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"bambam... can i talk to you?" yugyeom knew he had to tell bambam how he felt. he couldn't keep living with a such strong feelings. maybe telling bambam would help him get over his feelings, at least he hoped.

"yeah, what's going on?" bambam knew whatever yugyeom was going to say was serious just based on his voice, but also that yugyeom wouldn't look him in the eyes.

"i don't- i don't want this to make our friendship weird. i just need to say this and i don't know if it's selfish to tell you because it might make you uncomfortable. maybe i shouldn't tell you." yugyeom's rambling scared bambam. was he just being dramatic with how bad it was or should he be worried?

"yugyeom, it's okay. just tell me." bambam put his hand on yugyeom's knee but moved it when he saw yugyeom's face. he didn't want the younger to be uncomfortable but it also made him upset that yugyeom was uncomfortable with bambam touching him.

"um i like you. maybe love you. and i know we're best friends and i shouldn't but i figured telling you should help me get over my feelings. and i'm really sorry." yugyeom stopped talking when he saw bambam just staring at him. he looked down at his lap only for his chin to be lifted by bambam's fingers.

"why are you sorry, yug?"

"because i shouldn't feel this way about you and it's really dumb."

"don't be sorry, yuggie. do you know why you shouldn't be sorry?" yugyeom looked at him with the most adorable eyes, waiting for bambam keep talking. bambam wiped the tears that started rolling down yugyeom's cheeks. "i like you, too, yuggie."

"what?" to say yugyeom was shocked would be a drastic understatement. he had no clue what to say because he was sure there was no way bambam liked him.

"i like you, too. i realized it when i said those things to you. i- you're the most important person in my life and i don't know what to do without you."

the two laid on bambam's bed, their faces inches away from each other as they talked. bambam giggled as yugyeom told him about his crush on him.

"when you dyed the front of your hair pink, i remember thinking about how cute you were. everything thought you were such a baby. your cheeks were even more chubby then. you were so adorable. well you still are. and when you smile and you scrunch your nose, i swear i like you more every time."

bambam smiled, pushing forward to hug yugyeom. his face pressed against the larger's chest made him feel safe. and yugyeom's arms around him made him giddy.

"you liked me for a long time," bambam commented, giggling when yugyeom huffed. "i'm glad you told me."

"me too. but i was scared you wouldn't like me and it would ruin our friendship."

"even if i didn't like you like i do, it would never ruin our relationship. you're still my best friend, yug."

"can i take you on a date?" yugyeom asked softly. even though he knew bambam liked him back, he wanted to do the while thing officially. bambam nodded, not moving his face from yugyeom's chest.

"let's go have dinner." bambam decided that that would be a good time for their first date. he didn't want to wait. he wanted to be yugyeom's boyfriend and be able to kiss him. and just be a boyfriend with him.

"right now?" yugyeom asked as bambam started to sit up. bambam nodded and grabbed yugyeom's hand, pulling him to sit up, too. it was late and they knew most restaurants wouldn't be open much longer.

"let's get fast food."

so they wore pajamas, got in yugyeom's car, and went to burger king. they held hands as they drove.

yugyeom was sure he was dreaming. he may of pinched his thigh when they were at a stop light just to see if he woke up. but he didn't. he was on a date with bambam. bambam. sure, they held hands as friends but this was different. they were on a date.

they went through the drive through. yugyeom knew bambam's order because the boy had been getting the same thing since they were young children.

when they got back to bambam's, his mom was there. she hadn't known anything that had happened so she didn't dislike yugyeom like yugyeom was sure his mom wasn't to happy with bambam, they just hadn't seen her yet.

"i'm glad you two got food. i didn't realize you were here so i didn't make dinner. i'm going to bed." she kissed her son's cheek and patted yugyeom's arm before going to her own room which was across the house from bambam's.

bambam carried their drinks, yugyeom with their food, to his room. they giggled when they looked at each other from their seats on bambam's across from each other.

"bambam, this was the least impressive date ever, but would you be my boyfriend?" yugyeom moved the bag of empty food boxes and he was glad he did. bambam pounced onto him, kissing his cheek and wrapping his arms around the younger.

"yes." his nose was cold against yugyeom's cheek because of the a.c. but yugyeom didn't mind. "you're so warm."

"let's get under the blankets, silly."

first bambam washed his face and they brushed their teeth, but then they get under the blankets.

"good night, beautiful. i hope you have sweet dreams," yugyeom said softly, his hand moving up and down so his finger tips caressed bambam's cute pajama shirt.

"how couldn't i when i have you here with me?"

love him // yugbamWhere stories live. Discover now