Chapter 27

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"Hey Al! Love your entrance but wrong timing as ever so could you please carry on your walking and never look back yeah?" Johnny said distractedly as he swiftly dodged a punch.

"Right Im just gonna go-" Al stiffened as she felt a cold sharp knife against her neck.

"Yeahh I dont think I can do that." Al said clearly.

"Aluna..." Taeyong sighed as he knocked out the last goon and stares sternly at her.

"What? Arent you going to help me?" Al said feigning innocent. Mark cant help but to laugh at the girl acts.

"Dont move! Or I will slash this bitch's throat." The goon said pressing dangerously on her skin.

"Honey, I know you lack entertainment in your life but this is not it ok?" Johnny shook his head amusingly ignoring the goon's threat.

"Fine." Al sighed bitterly but accidentally nudged the goon because she lost her footing.

"I said dont move!" He yelled loudly.

"Dont yell at my ears moron." Al swiftly detached the knife from his hands and knocked the man out using the back of the knife.

"I was expecting to see something more girly but who am I kidding." Lucas chuckled as he gave Al a hug.

"Why are you walking by yourself at night, Aluna?" Taeyong rubbed his temple.

"I like dark places." Al shrugged.

"Right. Because of that we are able to befriend the most lack of emotion person in our life." Johnny joked.

"You guys looked like you haven't slept in 2 days."

"The things we have to do for our country, grumpykid." Mark said tucking his gloves in his pockets.

"Ice cream?" Al said out of the blue.

Johnny, Mark and Lucas looked at each other and starts making excuses.

"Ah, Im too tired."

"I think they hit my head earlier, no can do."

"I got a date tomorrow so I gotta look fresh and get my beauty sleep!"

"Ok cool see ya." Al said dragging Taeyong away from them.

"She didn't even have to ask." Johnny mused.

"Im betting on Al confessing her feelings first." Mark said as they walk to their car.

"Really now." Johnny rolled his eyes annoyed with the bets while Lucas looked like he is thinking hard on who would take the first step.

"I dont know man. TY hyung is different now." He slid into the car.

Al looked at Taeyong weirdly as he secure his coat on her shoulder.

"Aren't you cold?" She asked.

"Are you not?"

"I asked for ice cream, what do you think?"

Taeyong hummed as he leaned to the bench. They were sitting by the city convenience store watching the tall building city lights and busy road even at night.

"The drug lord is still loose huh?" Al asked as she took the last bite of the ice cream cone.

"Yeah, putting an end to this is complicated. Sometimes I wished that I can be more like you." Taeyong sighed. Al turned to look at him quietly. Her eyes soften at him.

He must have gone through so much as a leader.

Whether he like it or not, he must lead clan as he hold all the responsibility on him. He cant just walk away.

"How have you been, Taeyong?" Al asked meaningfully as she swept his bangs away from his eyes.

Taeyong smiled softly as he gazed at her eyes.

"Better now."

"See, we should hang out with each other more often." Al grinned.

Taeyong cleared his throat as he look away from her.

"I have an idea." He said.


"You should make coat and sweats a fashion trend."

"Right." Al snorted.

"Crap." Mark cursed. The boys grew amused at their youngest.

"What is it, Mark?" Jaehyun asked questioningly.

"Remember that dude that called Al a bitch?" Mark said scratching his head.

"Al was there?" Kun asked worriedly.

"Yeah, same entrance as when we first met her." Johnny laughed.

"Hey, focus on me!" Mark said exasperatedly.

"The one who yelled at Al's ears?" Lucas asked jokingly.

"My sweetpea Aluna, a bitch? Please tell me that dude died." Yuta rolled his eyes.

"Yeahh. Um, we didn't finish the deed with him. TY hyung said we have to-"

"Oh! Al only just knocked him out. Oh my lawd." Lucas said dramatically.

"Relax, this is actually good. He will lure the big boys out, Mark." Johnny said assuringly. Jaehyun nodded approvingly.

"The smaller trash will crawled back to his dumpster, telling them that we are a threat and brought the bigger trash out." Kun nodded.

"Oh." Mark and Lucas said in unison. 

"But we have to keep an eye for each other a lot more than before... including Al." Jaehyun said seriously.

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