Well, this is as good as it is going to get." she muttered to herself as she unlocked the door. "There you are! Took you long enough...Wow." Pansy said in amazement.

"Earth to Pansy! Come on." Catherine said snapping her out of a trance.

"How do I look?" She asked. "So good that I'd be a lesbian and snog you," 18

Catherine laughed, "I'll take that as a compliment. Where's your date?" she asked closing the door.

"Oh, it's Blaise; he's waiting outside the dorm." Pansy said her cheeks red. "Still can't believe you won't tell me who your date is." She added.

"You'll see soon enough, let's go."


I was waiting outside Slytherin's common room, looking for Catherine. A 3rd year Slytherin approached me, "You're Weasley, right? Catherine's date." He asked.

"Yeah, Percy Weasley. You are?"

He shook my hand, "Blaise, so how did you" Blaise said. "Well, she's a good friend of mine. And my brothers and sister as well, do you mind me asking something?" I say to him. "Not at all, shoot." He said breezily.

"What's going on with Catherine and Malfoy?" I asked.

He laughed for moment, "Even I don't know, they fought weeks ago, a big one. They broke up. Both of them seemed pretty distraught about it, and then you came in the picture and asked her to the ball." He said knowingly.

"Oh." I said awkwardly shifting my feet.

"Don't worry about, Malfoy has other plans. My turn to ask the question; Penelope Clearwater," He said.

I could swear I felt something knot in my stomach, "What about her?" Blaise looked at me, "How is it you're going with Catherine when you're dating Clearwater?" I shake my head, "We broke up over the summer, and she hates me. Don't even bother asking why." I said.

"Asking what?" a voice asked from behind me.

"Oh, nothing!" Percy said grinning.

"Well, come then let's not wait for the grass to grow." Pansy said impatiently. 1

"You look beautiful." Percy said taking her arm. "Thanks. You look good too." She said with a shy smile then she realized what she just said, "I mean in other terms, obviously. You know, beautiful in other ways, like..." She stopped, breaking down in laughter. 9

Percy laughed as well. Catherine shook her head, "I am so sorry, I don't know what I'm saying-"

"No," Percy said, interrupting her," I think it's cute, Em. Thanks anyways." He said, kissing her forehead.

"Can somebody please tell me why they're masks?" Blaise asked picking up a feathered mask from the table outside the Great hall. "It's a masquerade ball; we made a few changes with it." Catherine said with a wink.

Blaise shrugged and strapped it on, Pansy took one that had pink sparkles, Percy took a gold one, and Catherine took a black mask with a feather on the front. "How the bloody hell are we supposed to know who is who?" Pansy asked slightly irritated. "That's the fun part." Catherine snickered."Hi Catherine!" The twins said.

"Perce, mind we borrow her for a moment?" Fred asked.

"Not at all," Percy said.

Fred & George pulled her into the other side of the Great hall, "Did you guys get the Fire whiskey?" Catherine asked in hushed tones. "Oh. We got it alright." George said avoiding her eyes. "What's the supposed to mean?" she asked a frown forming.

"George lost it." Fred blurted. "Did not!" he said smacking the back to his head.

"I misplaced it." George added. 3

"Well, you bet the record for the fastest screw up, how could you lose it?" Catherine said crossing her arms. "I don't know! I just settled it on the table and-"George stopped in mid-sentence and looked at the punch bowl. "You have got to be kidding me." Catherine said shaking her head. "I don't think he is, Em. What do we do?" Fred asked. "Nothing." Catherine said with a sigh.

"What?!" the twins said.

"We don't have a choice! If we tell the professors we'll get our asses in trouble. However, if we don't all the students will be more drunk than Hagrid has been in years! I'll take care of this."


"I'll wing it. For now, you two keep an eye on every student who drinks from that bowl. When they do slap it away from them."

"We can do that."

Catherine straightened her mask and made her way through the crowd.

"Catherine?" she turned and got a good look at him.

"Draco?" she asked thunderstruck.

"Can we talk?" he whispered. Catherine nodded and they walked out of the hall, "I'm sorry." He said holding her hands in his. Catherine missed the feeling, she mostly missed being with him.

