Love Sick (Connor x Sick!Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Well, it's not like I wanted to get sick..."

The Lieutenant sighed. "Look, I'm sorry if I'm being too harsh." You could imagine him gesturing to the person pacing. "This android 'guard dog' of yours has been pacing back and forth all morning. And if you don't get better soon... well..."

"I understand. I'll see what I can do."

The Lieutenant began arguing with Connor in the background as you hung up the phone. You sighed, sitting up from the bed. Perhaps you could push through this enough to go to work with just some headache medicine. That was wrong. The moment you stood up, your head began to swim. You collapsed to the bed once more, sighing. You decided to set your alarm for an hour and get some rest. Perhaps a little sleep would miraculously save you from this fever.


When you woke up, it was pitch black outside. As you slowly began to be aware of your surroundings, a realization came to you. It was night time... but how? You set your alarm clock for only an hour. How could so much time have passed?! You had completely missed work, not to mention lunch, and dinner. Your stomach growled at the thought. That was probably a good sign, considering you felt like eating something. You frowned as you brushed your hand over the bedside table, searching for your alarm clock. To your surprise, it was gone. You were certain you had left it there. You sat up, your head spinning. You closed your eyes, trying to settle your turning stomach before you opened them again. You were about to try and get up from the bed, when you saw something odd.

Near your bed, at the doorway, there was a glowing light. It was small, and it was amber. You wondered if you were dreaming again. You stood up cautiously from the bed and approached the light. You began to see the amber light closer; and the face it illuminated. You screamed in fright at the light it cast over the strangers face. You threw your pillow at him, continuing to scream.

A light flicked on. You squinted in the bright lights.

"Sorry, sorry!" A voice that you recognized said. "I didn't... I mean, I thought..." You raised your head to find Connor standing in your bedroom doorway, holding the pillow you had tossed at him. 

"JESUS CHRIST CONNOR!!" The Lieutenant's language was rubbing off on you. "You scared the life out of me!" You lay back on the bed, trying to calm your racing heart. Connor gently placed the pillow under your head, and sat on a chair next to you.

"I was only checking on you," Connor replied, as if appearing in someone's room in the middle of the night was a completely normal thing to do. "Your heart was pulsing at a rate 0.5% the healthy rate. Your average body temperatures are also much higher."

"I don't need a report Connor." You rolled over in bed, squeezing the pillow in your arms, your face turning red. Why was he here? "Did you come and tell me to hurry up so you can investigate the broadcast?" The words came out harsher than you had intended. You winced.

"No... I want you to recover quickly... but not for that reason," He replied quietly. You turned your head and saw him studying you, with those brown calculating eyes. 

"Why is that Connor?"

"Well..." He straightened his tie, and glanced away. "It's just that well..." He paused, hesitating. "You just need to get better." He finished. Then he smiled and stood up. "You're hungry. Is there anything in particular you would like to eat?"

You sat in surprise for a long moment, wondering if you had just imagined those previous words he had said. After all, it was completely out of character for Connor. Saying something like that was so... human. Your head felt dizzy again, and you pressed your hand to your temple. "Anything is fine," You replied to Connor. He smiled, and left the room. That smile etched onto your mind. You wondered why it stayed there for so long. You hoped this wasn't the beginning of 'love' sickness.

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