Hard Pill To Swallow

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There was never fear to fear in my childhood.
I wanted a cone but instead went to an island of it.
I was faced with the face of suffocation.
Not knowing where to go or begin, I jumped in.
I'll never try to ride another wave.
Smiling, yet dying from a current.
A hard truth to sleep with.
Laughing it off, but realizing later on.
A life that was unclear to me,
I'll never know what it would of been if I was Brooklyn.
Maybe a tattoo, a bad bruise on my leg.
A hopeless dream I see now, but my passion in another life.
So, so many choices.
Life is endless.
When I speak on LIFE, I mean our own lives.
A life doesn't end cause we died,
a life ends when you no longer think of different possibilities that person could of been.
I'm filled with smokey eyes.
I haven't seen clear since- what day is it today?
The spark that ignited in my eyes has been long gone.
Touched from miles away, I feel your warm embrace.

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