"What's that now?" she smirked.

"I'm not going to say it again, Em. Can we go and give us another try?" he pleaded. Catherine stood on her toes and whispered to his ear, "Yes." Draco smiled and pulled her close to him, "Thank you." Catherine pulled away and shook her head. "I have to talk to Percy first." She said.

"What?" he asked raising his voice. "He's my date, anyways; you've got to tell Astoria too." She said with a smirk.

"Fine, I'll see you later, yeah?" Draco said kissing her cheek.



Percy smiled when he caught a glimpse of a certain Ravenclaw, in a midnight blue dress. Penelope Clearwater, she looked beautiful as she danced, her blond curls trailing after her. "You still love her." Catherine said.

"You're too smart for your age." Percy said with a laugh.

"So I've been told why don't you go after her?" she said nudging him. "I can't, you should have seen her face when she broke up with me. She looked at me like a monster." He said in despair.

"Tell her the truth. You've changed, Percy. I see it in your eyes, go." Catherine said. "What about you?" Percy asked. Catherine smiled, "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." She replied.

Percy finally plucked up the courage and walked to Penelope and asked her to dance. She smiled and accepted with a whole heart. "That was easier than expected." Catherine muttered to herself. She quickly walked to the outside of the hall, expected to see Draco waiting for her.

The odds weren't in her favour, Draco was indeed there but he wasn't alone. He was snogging Astoria Greengrass. . It was too much for Catherine to see, something had snapped inside her. She felt confused, hurt, but mostly enraged. 13

She couldn't speak nor cast a curse to them. She walked away with her dignity; she blinked away rebellious tears as she sat down.

"Hey." Derek said sitting beside her.

"Hi." She replied.

"Want a drink?" he asked.

Before she could say anything tears escaped from her eyes, making it hard for her to say anything that humans could understand.

"Here. Drink this." Derek said handing her a goblet.

Catherine took a sip and felt the drink ignite in her mouth; "Oh God, forgot to tell you. This is Fire whiskey, don't drink it too much." She said.

"That explains why Ron is so crazy, more than usual." He said with a laugh. Catherine looked around for Ron; he was dancing by himself, waving his arms like a lunatic. Catherine broke into laughter and took another sip. 14

"I have to warn you, I'm a very cheap drunk. Heads up when I do something more idiotic than I do sober." She said. "Good to now, want to dance?" Derek asked offering his hand. 4

"Why the hell not?" Catherine accepted and was now waltzing with him. "He's a bloody idiot if you ask me." Derek said.

"You saw?" Catherine asked looking in his eyes.

"Yeah, on the bright side; Astoria looked like a Hooker in that dress." He said laughing. Catherine laughed uncontrollably and the image of the skimpy black dress popped in her mind. "She looked like a Prostitute in that." She said, even if it was the same thing he said. They both laughed and drank some more. 1

"Catherine!" George said slapping the goblet away from her.

"What the bloody hell was that for?!" Catherine shouted. "That...was Fire whiskey." George said innocently. "So? I know that. I've removed the Fire whiskey from the bowl; it's in the other one at the other side of the hall. Only 3rd years and up can drink from it." Catherine added getting another goblet.

"Wicked." The twins said.

"Better hide that, Harry's coming." Derek whispered. Catherine silently cursed and drank it down, "Hey Harry!" she said a bit more cheerfully.

"Hey Em, care to dance?" Harry asked.

Catherine looked at Derek who was now dancing with Ginny, "Sure." Catherine said smiling. "You cried." He said. "I'd rather not talk about it." Catherine said.

"Catherine, please stop this. I can't stand seeing you like this, please let me help." Harry said.

"It's a long story."

"I can wait."

"I gave Draco another chance; he blew it and snogged Astoria." Catherine said. "Okay, not that long." She added. 5

"I'm going to kill him." Harry said walking outside.

"Harry, no! I know he's a stupid git and a prick and all but this is my fight. I can handle it. Honestly." Catherine said her green eyes big and mesmerizing.

"Fine, but if he lays a hand on you-"Catherine kissed him, "Don't worry, Harry. I'm a big girl. I can handle it. But if I want to do him some minor damage, I can call you." She joked. 23

"Very funny," Harry said rolling his eyes.

"Where's Hermione?" Catherine asked looking around for a head of bushy hair.

"She's barricaded herself in her dorm, drowned in loads of homework." Harry said. "Why I am not surprised." She said laughing. "You seem to be a bit off, are you sure you're all right?" he asked eyeing her curiously. "I'm fine!" she snorted. "You're snockered." Harry said his shoulders downed. 8

"Am not!" Catherine protested.

"Oh, please. I can smell your breath." Harry said bleakly. "Harry, I can take care of myself. Drunk or sober, I can. Go dance with Ginny, I'm just going to sit."

"Fine, I'm keeping an eye on you." Harry warned approaching Ginny.

"Aren't you always?" Catherine muttered.

Catherine walked outside to the Lake, where she sat there like the little 13 year old she was.

"Cold?" Derek asked. 3

Catherine shook her head, "I like the cold." Derek nodded and sat next to her. "Did you love him?" he asked. Catherine winced at the question; nobody asked her that, she was incapable of such emotion. It was rare of her to love, especially to someone not by blood. "I was an idiot for doing so, and I still am." Catherine said truthfully.

"I don't blame you. When I first saw you guys, arm in arm to each other; I envied you two. I never seen that kind of love before, I saw the way you looked in his eyes, and I saw him look the same way to you. I never been in or felt love, never even had a kiss in my life." Derek said.

Catherine, without thinking, kissed him. Catherine pulled away and realized what she had done, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it. Sorry." She said running away. I'm a horrible person Catherine thought.

"Ouch!" a voice said colliding with her. It was Draco Malfoy, "You bastard." Catherine smacked him hard causing the whole student body to see.

"I gave you a chance! And you ruin it by snogging Astoria?! I hope you rot in hell, Malfoy!" she shouted at him.

"Catherine! Damn it, let me explain!" he said trailing after her.

"Explain what?! How you humiliated me in front of everyone or how you broke my heart?!" she shouted. "She kissed me! I had no intention of whatsoever doing that!" he explained.

"Then why didn't you stop her?!" Catherine screeched. "I did stop her! Bloody fought her off to do it." Draco said. "I can do this, Draco! If you won't take care of this, then I will!" Catherine said slamming the door. Astoria just came in the Common room; this is going to be good.

"Speak of the devil." Catherine hissed. "

Come on, love. You're missing the dance." She cooed. "Leave me alone, Greengrass." Draco said pushing her away. "Oh, she's here. Come on, let's go to somewhere private." She said seductively. Catherine finally snapped. 3

"You slut! Get away from him." Catherine said drawing her wand out. 4


"Slag," 2

"Crazy bitch," 1

"What did you call me?" Catherine hissed pinning her to the stone wall.

Astoria whimpered. "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!"Catherine repeated. She let her go, "I'll let you go this time, Greengrass." She said coldly. Catherine looked behind her to see a bunch of Slytherin girls, either nodding in approval or twitching in fear. 9

"Expelliarmus!" a voice ringed behind her.

Catherine turned around just in time and blocked the spell, "So that's how you want to do it, very well. Let's do this my way." Catherine hid her wand in her pocket and threw a hard punch in her stomach. Astoria gasped for air and held her fists. 2

"Stop it! Catherine, remember who you are. Please." Draco said holding her arm.

Catherine's green eyes were unchanging then relaxed; she nodded and walked away with him. "Oh no you don't" Astoria said swinging her fist to Catherine's face.

She caught her hand just before it touched her face and twisted it, making Astoria shriek in agony. Catherine punched her face, a disgusted crack echoed; her nose broke. 6

"I never want to see you in my sight ever again, do you understand me?" Catherine said holding her chin in an iron grip. Astoria nodded in fear. +

Catherine smiled twistedly and disappeared.

Catherine Potter~Book 3~Prisoner of AzkabanWhere stories live. Discover now